NWN EE android: lot of servers grayed and (so) unplayable

Hi everyone,
It is about ten days that i am not able to log in and play in my favourite online servers with my android tablet, because i find them grayed. I know they are still very active since i see a lot of players playing inside them, and i see other servers with players inside grayed as well, so i guess there must be any technical reason for it. I have read of a new patch released, pheraps there will be one for android in quite a short time that will solve the problem? Or there may be any setting to change to make servers playable again?
I have already tried to reinstall the game but without any result
It is about ten days that i am not able to log in and play in my favourite online servers with my android tablet, because i find them grayed. I know they are still very active since i see a lot of players playing inside them, and i see other servers with players inside grayed as well, so i guess there must be any technical reason for it. I have read of a new patch released, pheraps there will be one for android in quite a short time that will solve the problem? Or there may be any setting to change to make servers playable again?
I have already tried to reinstall the game but without any result
Still TBD.
I get why they say what they say... there has to be a lot of flak for not having an iOS version yet, but you'd think that they would ensure that their current platforms all worked as intended before starting on another... it just makes more sense to me, especially seeing as its another mobile platform. Ehh, im just an ubernoob, i dont know what im talking about.