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BG 2 EE Android mods

Good Morning! I'm new to this community ... create this post to see if anyone could help me add mods to my BG2 EE version for android. I have been able to install a "mod package" for BG1 EE thanks to Gusinda,(My respects to that man ...) who took the time to search for mods in Spanish and everything (yes, I am Spanish-speaking, I am doing this with the translator, my English is not so good: P) To clarify, yes, I have access to a PC. I don't know much about computing, I just basic it, anyway, I'll wait until someone can give me a hand, thanks in advance!


  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Ghezzeb, thank you for your kind words!

    I would recommend the first place to start would be to have a read of this post. It has multiple links in it that direct you to other posts to acknowledge the changes in method used. I am happy to help out where the procedure is confusing/to technical is a problem, so just ask away.

    The same procedure is used for Spanish as well; it is just a matter of selecting the right dialog.tlk file. The instructions are for english which doesn't have a dialogf.tlk, so when it comes to making a copy and renaming, all you would need to do is to grab both files (hope that makes sense, if not now, it should when you read that particular step).

    All the best
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    thanks Gus! I will immediately read the posts and see what I can do, I'm glad to know that I count on your help!
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    Hello Gus! I have not read the whole post because it costs me a little to translate everything hehe, in short, the zip that a user added at the end caught my attention, I can install it without making any other changes?
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    Ahhhh ... well, I have been reading the forum on how to install mods but it is complicated by the whole subject of the language * damn * also not that I am very good at informatics. Anyway, I would like to ask you if you could (if it's not a problem) create a modfile for me? It would be one with more than anything changes for greater customization (normal, to be able to change the kits and classes of npcs, their talents, to be able to use classes in not allowed races, specific kits in multiclasses and duals ... if you have no problem I can make a detailed list of features) for all that are changes in the gameplay and all that there is no need to translate it into Spanish, if I see something mod that affects the story (like added npc or more dialogs) if I think I would need Spanish. ... to clarify, I have the latest version and the only thing I have modified so far was to unlock the console, remove the Exp limit and add portraits.
    * I repeat * as long as it's not an inconvenience
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Ghezzeb, no problems. Let me know what you want. I essentially have lost access to my PC during the week (with the lockdowns, the kids are using the office as a work place) but I will get it done as quickly as possible.

    I can convert to Spanish if the mods themselves have a Spanish translation component. I can't speak it myself, but I use a batch file to do all the hard stuff. Once I have it installed in English, I just change the language in the install line to relect Spanish and it does the rest, so there are no problems with that either (other than I can't give it a quick test apart from starting a new character...) This is done by memory muscle :wink:

    Not an inconvenience
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    Great! I thank you very much, between today and yesterday I was creating a list of mods that I want to put in the pack, I am all taking them out of clan dlan, making sure they have a Spanish version, at least those related to interaction and history and not just rules and gameplay. I will review the list to see what is redundant and send it!
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    edited June 2020
    Okay! here is the list!
    Asencion 2.0
    Banter packs
    Iep extended banters
    Wheels of prophesy
    Npc Flirt Packs
    Romántics Encounters
    Viconia revamped
    Viconia friendship
    Imoen romance
    Edwin Romance
    Korgan Redemtion
    Weimer Ítem Upgrade
    Wizzard staffs with ranged attack
    Bg2EE Ítem Upgrade
    (the mod to get out of the irenicus dungeon quickly and with the objects and experience, I don't remember the name ...)
    Dungeon Crawl
    Unfinishied Bunisses
    Quest pack
    Deratiseur unused kits pack
    NPC_EE v37
    Amber npc
    Sirene npc
    Kelsey npc
    Tyris Flare npc
    Fade npc
    Crossmod banter pack
    Dace npc
    Rjali romance npc
    Tweaks anthology
    Level one npc
    Awesome soundsets mods master thread custom sounsets
    Shadow magic
    Npc strongholds
    Isra bg2
    Rage berserk minsc
    Access to clua console (I already have it activated, but for those who want to download the mod and don't have it)

    I would also like to ask you if you could add any to add kits and non-combinable classes to multiclasses(like galan-sorcerer, for example) Although I don't know if it's possible ...the mod to use spells and thief abilities with heavy armor, and finally, some that you add races (more than anything because I would like to role-play with a drow and that is not just an elf with black skin)

    Try to remove mods from the list that could lead to conflicts or problems, but if one occurs, don't worry about removing the most conflictive. To finish, take your time, I don't want this be a burden and again thank you very much!

