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Soloing as a Swashbuckler - The Adventures of Drogo the Dandy

Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
edited October 2020 in Challenges and Playthroughs
I started writing about Drogo the Dandy in another thread but I was enjoying playing the character so much that I thought I would start a new thread to record his ongoing exploits.

If anyone is interested Drogo is introduced here:

Drogo is swashbuckler who aspires to being a 'beau sabreur' but who is thwarted in his dreams by his lack of charisma and the fact he is a half-orc. He fights with sword and dagger (surely the only weapons a swashbuckler should ever use) and aims to become the greatest jewel thief the Sword Coast has seen.

Here he is reaching level four by picking locks in Nashkel Manor:

Unfortunately his pick up lines are far less successful than his lock picking and his attempts to woo the lovely Samanatha are clumsy indeed.
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    Drogo has just bought a Shield Amulet from a merchant at the Nashkel carnival. He would have preferred to have stolen it but sadly that wasn't an option:

    This is some fairly extreme metagaming on my part. I know when Drogo finally goes to the Friendly Arm Inn he will be ambushed by Tarnesh who will cast Horror at him and then pepper him with Magic Missiles. The Shield Amulet will make him immune to Magic Missiles (so long as I remember to activate it) meaning he will almost certainly survive the encounter. If I am adventuring as a party I always go into the encounter unprepared but when I am soloing I always cheat (I feel guilty about it but it is better than dying and having to start again).

    My self-imposed rules for this run are that there are no reloads, I am playing on core rules and I don't use any potions apart from antidotes. I try not to do too much metagaming but I do allow myself to avoid nearly all of the mage encounters until I have acquired the Greenstone Amulet or the Horn of Kazgaroth (either of which make you fairly mage proof in BG1).
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Drogo then went wandering in the Gibberling Mountains where he was fortunate enough to happen on a cache of gems and jewelry.

    So he now has two star sapphires. Perhaps he should get a pair of earrings made? A pair of sapphires glittering on his earlobes would set off his eyes rather well. Drogo also has a Ring of Fire Resistance (in my opinion a must-have for any self-respecting adventurer).

    Buoyed up by finding the gems, Drogo still has a spring in his step when he encounters Lena, a damsel in distress, who is worried that her wounded friend Samuel is going to die. Ever eager to appear the preux chevalier, Drogo agrees to carry Samuel all the way to the Temple of Wisdom at the Friendly Arm Inn. Drogo had assumed that Lena would be accompanying them and he would have a chance to get to know her better (hopefully a lot better) along the way. He is therefore disappointed when Lena just wanders off leaving him to cart Samuel half way across the Sword Coast on his own.

    The task proves more onerous than Drogo had imagined as he is waylaid three times along the way. In the first encounter he must have taken a wrong turning because he has wandered into a dead end and finds himself surrounded by hobgoblins eager to turn him into a pin cushion. He makes a run for it but takes a couple of arrows in the arse before he can get away.

    He then gets set upon by wild dogs and since he has lost half his hit points and is one crit away from death he again takes off on his toes.

    He escapes the wild dogs only to be set upon by a couple of worgs. "Better part of Valour! Better part of valour!" he cries as he again makes a run for it.

    All in all it is a fairly dispiriting journey. A gallant swordsman isn't really supposed to run away from a fight (and certainly not from three fights in a row). Still there was no one to see him when he beat an undignified retreat. And what happens in the wilderness stays in the wilderness.

    Drogo's spirits are lifted somewhat when, on the last leg of his journey, he sees something sparkling in a crevice in a rock:
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    Drogo's stay at the Friendly Arm Inn proved to be a little disconcerting. Despite the fact that he was renting the royal suite he was mistaken for a serving wench on two occasions. First by a boorish blackguard and then by a foppish nobleman:

    This has knocked Drogo's confidence a bit. He hoped he cut a bit of a dash in the world and it is rather deflating to be taken for one of the lower orders. Still, on the bright side, he did come out of the second encounter in possession of a pair of Golden Pantaloons. He is fairly sure they would increase his charisma if he could only work out how to put them on.

