D'arnise romance mod

in BGII:EE Mods
Hello wonderful people! I played the D'arnise romance mod quite a few times, I really like It. But something that turns me off is that there is no TOB content, I used the Reunion mod to have something and assumed that [charname] and Nalia broke up between Throne of Bhaal and Shadows of Amn. Does anyone have an update of the author or the mod? It would really make my day.
Oh well, It happens I guess
i did hear @Skitia may be doing their own take on a nalia romance for tob. once they are done with their own mods and finishing the aerie mod called wings.
I can't think on better hands for Nalia romance to be in.
@Skitia jcompton is not out of reach. If you haven't get in contact yet, I could forward a message. I am sure he'll be ok with an addon mod that continues his.
That's aweasome, looking foward to It
That would be great if you could forward a message! @jastey . I could connect it a lot more with its SoA counterpart with their blessing (Or at least feel more comfortable doing that.)
I haven't played Reunion. Anyone have a link to it so I can look it up?
Here is the link for the Reunion mod.i have no contact with the author though.
Well, with Viconia romance in TOB you have to persuade her a few times. I think it would be nice to do something similar with Nalia. Plus Nalia is a human and not a pansy elf, so that's three points with me hahahahaha
reunion already acknowledges you having a romance with the canon ones and xan. so it's not out of the question.
Dead link