    PD/ I forgot to mention that all I found them from this page:
    Here you will find them together with the download site (if you don't already have it downloaded), most of them being available in Spanish
    Post edited by Ghezzeb on
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @Ghezzeb, shall give it a bash.

    A quick look at the modlist:
    - Shadow Magic has been known to have some problems; at least with the English version anyway. If you have no probs in renaming the dialog.tlk and dialogf.tlk inside the .obb, then it would work. It is a quick thing to do... Have a look at the link. If you think there will be no problems, I will leave it in, if not, I can take it out.

    I am unsure about Rolles(?) but I believe you may mean 'Skip Chateau Irenicus'

    With the activation of the CLUA, you would be removing the override folder on your device anyway (usually the first step in installing the modfile).

    Any more questions, I shall raise later. If any of the mods are not translated (if they come from this site then in all likelyhood they would be), I will leave it in English and let you know which ones they were.

  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    hummm ok, remove Shadow magics and rollers, they are redundant, and yes, that was the mod, Skip Chateau Irenicus. BTW, I don't remember if the Weapon Mastery mod in all classes came with the tweaks If not, I would ask you to add it, I had forgotten ...
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    edited July 2020
    Hi @Ghezzeb,

    Completed it quickly as if I didn't get it done now, I wouldn't have a chance until next week...

    All the mods, version numbers and comments are in the spoiler

    SCS v33.1
    Asencion 2.0 v2.0.12
    Banter packs v16
    Iep extended banters v5.4 - No Translation to Spanish
    Wheels of prophesy v8.3 - No Translation to Spanish
    Npc Flirt Packs v1.06
    Romántics Encounters v15 - No Translation to Spanish
    Viconia revamped v6.1 - No Translation to Spanish (Also Dual classed her to Shadowdancer/Cleric as an option)
    Viconia friendship v4.5 - No Translation to Spanish
    Imoen romance v3.9.8 - No Translation to Spanish
    Edwin Romance v2.11
    Korgan Redemtion v10.0.1 - No Translation to Spanish
    Weimer Ítem Upgrade v44
    Wizzard staffs with ranged attack (More Styles for Mages) v1.56 - No Translation to Spanish
    Bg2EE Ítem Upgrade v1.1.0 - No Translation to Spanish
    Rolles v5.0.2 - No Translation to Spanish
    Dungeon Crawl v11 - No Translation to Spanish
    IWDification Beta 6 - No Translation to Spanish
    Unfinishied Bunisses v28 Beta - Had some problems with the translation files (missing translations) preventing install. Reverted to English
    Quest pack v3.4 - No Translation to Spanish
    Deratiseur unused kits pack v17.1 - No Translation to Spanish
    NPC_EE v37 v3.8.2
    Amber npc v5 - No Translation to Spanish
    Sirene npc v1.9 - No Translation to Spanish
    Kelsey npc v5
    Tyris Flare npc v8 - No Translation to Spanish
    Fade npc v5.5 - No Translation to Spanish
    Crossmod banter pack v19 - No Translation to Spanish
    Dace npc v5.5 - No Translation to Spanish
    Rjali romance npc v10.4 - Not installed due to errors. Possible conflict with other mods.
    Tweaks anthology v9 - No Translation to Spanish. Best guess install with the modules...
    Level one npc v3 - Hope that I got this one right. It kept asking questions (more that the english install) in Spanish. Only testing will tell!
    Refinements v4.28 - No Translation to Spanish
    Npc strongholds v8
    Isra bg2 v3.1 - No Translation to Spanish
    Rage berserk minsc (True Berserker Minsc) v1.5.1 - No Translation to Spanish
    Skip Chateau Irenicus v3.1 - No Translation to Spanish

    Tweaks Anthology - the mod to use spells and thief abilities with heavy armor
    Weapon Mastery mod in all classes

    Awesome soundsets mods master thread custom sounsets

    Shadow Magic - Not installed

    Download Link (WeiDU.log attached below):
    BG2EE. It is about a 400MB download, 1GB unpacked.