    Drogo also managed to acquire a much needed gem bag (which was added to Bentley's stock with the Tweaks Anthology ).
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    On leaving the Friendly Arm Inn, Drogo bumped into Joia and gallantly agreed to retrieve her flamedance ring for her.
    However, on retrieving it he rather ungallantly decided to keep it. Still, you don't win a reputation as the foremost jewel thief on the Sword Coast by returning people's rings to them.

    And Tymora seems to be smiling on Drogo because he has had a couple of strokes of good fortune. He found a rather intriguing looking ring in the roots of one tree and a diamond in the branches of another:

    He then made his way back to his room at Feldepost's Inn to collect the gems and jewelry he had stashed there and add them to his gem bag:

    Feeling pleased with himself Drogo decided to visit a few of the other hostelries in town to imbibe a bit of the atmosphere. At the Jovial Juggler he met with a paladin who was feeling a bit out of sorts after getting roughed up by some half-ogres. Drogo decided to teach them a lesson they wouldn't forget (or remember for that matter since they are all dead). Again, Drogo's fighting style was somewhat less than heroic - he snuck up on them and threw daggers at them - but since they were a boorish bunch of bullies and no one was there to see, Drogo isn't too worried about that and he basks in the praise bestowed upon him by the grateful paladin. However, Drogo does wish the reward for his hard work was something a little more useful than a shield he can't use.

    This heroic feat, along with a lot of lock picking and some incidental battles against kobolds, xvarts, wolves and worgs, enabled Drogo to reach level five. On leveling up he put 25 more points in picking pockets so he will now head back to Feldepost's Inn to acquire the cloak of his dreams. His armour class (thanks to his dexterity and the fact that he is a swashbuckler) is now 0, which is respectable but not exactly amazing, and whilst he does a lot of damage when his blows strike home his attacks still seem to miss more often than they hit.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    Drogo returns to Feldepost's Inn to have a chat with Algernon. Algernon strikes Drogo as a churlish fellow, totally lacking in style or charm, so he feels no guilt in relieving him of his cloak.

    Drogo realises that there is more to the cloak than immediately meets the eye and decides he needs to get it professionally assessed by a nearby mage. Unfortunately, on arriving at the mage's residence, Drogo takes a wrong turning and finds himself getting chased out of the building by the mage's flesh golem guardians. And it happens not once but twice! (This was an intentional ploy on my part. I wanted to turn the flesh golems hostile, lure them outside and then get them to follow me to distant corners of the map. Drogo can't fight them at the moment - he would get slaughtered in a melee and the lack of magical throwing knives in BG1 means that he can't kite them - but I hope one day he will be able to fight them with his sword and dagger. I'm assuming that this won't turn Thalantyr hostile because they attacked Drogo before he spoke to him but I could be wrong about this).

    Once the coast was clear, Drogo returned to speak to Thalantyr, who didn't appear to have noticed that his security team had wandered off. As well as getting his cloak identified, Drogo made a purchase: a nice new blue scroll case to replace the rather dull brown one that Firebead Elvenhair gave him. Old Elvenhair is a decent enough chap but he doesn't know how to accessorise:

    Wearing his new cloak Drogo feels he looks every inch the dashing cavalier. What's more his charisma is now into double figures! Burghers of Beregost, keep a watch on your wives and lock up your daughters! Drogo the dandy is hitting the town.
    Post edited by Permidion_Stark on
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    After a drunken but sadly solitary night on the town Drogo returns to adventuring. He is battling wolves in the Red Canyons when he meets a talking chicken. Drogo, feeling that some kind of reward could be in the offing, agrees to transport said chicken to Thalantyr's abode in High Hedge. Unfortunately, Thalantyr's attempt to restore the chicken to his human form goes badly wrong and Drogo receives nothing except a liberal dousing of chicken feathers and guts.

