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Turald NPC Mod - ver. 0.9



  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    i'm also following and waiting for all of the NPCs come out finally. i already played with iwd npc project as well as dusky.

    tbh- i always found something a bit off with iwd npc project. don't get me wrong, its great to have npc companions and i'm grateful for them but they just get along a bit too well.
    most have interesting backstories but i feel like most of them are basically 2 characters with different flavours. dusky was a breath of fresh air not just because he was of a different alignment and a bit more problematic character, but also because the execution made him feel more distinct than the rest of the group.

    so while i actually like 2-3 characters from the npc project, i look forward to this mod and the ability to mix and match. maybe someday i will be able to play iwd with a cast that i have no complaints about

    i only wish the ending sequence was a bit more elaborate with bg2 tob style endings and doing hof in the middle of the main campaign less jarring, but cant have it all i guess
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited July 2019
    from my understanding that was more due to iwd 1's story being more fitting to a good party compared to iwd 2's which was more neutral.

    iwd 1 npc project does have an epilouge. it's just not at the end.
    if you go back to the inn at the end of the game the party talks about what they will do after the jounrey is over in a bard style way

    iwd 2's has an acual epilogue but it had to be added to the game as nether game had one originally.
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    that is all true but iwd story may also work from neutral or evil perspective if written well. i undestand the author had a specific goal in mind and writing 5 npcs by yourself is a monumental task, one that i respect and admire. that's why all that i wrote is specifically my opinion. even more so since iwd doesn't have any companions we could compare mods to.

    the only point of reference would be bg2 companions (which may or may not be fair) and in that regard there are some kinks to work out.
    inn epilogue is not ideal but it was due to game engine constraints for example. if i understood correctly, in iwdee epilogues should be possible. the whole ending could be structured better for sure.

    anyway, im just writing here to hopefully inspire the author, i don't expect anyone to fulfill my requests.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    I am sooo excited by your project! I am currently wandering Lower dorn's Deep with Turald and Dusky, as well as some standard IWDNPC characters. I absolutely love Turald. His skills and kit make him a very useful and playable character, but it's his personality that makes him so much fun. I love his conversations with the other characters, and also the tales he tells (very tall tales from such a short guy!) He seems to be letting my PC closer to the true him as the game goes on, which I also like a lot.

    I am really grateful for anything that adds to IWD. I find it the most atmospheric of the Infinity Engine games. The music is glorious, and the genral soundscape just adds to the4 moodiness. I also love the artwork, especially the movie/cut scenes. It's also a game I can play when I'm not that well, as the straight line story has less decisions, and less options for muddling me when my brain isn't operating at 100% capacity. New characters really add to the replayability (is that even a word?) so once again you have my total gratitude.
  • ApocryphaApocrypha Member Posts: 105
    I'm so happy this mod is still alive!

    I always liked approval systems, so I'm even more excited to hear it'll be implemented in this mod. Will there be "bonus dialogue" for low approval/high disapproval (like in MotB) or are the unlocked dialogs strictly for positive gains? Also, will you be going back and adding approval for Turald, or just the newbies?
  • SinaheribSinaherib Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2020
    Apocrypha wrote: »
    I'm so happy this mod is still alive!

    I always liked approval systems, so I'm even more excited to hear it'll be implemented in this mod. Will there be "bonus dialogue" for low approval/high disapproval (like in MotB) or are the unlocked dialogs strictly for positive gains? Also, will you be going back and adding approval for Turald, or just the newbies?

    1)Yes, Turald will be a part of this mod and he will be included into approval system.
    2)It will be mostly positive gain, but there will be special content for high disapproval as well. Sometimes there will be alternate reactions depending on the level of approval. For example, Turald offers the player honour the memory of the elves and fallen comrades with a drink in Severed Hand. If his approval will be too low, he will drink alone and won't make the player such offer.

