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Any news on the patch in development and upcoming enhancements?


Is there any news on the patch that was updated and put back into development, that Beamdog announced several weeks ago? Any word on when that will be released into production?

Also, there hasn't been an August update from Beamdog talking about the upcoming enhancements, like the shader/renderer. I recall Julius saying there would be an August update, but I haven't seen it. :\

Any updates would be appreciated.



  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    It is probably crunch time for getting the games to console so I would expect news to surface after the October release of all the games (minus NWN:EE).
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    We're still testing the development build for NWN:EE.

    Sorry about no August update, turned out everyone in the office were extremely busy (and still are).
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Has the Beamdog employees ever said « we are just #*$&ing the dog »?
    It is pretty safe to say they are a development shop that will be always busy.
    They will be busy in October , they will be busy in November.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    They are a business after all. The only time a business isn't busy is when it is out of business.

    That isn't a excuse for beamdog's bad communication though. Publicity and customer aftercare are top priorities even in the heftiest of workflows.
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    They are a business after all. The only time a business isn't busy is when it is out of business.

    That isn't a excuse for beamdog's bad communication though. Publicity and customer aftercare are top priorities even in the heftiest of workflows.
    Since the move to the new offices, Beamdog has been trying to change that paradigm.
    We will move to a monthly q and a.
    We will move to a blog.
    We won’t do anything.

  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    Staran wrote: »
    They are a business after all. The only time a business isn't busy is when it is out of business.

    That isn't a excuse for beamdog's bad communication though. Publicity and customer aftercare are top priorities even in the heftiest of workflows.
    Since the move to the new offices, Beamdog has been trying to change that paradigm.
    We will move to a monthly q and a.
    We will move to a blog.
    We won’t do anything.
    Yeah, the weekly video hour was overkill, but this is the other end of the spectrum. Apart from Julius his small updates of course.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    maybe beamdog has not that much to say? thats the main reason they stopped the live streams.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    megamike15 wrote: »
    maybe beamdog has not that much to say? thats the main reason they stopped the live streams.
    Coming up with different ways to say nothing every week was also quite taxing probably :smile:
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    Re. The Livestreams. It probably didn't help that the same questions were asked every week... A bit like a kid in a car going "Are we there yet?.. Are we there yet?.. Are we there yet?... etc."

  • DFDarkDFDark Member Posts: 32
    Ending the livestreams is kinda understandable, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem once per month to write something like "We're currently about half-done with OC chapter 2 facelift." or "We made these HD goblins with new shiny attack anims." etc.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Re. The Livestreams. It probably didn't help that the same questions were asked every week... A bit like a kid in a car going "Are we there yet?.. Are we there yet?.. Are we there yet?... etc."

    That usually happens when questions are being evaded every week instead of, you know, answered. Though this did not only happen during the livestreams. But at the monthly Q&A's as well. Receiving no answers understandably strains everyone's patience. No matter their age. At some point people just stop caring. Which would explain as to why the number of livestream watchers steadily decreased over time.
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Re. The Livestreams. It probably didn't help that the same questions were asked every week... A bit like a kid in a car going "Are we there yet?.. Are we there yet?.. Are we there yet?... etc."

    That usually happens when questions are being evaded every week instead of, you know, answered. Though this did not only happen during the livestreams. But at the monthly Q&A's as well. Receiving no answers understandably strains everyone's patience. No matter their age. At some point people just stop caring. Which would explain as to why the number of livestream watchers steadily decreased over time.
    Listening to
    Q: how is the development of x coming along?
    A: Ongoing
    Month after month isn’t helpful.
    Q: how is the development of x coming along?
    A: Last month we were at 20 percent, now we are at 21%?
    At least we can “guestemate “another 79 months until it is done.
    So when I hear that they went from 20% to 25% in a month I feel good.

  • BluddyBluddy Member Posts: 20
    I imagine they're working feverishly on porting NWN:EE to consoles. The issue right now is that it's always more cost effective for them to invest in another port, as that opens up another possible income stream, rather than enhancing what is there, as their games are now sold at high discount. There's simply no incentive for them to actually deliver a serious upgrade unless they come up with a good DLC to sell.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Your analysis is probably correct, yeah. Beamdog is a pretty small outfit, and I'm sure that, for such old games, they usually only sell when they're on specials, which means the profit margins are even tinier. The harsh reality is that sometimes you just have to focus on what will actually bring in revenue to keep the company afloat rather than taking on projects (even beloved pet projects) that would probably not bring in enough new income to justify the time and manpower sunk into it.

    I'd love to see more updates for NWN too, but considering that I myself bought NWN:EE when it was on offer, I'm happy just to get to play an old favourite game on modern systems. Fingers crossed eventually we'll get this patch, but it'll come when it comes.
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    It's a bit alarming they still haven't made the blog post about the new renderer.