    Drogo leaves in a foul mood (a mood matched by the author who feels it is totally unfair that you miss out on 2000 XP just because Thalantyr's spell goes awry).

    However, Drogo's mood is lightened somewhat when he breaks into a chest in a nearby cottage and discovers an aquamarine - a gem that seems relatively rare here on the Sword Coast.
  • Adam_en_tiumAdam_en_tium Member Posts: 99
    I enjoy the read so far , thanks !

    Maybe this thread belongs to the Challenges and playthroughs sub-forum :
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    I enjoy the read so far , thanks !

    Maybe this thread belongs to the Challenges and playthroughs sub-forum :

    Thanks @Adam_en_tium I'm glad you are enjoying it. You are right though, I have put it in the wrong place.

    @JuliusBorisov - Can you shift the thread to the appropriate place.

    Edit: The thread has now been rehoused in its proper place thanks to @JuliusBorisov
    Post edited by Permidion_Stark on
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Drogo continues to explore Beregost. He starts by attempting to chat up a mysterious young woman called Silke but she says she is waiting for someone, her boyfriend probably.
    So Drogo heads into the Red Sheaf to drown his sorrows only to find himself attacked by yet another hired killer. And this one proves to be more of a challenge than the others. To his eternal shame Drogo finds himself being chased all over town. And his dwarven attacker seems to move pretty darn fast for someone with such little legs.
    Drogo has to flee Beregost. But he sneaks back later and finishes off the dirty dwarf by throwing a dagger in his back. Drogo again feels he has let himself down. He's supposed to be a duelist not an assassin. Still, at least he lives to fight another day.

  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Drogo's blood ran cold when he went back to High Hedge planning to purchase a Wand of Sleep and he walked right into one of the flesh golems he thought he had lured away:
    Fortunately the creature was no longer hostile and this time it allowed Drogo to go past without trying to smack him in the head.

    So it turns out my cunning plan wasn't very cunning after all. The flesh golems stop being hostile as soon as you talk to Thalantyr. If I want to kill them later on I will have to start a fight with them, which I am pretty sure will turn Thalantyr hostile. So before Drogo does anything rash he had better make sure he has bought everything he needs from the grumpy old mage.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    Drogo's plan to make a name for himself as a swordsman, full of grace and panache, isn't really working out for him so far. As often as not he finds himself having to run away from enemies and resort to chucking knives at them. He suffers from all the problems associated with a thief going into melee: hit points are low, thaco is high, armour class is unimpressive and he is vulnerable to critical hits.

    As a swashbuckler his armour class and the damage he deals are both better than a straight thief of the same level but then a straight thief probably shouldn't be attempting to engage in swordplay in the first place. But of all the problems the swashbuckler faces I think it is vulnerability to critical hits that is the most significant. It means you are always one unlucky die roll away from serious trouble.

    Even so, I am really enjoying playing Drogo, the half-orc would-be d'Artagnan, and I want to see how far he can get before his luck runs out. To this end I have allowed him to buy a Wand of Sleep from Thalantyr at High Hedge so that he can take down large groups of low level enemies. I wasn't going to do this because it seems out of character for him to use such a thing but at this point I am starting to think he needs all the help he can get.

    I also decided to give Drogo a leg up by sending him to wander in the Valley of Tombs where he just happened to bump into a distressed guy who insisted on giving him something rather useful:
    Drogo accepted the dagger and promised to return it but he had no intention of heading into some darkened tomb to meet whatever foul spirit might be lurking there. The dagger was clearly magical so Drogo took it to a merchant at the Nashkel carnival to get it properly identified.

    Excellent! Drogo has found himself a free +2 dagger. He is very pleased with this though he can't help but feel that it is not so aesthetically pleasing as the +1 dagger he was wielding before. It also looks oddly blunt and daggers really are better when the pointy end is, well . . . pointy.