    Haven't tested it properly so if there are any problems or you want something changed, let me know. I have it all setup right now, so can quickly make the changes. I will also leave the modfile online until a new version of the game is release and we need to go through all this again :smile:

    If anyone wants this in English, I have a copy and can upload it.

    All the best and hapy gaming

    Edit: Deleted modfile, update below
    Post edited by Gusinda on
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    thank you very much Gusinda! I will try it immediately! I have to see where I install it since I don't know if I have enough internal memory, but I have enough external memory, anyway. I will try it as soon as I can and I will notify you if there are errors! Again, thank you so much!
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    edited June 2020
    Eh, well, I think I aimed too high ... it is too much for my device to continue running relatively well (I should have thought more about the limits before) ... I think I will have to ask you if you could remove a good number of them ... ehh sorry. Although, if someone who sees this forum has a powerful device ... there it is. I guess I'm going to redo the list ... I don't know if this is a "small change" because you only have to remove the heavier ones ... no problem with this, Gusinda?
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    Well, I think this list will be better ...
    SCS v33.1
    Asencion 2.0 v2.0.12
    Banter packs v16
    Npc Flirt Packs v1.06
    Viconia friendship v4.5
    Imoen romance v3.9.8
    Edwin Romance v2.11
    Korgan Redemtion v10.0.1
    Wizzard staffs with ranged attack (More Styles for Mages) v1.56
    Bg2EE Ítem Upgrade v1.1.0
    Quest pack v3.4
    NPC_EE v37 v3.8.2
    Amber npc v5
    Sirene npc v1.9
    Kelsey npc v5
    Tyris Flare npc v8
    Fade npc v5.5
    Dace npc v5.5
    Tweaks anthology v9
    Level one npc v3
    Npc strongholds v8
    Skip Chateau Irenicus v3.1
    (True Berserker Minsc) v1.5.1
    Tweaks Anthology - the mod to use spells and thief abilities with heavy armor Weapon Mastery mod in all classes

    I consider these to be the most interesting and important
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    edited July 2020
    @Ghezzeb, No probs. Give this one a go... Just as well we redid it, I found that I missed NPC Strongholds in the first one (typo in the batch file).

    BG2EE. - File removed due to error

    It is about a 340MB download; unpacks to ~1GB.

    Fingers crossed this is good for you

    Edit - File removed due to error
    Post edited by Gusinda on
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    I'm almost done unpacking, I have about 3,000 files left, I hope I can run this well and that there are no errors. By the way, how long does it take! I started unzipping it at 6:30 (while I was watching Evangelion again) and it's almost 11 and there is still 1/6 of download! there is no program or plugin to download faster? Last time it also took a long time, but I downloaded it in stages, but if there is an error, I don't want it to take that long again ...
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2020
    I've already been testing it, I get the famous "invalid" error in all new texts, is there any claim to fix it without deleting everything again? just in case my saved game has passed.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Did you remember to copy dialog.tlk over to your device and, if it wasn't already provided, make a copy of it named dialogf.tlk?
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    Maurvir wrote: »
    Did you remember to copy dialog.tlk over to your device and, if it wasn't already provided, make a copy of it named dialogf.tlk?

    Uh ... No. How is the procedure? Sorry, after all I am quite a beginner in this modding
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Ghezzeb, sorry about the lack of install instructions but I thought you had used these before.

    For the download taking so long, not sure why. Downloading the packed version to your device which, depending on your bandwith, should only take about 15-20 min. What sort of device are we talking about? Unpacking the modfile (modfile has about 19000 files in it) again should only take about 15 mins.

    For the invalids:
    - when you unpack the modfile, make sure that '' is located in the /Files folder (baldur.lua should be there as well) and the other folder is the 'override'. Any other .zip file should be removed.
    - Also make sure that the modfile itself is not left in the games folder.

