BG:EE Features

Some people are still complaing about a lack of features saying that BGEE is not worth $20. Here is a handy list of the main new features of BG:EE, i hope this will help convince you otherwise.
New areas: (Estimated @ 18 hours of additional gameplay)
- Black Pitts (15 Levels)
- Secluded hideaway
- The Cloud Peaks
New NPC's: (New voices, Dialog & Quest for each character)
- Neera
- Rasaad yn Bashir
- Dorn II-Khan
New Kits:
- Blackguard
+ All kits imported from BG2+TOB
Improved UI:
- Ability to zoom in & out
- Touchscreen support handheld devices
Improved Visuals:
- Full resolution support
- Full openGl support
- All movies completely reanimated
- 1PP mod by Erephine
- New gfx shader
- New portraits
Enhanced multiplayer (post ship?)
- Matchmaking service
- Cross platform support
Core Game Improvements
- Overhaul of the source code
- 400 issues address & fixed including fixes from the community e.g. dudleyville
- Improved support for mods
New Audio
- Newly composed music
- HQ Music mod by Erephine
- OGG Vorbis support
- New voices
Ongoing Support
- Improvements will continue after release
I would gladly pay more for this level of improvements to one of the greatest roleplaying series of all time
New areas: (Estimated @ 18 hours of additional gameplay)
- Black Pitts (15 Levels)
- Secluded hideaway
- The Cloud Peaks
New NPC's: (New voices, Dialog & Quest for each character)
- Neera
- Rasaad yn Bashir
- Dorn II-Khan
New Kits:
- Blackguard
+ All kits imported from BG2+TOB
Improved UI:
- Ability to zoom in & out
- Touchscreen support handheld devices
Improved Visuals:
- Full resolution support
- Full openGl support
- All movies completely reanimated
- 1PP mod by Erephine
- New gfx shader
- New portraits
Enhanced multiplayer (post ship?)
- Matchmaking service
- Cross platform support
Core Game Improvements
- Overhaul of the source code
- 400 issues address & fixed including fixes from the community e.g. dudleyville
- Improved support for mods
New Audio
- Newly composed music
- HQ Music mod by Erephine
- OGG Vorbis support
- New voices
Ongoing Support
- Improvements will continue after release
I would gladly pay more for this level of improvements to one of the greatest roleplaying series of all time

Post edited by Benjamin on
@Wiggles It's a new adventure tied to the Bhaalspawn Saga announced by Trent Oster many months ago. There are no further details.
- Multiplayer that isn't bug-ridden, supposedly
- Matchmaking Multiplayer (post-ship ... which pisses me off but oh well)
I think adventure-y might be a downloadable post ship release, i vaguely remember something about this in a tweet? more info would be cool.
Also Dorn II-Khan is the is the only character that doesn't include a new area but is listed as being a additional 4 hours worth of gameplay?? I never said they dont exist
I dont like alot of the mods available & would rather pay for it to be professionally made instead. There is of course a few exceptions such as the fixpacks & tweakpacks. A few of them like BGT & FOTD are awesome concepts, but i hate gettin 8hours in only to find that a dialog between characters didn't initiate correctly & other such bugs.
Ah ok thx. Is it supposed to be about discovering your past as a child or about what happens after ToB?
I do think that we true believers need to not insult the people we're trying to sell on "joining the club", though. That phrase "for all you lazy people" kind of jumped out at me. If I were one of them, I think I would be put off by that. Just sayin'.
It shouldn't be post TOB as it's a BG1 adventure.
oooooooooooo ok. Thanks for the clarification.
Yeah it doesn't read how i intended. I'll remove.
I'll add to the list, thanks.
Theres also a new shader implemented, i might put this down under a general "improved visuals" section. While the game will still not be a big improvement on BG2 it definately a big improvement on BG1
- Full openGl support
- New gfx shader
-... ''
Can someone tell me WTF those 2 actually mean? What do they precisely do? How will they improve significantly the visuals?
I think the "new gfx shader" is actually the new filter used to scale the image while zooming, which is indeed really nice.
And, is it the only thing that it does?
Zoom in on it like crazy. Now it will be very pixelated.
Use "new gfx shader." It doesn't look pixelated.
Think of it as Vector art vs. Pixel art.
Are there any other graphical features like better spell effect, animated water, anymated background, better animations...?
And no, 1pp mod is not significant for me, it's only small details like paperdolls, shield... which I never paid attention to.
My attention was more on the HUGE background (next to the tiny shield). Unfortunately, no plan to improve background and monsters graphics
BUT none of that matters, it's Baldur's Gate, so i paid anyway.
The pre-orders are high and i believe the sales are going to increase well after the release, so what i ask from Beamdog is free DLC content for BG EE in the future, that would make more than worth the money spend.
Here is a example of gfx shaders being used to significantly improve the water effects & lighting in minecraft
Used correctly like this they can increase a games visuals signifcantly, but i doubt they will do anything to this extent
Likely they will just be used to smooth out the sprites & transparency effects.