    While in the merchant's tent Drogo decides to browse through some of the wares laid out there and is extremely indignant when he is mistaken for a shoplifter and accosted by a guard who won't believe his innocence. The guard has to be bribed with no less than 200GP before he allows Drogo to leave. (This was an odd encounter. There is a table and a rack of weapons in the merchants tent that you can click on. The table just contains mundane items and Drogo didn't take any of them, he just looked at them. So it turns out that at the Nashkel carnival you can be arrested for browsing).

  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    Drogo's next move was to head south because he was contemplating checking out the mine that everyone keeps going on about. Unfortunately, on his way there he ran into an ambush. And it gave him a real sense of deja vu because it was an ambush that he had already run away from once.
    I have encountered this bug before. If you run away from the hobgoblins without fighting them then the ambush is reset. In the past, the number of hobgoblins appearing increased each time the encounter happened and I once ended up with nearly fifty hobgoblins crowded around me. However, that's not what happened on this occasion. This time round Senjak and Dorotea turned up as well . . .
    This put Drogo in a bit of a predicament. He was surrounded by two sets of enemies and they all seemed to have their bows aimed at him. So he did what any self-respecting hero would. He tried to talk his way out of it:
    Drogo's pleas fell on deaf ears and he was starting to think he was going to be stripped of all his worldly possessions when who should turn up but the boorish blackguard from the Friendly Arm Inn, the one who had mistaken him for a serving wench. Drogo was surprised to see him but not apparently as surprised as Senjak and Dorotea.
    At that point all hell was let loose. Arrows seemed to be coming from every direction. Fortunately, Drogo remembered his Wand of Sleep and with a couple of charges managed to send all of the hobgoblins and all but one of the bandits to the land of nod. Senjak also fell asleep, though I am not sure why because I don't think he was in the area of effect of the spells. Anyway, Drogo, thinking that he could safely leave Dorn to take care of Dorotea, set about putting his sleeping assailants to the sword. This proved to be a mistake because Dorotea made short work of Dorn and showed every sign of doing the same to Drogo. Drogo seemed incapable of hitting her with his sword and dagger so tried to kite her to keep out of the reach of her flail but she moved too fast and he couldn't put any space between them. Eventually, in desperation, he quit trying to fight with two weapons at once, sheathed his dagger and just used his sword. This enabled him to finally score a hit on her. She was now in a bad way but not quite as bad a way as Drogo and he again had to make a run for it.
    Yet another undignified retreat for Drogo. Dorotea, the bandits and the hobgoblins are probably having a good laugh at his expense right now. And it's a shame because Drogo thought Dorotea was rather easy on the eye. And judging by the stuff she said to Dorn she obviously wasn't averse to a dalliance with a handsome half-orc.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    It was a dispirited Drogo that limped back to Beregost. Still thinking of the delectable Dorotea (and wondering why he found himself so attracted to a woman who had mocked him, tried to steal from him and then done her best to bash his brains in) Drogo hoped to find some female company for the evening. But even the courtesans seemed to be avoiding him.
    So Drogo heads into the bar to drown his sorrows and he hears a rumour that interests him. People think the bandits might be hiding in the woods. Dorotea was leading a gang of bandits so maybe that's where he can find her again!
    However, on sober reflection in the morning it occurs to Drogo that if he does meet her she will probably just kick his arse again. He decides to concentrate on honing his skills and building his reputation so that the next time their paths cross she will swoon as soon as she sets eyes on him

    So Drogo heads back to the wilderlands south of Nashkel looking for trouble and he finds it in the shape of Vax and his buddy Zal, who is said to be "the fastest dart thrower that ever walked the Sword Coast". The pair of them are planning to rob Drogo but he manages to separate them, luring Vax away so he can kill him first, then sneaking up on Zal and attacking him before he can start chucking darts around the place. Again, it's not particularly heroic but these fellows were nothing but common brigands so they deserved exactly what they got.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Drogo has now reached level six. He hadn't put any points into finding traps so this time around all twenty-five went into that, giving him a grand total of 35. With Vax's bracers of archery strapped to his wrists Drogo is now very handy with a throwing dagger but having only a single proficiency point in longsword, dagger and two-weapon style means he is still not so hot in melee. If he hits you he hurts you - but he doesn't hit you that often. And he won't be getting another proficiency point until he is level eight, which seems a long way off right now.