    For Minsc:
    - I am imagining that Minsc is not supposed to be a Vampire... :smile: A quick look at the saved game shows the same pn my system as well.

    Unfortunately my office is just about to be taken over so over the weekend, I will do some fault finding and see what is going on. It might be one of the mods not playing nice.

    Thanks @Maurvir, but the game (and modfile) is in Spanish so dialogf.tlk is already part of the file. It is good to see that you are ready to help out.

  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    Well, I know I may have seemed impatient, but I can wait, don't worry. The Files folder has the portraits folder, override, saves the file baldur.lua and the Lang, nothing more ... My device is a Motorola C Plus, it is actually a low range, its ram does not reach 1GB, to give you an idea. Therefore this modpack makes my baldurs take more than a minute to start and at least 10 seconds to save the game, I am usually very impatient playing and this bothers me a little, but it is the price to pay if I want to have a more complete experience. I unpacked the previous one on my Laptop, an Asus, I could not tell you what model exactly, the download did not take more than 10 minutes, the truth surprised me a lot when I heard that it only took 15 minutes ...1 file was unpacked on my phone for every 1 and a half seconds, taking accounts, if all had taken the same, the decompression would have taken 7 and a half hours.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I mentioned the language files because they aren't in the override folder, and I almost always forget to update them. Sorry, carry on!
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    oh,No problem, anyway I will take it into account for the next one. Btw Gusinda, considering that it seems the bug seems to be compatibility between mods, Could you tell me which are the "heaviest"? So it will run more dynamically and you will have fewer options to register
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    edited July 2020

    For you question above. If you mean by heaviest as the amount of data that is installed, the I would likely go for SCS (almost doubles the install size, and about 8000 more files than without). If by heaviest you mean taxing your CPU, then I would probably also go for SCS as it impacts on almost all of the game actions... It is also probably the one you want most of all! :wink:

    Give this one a go. I have just changed the order of some mods. All in your second list but SCS is installed. I tested it to gain Mincs and see if his Class is correct, but not until the modded dialog with Imoen (can't follow the Spanish I'm afraid). Let me know if it goes as expected and I could then try and add SCS to see if it makes a difference on your system.


    BG2EE. (packed ~300MB, unpacked ~500MB)

    Best of luck

    @Maurvir, in no way should you say sorry for helping. It is appreciated! Thanks

    Edit: Deleted modfile, update below
    Post edited by Gusinda on
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2020
    Gusinda wrote: »

    For you question above. If you mean by heaviest as the amount of data that is installed, the I would likely go for SCS (almost doubles the install size, and about 8000 more files than without). If by heaviest you mean taxing your CPU, then I would probably also go for SCS as it impacts on almost all of the game actions... It is also probably the one you want most of all! :wink:

    Give this one a go. I have just changed the order of some mods. All in your second list but SCS is installed. I tested it to gain Mincs and see if his Class is correct, but not until the modded dialog with Imoen (can't follow the Spanish I'm afraid). Let me know if it goes as expected and I could then try and add SCS to see if it makes a difference on your system.


    BG2EE. (packed ~300MB, unpacked ~500MB)

    Best of luck

    @Maurvir, in no way should you say sorry for helping. It is appreciated! Thanks

    Great! You are awesome Gusinda! The truth is that I wanted to try scs but if it is not there not a problem, upload it without ScS, anyway, what I want most is for personalization and history, probably in the afternoon it will notify you if everything is ok
    Post edited by Ghezzeb on
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    Welp, I am still getting invalid texts, both dialogs and the minsc class, I guess I'll wait for the version without SCS, btw did you remove the Level One Npc mod? because the npc did not give me the option to configure them, that is one of the most important. Anyway, I'll keep waiting
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @Ghezzeb, that is a problem... I have looked through the other times I have created a modfile for Spansih and they all seemed to have required the dialog.tlk and dialogf.tlk to be renamed inside the patch.obb. This is a reasonably easy task and makes sure that the original vanilla files don't interfere with the modded ones.

    If you want to play a vanilla game, then I have attached a vanilla version of the Keep this file aside so you wont need to open patch.obb to rename the files again. Make sure it isn't in the game folder when using a modfile, or if it is, just rename it to 'lang-es_ES-Vainilla.zip1' and rename it back again when you want to vanilla game. The '1' just prevents the game from treating it as a .zip file and using it.