    What NWN EE really needs to take off is a new module that showcases the new renderer and makes the game look brand new. We've already seen it can look great.

    Logically the game should take off again since there's no competition for a similar modular and multiplayer experience, right?
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    Don't forget NwN2 but it is apparently a pig to develop for. I took one look at its toolset and ran screaming from the room.

  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Don't forget NwN2 but it is apparently a pig to develop for. I took one look at its toolset and ran screaming from the room.


    Indeed. XD I tried to do a bit of creative work in there as well back when it first came out, but I found it extremely dense to try and get into, with a much steeper learning curve. It seems that I wasn't the only one, because by the time I'd finished Storm of Zehir, there STILL wasn't a lot of custom modules out, and so I dropped NWN2 and moved on to another game. NWN2 had a lot of promise in its own way, but I think the lack of good custom community content really hindered it from becoming a proper successor to NWN1.
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    Zaxares wrote: »
    Don't forget NwN2 but it is apparently a pig to develop for. I took one look at its toolset and ran screaming from the room.


    Indeed. XD I tried to do a bit of creative work in there as well back when it first came out, but I found it extremely dense to try and get into, with a much steeper learning curve. It seems that I wasn't the only one, because by the time I'd finished Storm of Zehir, there STILL wasn't a lot of custom modules out, and so I dropped NWN2 and moved on to another game. NWN2 had a lot of promise in its own way, but I think the lack of good custom community content really hindered it from becoming a proper successor to NWN1.

    If they fix the NWN 1 graphics engine and we get new content for it I think 1 will be a superior game to 2 in every way.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited December 2019
    Well, it is finally here. All the comments seem to indicate it's a super buggy patch (not surprising for a release this big). And it doesn't look like they included True Type Font support as I was told it would over a year ago, sigh.
    If you have trouble with the UI being stuck in windowed mode, which a lot of people are having (also, trouble with the mouse pointer not being the in the right place) here is a fix:
    ctrl+shift+f12 to access the new UI-->config-->graphics.window section, select exclusive in the Window Mode pull down menu.
    Press ctrl+shift+f12 again to make the the new config UI disappear.
    I hope that helps. That's what fixed it for me.
    I reported this as a bug in a development build a while back, so it could've been avoided, but alas they decided to blame it on my computer. At least now I can tell everyone how to fix it since they helped me do that much.
    Post edited by themazingness on
  • SkipBittmanSkipBittman Member Posts: 146
    edited December 2019
    Doesn't seem to work for me on an ultrawide, still need to select things a bit higher than I would normally.
    No TrueType fonts yet? Agh. And still no way to shift the dialogue window over? Or is there in the config there? I see some UI height sliders but can't seem to make them do much.
    2020 maybe?
    Hopefully the console ports bring in some money to fund more work.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Well, it is finally here. All the comments seem to indicate it's a super buggy patch (not surprising for a release this big). And it doesn't look like they included True Type Font support as I was told it would over a year ago, sigh.
    If you have trouble with the UI being stuck in windowed mode, which a lot of people are having (also, trouble with the mouse pointer not being the in the right place) here is a fix:
    ctrl+shift+f12 to access the new UI-->config-->graphics.window section, select exclusive in the Window Mode pull down menu.
    Press ctrl+shift+f12 again to make the the new config UI disappear.
    I hope that helps. That's what fixed it for me.
    I reported this as a bug in a development build a while back, so it could've been avoided, but alas they decided to blame it on my computer. At least now I can tell everyone how to fix it since they helped me do that much.

    From the patch notes: "The game now defaults to windowed mode (instead of exclusive fullscreen) on new installs. A debug UI for advanced users to showcase experimental new features and UI scenes has been implemented (Ctrl+Shift+F12 to access). The debug UI offers access to the full new configuration system."

    Thanks for the feedback. To get access to fullscreen mode:

    Workaround: Alt-Enter
    Workaround: settings.tml or debug UI, set window-mode, click Apply.
    (Only Alt+Enter Seems to allow “Screen Edge Camera Turning”)
    Doesn't seem to work for me on an ultrawide, still need to select things a bit higher than I would normally.
    No TrueType fonts yet? Agh. And still no way to shift the dialogue window over? Or is there in the config there? I see some UI height sliders but can't seem to make them do much.
    2020 maybe?
    Hopefully the console ports bring in some money to fund more work.

    Yeah, the TTF were delayed. We had to release the stable patch quickly, faster than we wanted, to make possible crossplay between the console version and the PC version. We're currently evaluating all the feedback to the patch we're getting.

    If you encounter an issue please be sure to report it on our Issue Tracker here:
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