    I find myself wondering whether for BG1 at least a swashbuckler wouldn't be better off going with single weapon style with its armour class bonus and improved critical range. I also suspect that Drogo would be better off just using his longsword until he gets a bit more proficient at dual-wielding but I like the fact that he is an archetypal sword and dagger fighter so he is going to stick with that even if it kills him .

    I have, however, realised that I am going to have to break my no potions except antidotes rule if he is going to go all the way. He is bound to run into some basilisks (and maybe the odd tanar'ri) so the new rule is no potions except antidotes and Mirrored Eyes.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Drogo thinks his luck with the ladies is improving when he is killing time in Feldepost's Inn and a woman names Gyllian insists he joins her for a drink. He readily agrees but it soon becomes apparent that she is already sailing a few sheets to the wind and he's got some catching up to do. Still he is game to give it a go. But when he heads to the bar she disappears into the night never to be seen again. Beregost is proving to be a lonely town for a lusty half-orc.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    Drogo was wandering near the Fisherman's Lake when he found himself accosted by three bandits: a loudmouth named Teyngan, a ugly knobgoblin called Zekar and a mage called Jemby. Seeing the mage starting to cast her spells Drogo made a run for it. Fortunately, she didn't follow but Teyngan did. He and Drogo exchanged swings for what seemed like an eternity, both of them missing over and over again, before Drogo finally managed to make a thrust that got through Teyngan's armour. Drogo, wary of the fact that Zekar might be using poisoned arrows, managed to sneak up on the Hobgoblin and pierce his heart with a single blow. However, he didn't dare try to attack Jemby because he wasn't sure what spells she might have memorised and if she cast Horror on him like Tarnesh did he would be running round like a headless chicken all over again.

    This encounter made me decide to do a bit more metagaming and I sent Drogo wandering far to the north, heading for Ulgoth's Beard. To do this he did, of course, have to risk being attacked by Ankheg's but strangely he managed to cross the whole of the Lower Chionthar map with out encountering a single one of the creatures.
    On reaching Ulgoth's Beard, Drogo tried making conversation with a gnome named Dushai but she said she was meditating and didn't want to be disturbed. So he didn't disturb her: he just relieved her of a scroll and a ring she was carrying.
    Drogo then strolled into the tavern for a celebratory drink and a bit of shopping. He purchased himself a rather attractive necklace and now he is now the owner of the two most important pieces of jewelry in the solo adventurer's armoury: the Greenstone Amulet and the Ring of Free Action:
    Drogo no longer has to run away from mages because now he can be confident that they can't bring him to his knees with a single spell. They can still hurt him but now they can't stop him from hurting them back.

  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Drogo headed back to Fisherman's Lake to hunt down Jemby, the mage who had so unnerved him. Just wearing the Greenstone Amulet gave him confidence and he didn't even bother to activate it before he snuck up on the scheming spell slinger and slew her with a single blow:

    Drogo then had the honour of meeting his hero, the great Drizzt Do'Urden! And to his amazement Drizzt was in need of his aid. So the two of them fought side-by-side. Half-orc and drow shoulder-to-shoulder. Brothers in arms! Equals in every way! Matching blow for blow as they cut down the hordes of gnolls that crashed upon them like waves crashing upon the shore. And Drogo saved Drizzt's life on more than one occasion, deflecting blows that would surely have severed the renegade drow ranger's head from his shoulders. They parted as comrades in arms, with Drizzt telling Drogo that he was glad they would never cross swords for he was not certain who would prevail. (It is a tale that gets bigger with each telling and you can be sure that Drogo tells it often).
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    I have run into an unexpected problem. Drogo's gem bag is already full and I was planning for him to acquire every gem and piece of jewelry on the Sword Coast. Obviously, when I installed the additional gem bags, scroll cases and potion bags using BG Tweaks I chose the wrong option and gave the containers limited capacity. I don't think anything can be done about it now so if Drogo wants to continue to carry all his worldly wealth about his person he is going to have to talk to Neera . . .