    To rename the files, just use the instructions in this link. Where it says:

    - navigate to '/lang/en_US/', long press on 'dialog.tlk' and rename to 'dialog.klt' (it can be anything as long as it follows the naming rule. I just reverse the extension so that I know what it was...)

    you of course will need to navigate to '/lang/es_ES' and rename both dialog.tlk and dialogf.tlk to *.klt.

    If you don't have the space to make a backup, then don't worry about it. If a mistake is made then all you need to do is redownload the file.

    Before testing the modfile itself, use the vanilla to test the game start. If this works, then renaming the files was successful. Then go through and try the modfile.

    Having done this, you would probably be able to use the initial modfile which included everything you wanted. The last modfile above did have SCS removed already (but not Level One NPC mod). If you don't want to use either, then I am happy to redo the modfile to new specs. With Lvel One NPC, by configure them, did you mean change class etc? If so, I was able to use the icon in the Special Abilities to change class (tried using Minsc).

    Hope all this makes sense and more importantly, works! Let me know how you go or if you need help.
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    AWESOME GUS! WORKS PERFECTLY! Thank you so much Gus! Haha despite the fact that the level one nepc mad had been removed because before the npc were at level 0 when I joined them to the team, it allowed me to change the class and now it only lets me change the kit, there is some way to replace the mod files to the before? I mean if you pass me only the files from that other version and I "pour" them into the override folder and would it replace the current one? or should everything be installed back?
  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2020
    Hi Gusinda, is everything ok? I have been testing the game and it seems to be working normally. As I said, the level one npc mod seems to have been downloaded badly or is another version, well, I suppose I will have to download everything again so that there are no conflicts, therefore, I would like you to prepare the final version of the mod, I will remove some things and I would add some tiny changes, the list is the same as the previous one except that removing:
    -Quest pack v3.4
    -Dace npc v5.5

    And finally it adds: (Most are Tweaks, so it is possible that some are here already)
    -Reveal Wilderness Areas Before Chapter Six
    -Universal Clubs
    -Weapon Styles for All
    -Expanded Dual-Class Options
    -Wear Multiple Protection Items
    -Cast Spells from Scrolls (and Other Items) at Character Level
    -Multi-Class Grandmastery
    -Change Grandmastery Bonuses
    -Triple-Class HLA Tables
    -Alter Multiclass Restrictions
    -All races have access to every valid multiclass combination.
    -Remove Racial Restrictions for Single Classes
    -Alter Dual-class Restrictions
    -Allow non-humans to dual-class
    -Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits
    -NPCs Don't Fight
    -Invisible Cloak of Mirroring / Spell Trap and Physical Mirror
    -No racial requirements(romances)
    -No gender requirements(romances)
    -Give Every Class / Kit Four Weapon Slots
    -Level One NPC Mod
    -NPC_EE (if not incompatible with level one npc)

    Sorry for so much text. With this it would be complete and I will not bother anymore

    Thanks in advance

    Post edited by Ghezzeb on
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Ghezzeb, no all is well...

    Not sure what the problem could be/ Both Level One NPCs and NPC_EE mods should both still be in the modfile, and in the same order as previous. NPC_EE only allows for kit changes unless you want something specific, which can be changed as part of the mod install. The problem might be that both are installed impacting on each other! I shall have a play around and see.

    No problems for the additional mods/componnents. Most seem to come from Tweaks Anthology making it very easy to change. Wont be until the weekend though, and it isn't a bother...

  • GhezzebGhezzeb Member Posts: 26
    Hi @Gusinda ! I see ... Well let's hope that it is just that, as you will have read in my message, I am learning from your modding guide and if something should happen (like wanting to remove some mod or add another) I suppose I will be able to do it personally, I would just like to ask you, if it is not a bother, do not put all the files together, but inside the zip divide the mods into separate folders, this way, if I want to remove some or put another I do it quickly and I already have the individual mods for future modfiles (I know I should put them all right in the folder Override anyway). No problem with that?

    Thank you very much

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