    I have one question concerning aproval system. Should changes in approval/disapprival be written below characters' comments (like in Neverwinter Night 2) or should it be hidden (like in Pathfinder:Kingmaker). In other words, should I add such lines as "(Turald approves + 1)" or "(Turald disapproves -2)" in the dialogs? I haven't decided yet, so I am open to hear other people's opinions at the moment.
    Post edited by Sinaherib on
  • ApocryphaApocrypha Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2020
    I can see the merits either way. Pathfinger:Kingmaker's way is more immersive for roleplay in that you don't have giant numbers screaming in your face, but it does make it perhaps too easy for people to misunderstand their approval with a character. IE, people might not know Turald drinking alone in the scene you mentioned is a "missed" scene, and think they're doing fine.

    Personally, I favor either NWN2's style or having approval changes hidden but with a way to gauge how much you have. Something like, if you click on a character, you get a greeting that reflects how they feel about you--someone with low approval would growl at you, someone with medium approval would smile, someone with high approval and a romance would take your hand, etc.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 214
    edited July 2020
    I just want to say that I've been playing a game with Turald and he's a really great NPC to have around. I like how he's very down to earth and plainspoken without being boring. He was initially a bit quiet but after I got to Dorn's Deep, he's had a ton to say. He just comes off as a true bro type character who you can really trust on.

    If I can provide one criticism, I think some of the writing is a bit too wordy at times and could be edited down a bit. I understand some of his own roundabout speech is intentional, but the wordiness extends to some of the player responses too.

    Really great job on this npc and always glad to see more dwarf party characters! Excited to finish the game with him.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Sinaherib wrote: »
    Greetings everyone!
    Hope you had a very good holidays!

    I kept on working on modding the recent months and want to make an announcment.

    "Turald NPC" is going to become a part of a bigger mod "Heroes of Icewind Dale" which will add 5 joinable NPC total, each one with their story, banters and interjections, as well as crossmod content with Kulyok's characters.

    Besides Turald, the mod will contains the following chars:

    All portraits (except Kastor's of course) we commissioned by me for this mod.

    The work goes smoothly, I'm writing and testing the new characters and keep on fixing some minor bugs and typos in Turald's dialogs.

    That's the news for now.
    Thank you for your attention and have a nice day!


    Just wondering if there were any updates on this mod.


  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 289
    Hi, any news on how the mod and/or the other mods that you were working at are coming along?
  • bonewhiteglorybonewhiteglory Member Posts: 21
    I'm still in the early part of the game - like, I JUST finished the Vale of Shadows - but so far I really love Turald! He's a real asset to the party, I love his personality & his interjections, and he's killer in combat. I will be hard-pressed to do a playthrough without him in my party! I would love to hear more about Shinala and Kastor whenever you have time/energy/etc, I am VERY interested in news on this mod.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586


    Just curious as to whether there is any new news regarding this mod?

  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Sinaherib wrote: »
    Greetings everyone!
    Hope you had a very good holidays!

    I kept on working on modding the recent months and want to make an announcment.

    "Turald NPC" is going to become a part of a bigger mod "Heroes of Icewind Dale" which will add 5 joinable NPC total, each one with their story, banters and interjections, as well as crossmod content with Kulyok's characters.

    Besides Turald, the mod will contains the following chars:

    All portraits (except Kastor's of course) we commissioned by me for this mod.

    The work goes smoothly, I'm writing and testing the new characters and keep on fixing some minor bugs and typos in Turald's dialogs.

    That's the news for now.
    Thank you for your attention and have a nice day!


    Any updates on this project?
  • RadkarRadkar Member Posts: 1
    Any updates on this project?

    Hi. Just registered to tell you that this April, I was able to contact Sinaherib on a different site, and he claimed that the mod wasn't abandoned, admitting that it took more time than he had expected.

  • bonewhiteglorybonewhiteglory Member Posts: 21
    Radkar wrote: »
    Any updates on this project?

    Hi. Just registered to tell you that this April, I was able to contact Sinaherib on a different site, and he claimed that the mod wasn't abandoned, admitting that it took more time than he had expected.

    Thank you for letting us know! I'm so glad it's not abandoned, I look forward to playing it when/if it's finished. I hope Sinaherib knows that people are still interested in this mod.
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