    Drogo was wandering through Beregost, his thoughts now full of Drizzt not Dorotea, when he bumped into a rather attractive bit of tumble who was in need of his aid. Eager for the chance to prove himself he readily agreed to help the comely lass against the spell slinging bandits she claimed were pursuing her.
    However, he was somewhat less impressed when the wench ran off leaving him to face the wizard and his lackeys all alone.
    Fortunately, the red wizard and his toughs were no match for Drogo's swift blade and he made short work of them. Neera, for that was the name of the young flibbertigibbet, begged for Drogo to take her with him on his adventures. At first he was tempted (he allowed her to join the party for long enough to relieve her of her gem bag) but on reflection he decided he was better off alone. Neera was undeniably easy on the eye but she was also incredibly harsh on the ear. She also seemed flighty, temperamental and terminally unreliable. Her reaction when he said they should go their separate ways confirmed his unfavourable opinion of her. She would be far too high maintenance to make a desirable companion on the battlefield or in the boudoir.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    Drogo really needs some better armour and he's got his eye on the rather fine set of Shadow Armour that is on display at the the Thunderhammer Smithy. However, he is a bit short of funds (and he doesn't want to dip into his gem bags) so he needs to get some money from somewhere. Then he hears that a reward of 5,000GP is being offered for the head of the mad cleric Bassilus. So Drogo heads for the Red Canyons confident that the bounty is as good as his.

    At first everything goes according to plan. Drogo may not be wise (WIS 7) but he is very smart (INT 16) and he manages to steer the conversation in a way that so enrages Bassilus that he forgets about his undead army and attacks alone.
    "Ha!" thinks Drogo "With my Greenstone Amulet to protect me there is nothing you can do to me. Your spells will just bounce off!" Sadly, Drogo is wrong again. Bassilus's spells may have no effect but his +2 war hammer does and once more Drogo has to beat a hasty retreat.
    What Drogo really needs is some better armour. Which is where we came in . . .
    Post edited by Permidion_Stark on
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Drogo decided to leave Bassilus to his own devices for a while and instead headed to the Fire Leaf Forest to continue exploring. Drogo was not in the best of moods (being repeatedly hit on the head with a +2 warhammer can sour a man's disposition) and when a condescending Amnish noblewoman names Sendai had the nerve to insult him he lost his temper and challenged her. This could have proved a poor decision because she was accompanied by a couple of bow-armed huntsmen named Alexander and Delgod. Fortunately, Drogo was able to persuade Sendai to engage him in a one-on-one duel (he drew her away from her companions so that they wouldn't join the fight) and the pair of them engaged in some proper swordplay: she with her longsword and scimitar and he with his longsword and dagger.

    I suspect Sendai must also be lacking in points in two-weapon style because for a long time they both seemed equally incapable of hitting each other. Eventually, when she did land a blow it was of course a crit, doing 22 damage and stripping him of virtually half his hit points in a single swing. Things looked touch and go for a while but Drogo kept on battling and finally managed to skewer the mouthy aristocrat. He then proceeded to sneak up on Alexander and Delgod before they could shoot any arrows at him and also laid them hors de combat.

    To the victor the spoils. When Drogo stripped Sendai of her armour he realised it was magical in nature so he took it to the Thunderhammer Smithy to have it identified. There Taerom informed him that the armour was special because it had once been worn by none other than the famous Telbar.
    Now Drogo didn't have a clue who Telbar was but he acted like he did because he didn't want to appear ignorant (but he couldn't help but wonder what exactly Telbar was famous for and why, if he was famous, no one seemed to have heard of him?) Still, Drogo decided to try the armour on and found to his surprise and delight that it fitted perfectly to his half-orc frame. She was obviously a big-boned girl that Sendai.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,872
    That's a bit odd ... any mods in play? Without mods, Sendai wields a sword and a shield (with 1.5 APR at THAC0 10).
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    jmerry wrote: »
    That's a bit odd ... any mods in play? Without mods, Sendai wields a sword and a shield (with 1.5 APR at THAC0 10).

    I'm playing EET with the Tweaks Anthology, SoD Tweaks and EET Tweaks so maybe one of those changed her weaponry? I don't remember making the change but she was definitely dual wielding and she dropped a +1 scimitar as well as her +1 longsword.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Drogo continued wandering westwards in search of adventure and found it in the shapely form of a Dryad in distress. Always eager to help a fair maiden, especially one who seems to have neglected to get dressed in the morning, Drogo confronted the pair of ruffians who were bothering her and gave them a stern talking to.
    But they wouldn't listen to reason and things turned nasty. Since they were a pair of ignorant boorish fellows, Drogo felt no inclination to bother crossing blades with them. Instead he used his newly acquired wand to knock them out and then proceeded to slaughter them in their sleep.
    It wasn't the most heroic of fights and later Drogo thought ruefully to himself that maybe this was why the Dryad wasn't more grateful. All he got for his troubles was a potion and what he was really hoping for was a kiss.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Drogo then continued to head to the west where he came upon the terrible Fortress of the Gnolls, where the loathsome beasts engage in the most bestial practices:
    While reconnoitering a way into the fortress he stumbled into a Xvart cave where he found the most wondrous tome. A book that makes you a big hit with the ladies and gets you discounts in all the local stores. This is definitely Drogo's favourite magic item so far and it has pushed his Charisma all the way up to 9.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Drogo has never felt happy wearing the armour he stripped from Sendai. He's not against second hand clothes per se, after all some very nice items can be found in vintage clothing stores, no the problem is that Telbar's studded leather is awfully brown and its not a colour to set the pulses racing. Drogo still wanted that fine set of Shadow Armour in the Thunderhammer Smithy, but he was bit short on funds. Then he remembered the reward being offered for administering justice to the mad cleric Bassilus. And this time he was able to collect the reward (and in doing so expunge the shameful memory of his having run away the last time their paths crossed).
    The 5,000 GP reward enabled Drogo to buy the armour of his dreams and he also found himself able to afford a cloak he had been admiring the last time he was in Ulgoth's Beard. It is a rather fetching powder blue affair and certainly helps a swashbuckler to cut a dash.
    Drogo now feels he really looks the part of the beau sabreur.

  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    Drogo, now clad in his figure flattering armour (black is so slimming - an important consideration when you are a 19 CON half-orc) and his flamboyant powder blue cape, continued to seek excitement and experience in the wilderness to the west. He briefly found himself a job guarding some workmen who were excavating an ancient tomb. Unfortunately, the job didn't last long because they went mad and he had to kill every last one of them. A bit of a troubling outcome all things considered.
    Still, it gave Drogo some much needed experience (1,000XP, which seems an awful lot for doing very little) and as a result he was able to level up. He is now level 7 and is getting a lot better at finding traps and a bit better at fighting. Even so, I don't think he is really going to come into his own as a swordsman until he gets that second point in two-weapon style when he reaches level 8 (which still seems a long way off).
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    Drogo was heading back to Ulgoth's Beard for a bit more shopping (they really do stock some very nice stuff for such a small, out of the way place) and he was passing through Lower Chionthar when he found himself accosted by a farmer whose son had gone missing. To be honest, finding Farmer Brun's boy wasn't a task that Drogo approached with much relish since it involved descending into a hole in the ground and battling some burrowing beasties. This is the kind of task that Drogo feels is best left to ranger types: the sort of people who wear earth tones and neglect to trim their beards or wax their mustaches. However, the experience proved rewarding, especially, when Drogo, moved by Farmer Brun's plight, spotted him 100 GP to set him on his feet again.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    Drogo's prowess at killing ankhegs brought him to the attention or Gerde, a brawny, unwashed female of little beauty and no style, who invited him to join her in a cull. Frankly, this was a task that Drogo felt was beneath him and Gerde - or 'Girder' as Drogo liked to think of her - was far from being a damsel in distress.
    Still, he agreed to help and in the end he had to admit that he benefited from the experience:

    The journey from level seven to level eight was probably one of the quickest in terms of time taken because Drogo basically did it all in ankhegs. I have been playing Baldur's Gate since it first came out and I have lost count of the number of characters I have lost to ankhegs during that time. It came as a complete surprise to me when I discovered that they are susceptible to Sleep spells, I always assumed they had far too many hit points for that. Even so, I was worried that Drogo might come a cropper when fighting them because they do a lot of damage and he is only ever one crit away from serious trouble. In the event I needn't have worried. The Wand of Sleep did its work and Drogo came away with barely a scratch.

    On leveling up Drogo invested all 25 points in Find Traps and, more importantly, got to put a vital second pip in Two-Weapon style. Now, at last, he is starting to feel like a force to be reckoned with.
    Post edited by Permidion_Stark on
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2020
    Drogo now headed down towards the Nashkel Mines. However, he didn't feel inclined to investigate what was going on there. Mines are after all, dark depressing places, full of barely clad, sweaty men. It's not the kind of place that a dandy much wants to frequent. He might get coal dust on his cape.

    So Drogo decided instead to take a look around the local area and he came upon a young sculptor who needed his protection form a ruffian called Greywolf. Drogo, always keen to be seen as a patron of the arts, readily agreed to protect the youthful chiseler.

    Drogo felt confident that he could defeat Greywolf. He was, after all, an experienced duelist, with incredible strength, magnificent dexterity and the finest armour money could buy. Surely the bounty hunter would be no match for him.

    Unfortunately for Drogo the first time they crossed swords Greywolf proved far more than a match for him. Our hero was cut to pieces and had to flee:

    Drogo, somewhat chastened, went back to Feldespost's Inn and rested up in his room (the royal suite, naturellement). When he was returned to full health he went back to teach Greywolf a lesson, convinced that this time he would prevail. Just to make sure he had an advantage he started the combat by sneaking up on the bounty hunter and stabbing him while he wasn't looking. Or at least that was the plan. Unfortunately, Drogo managed to miss his foe and a much angered Greywolf proceeded to slash him to ribbons. Drogo only managed to escape by the skin of his teeth.

    Drogo may not be very wise but he is smart enough to know that sometimes you need to change tactics. So he want to the Thunderhammer Smithy and purchased himself a Dagger of Venom.
    Obviously, this isn't a weapon that a preux chevalier should be wielding, but Drogo had come to the conclusion that if it was a choice between being preux and being alive then maybe being preux wasn't so important after all. He also told himself that he was really only buying the dagger so that he could use it when fighting people who don't fight fair. Mages and the like. However, just to make sure it worked he would try it out on Greywolf first . . .

    And at the third attempt Drogo was able to defeat the boorish bounty hunter. But it still wasn't an easy victory. Even with the Dagger of Venom in his off-hand Drogo only managed vanquish his foe by creeping up on him and stabbing him when he wasn't looking and then running away and throwing daggers at him from a distance. Again it wasn't the most heroic of displays and Drogo hopes when the bards come to sing of the battle they will skip over some of the more sordid details.
    On the upside, Drogo's victory enabled Prism to complete his masterwork. Now from near and far the emeralds could be seen glistening in Ellesime's eyes.
    Of course, they didn't glisten there for very long. Drogo is, after all, the foremost jewel thief on the Sword Coast.
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