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[mod] Athkatlan Grounds: Southern Edge



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  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Tangled Oak will include evil/hostile way of dealing with the main quest, but it's going to be a couple times as hard. Nevertheless, you will be able to just leave the final part for later if you'll try to deal with it too soon, so... Anyway, Tangled Oak still needs some time to be finished, but a lot has been written and coded in December so I can confirm it won't be abandoned. It's all way too advanced to just keep it unreleased now.
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  • 20cent20cent Member Posts: 1
    i like this mod very much, but i'm faced with a bug concerning the icon of despair's quest : when I bring the idol to the Oghma's priest in the docks district, I can engage the dialog, but then the game crashes.
    Apparently, I'm not the only one with this bug :

    Is there a solution ?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    I answered it in this thread already:

    Will try to finally update it this month. Until then, use the code from that post.
  • WitchfinderWitchfinder Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2020
    Sorry, I solved my own problem, but don't know how to delete the post. Might as well say thanks for the mod, it's a nice addition :)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Is there any chance you actually finished the quest, but forgot about it? I think some players experienced problems with the journal entry for this quest (sometimes it does not disappear from the journal). Or check other tents. There are 3 of them (IIRC) in that area :)
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I'm honestly not sure which mod is responsible, but I just had a serendipitous malfunction occur in Southern Edge. After Isra completed her personal quest, three people showed up in the little room over the Hole in the Wall tavern -
    Rana, Lamia, and the butler. Coincidentally, this happened right around the time Isra admitted that Lamia would call in a favor and get Rana out of prison.
    Now, as it happens, this malfunction was somewhat perfect from an RP standpoint - the three individuals were technically outside the gates waiting to leave as though fleeing the city.

    I just thought it was odd that they showed up there, of all places.
  • WitchfinderWitchfinder Member Posts: 26
    Is there any chance you actually finished the quest, but forgot about it? I think some players experienced problems with the journal entry for this quest (sometimes it does not disappear from the journal). Or check other tents. There are 3 of them (IIRC) in that area :)

    I reloaded an earlier save and followed the steps again, and realized that must have been it, hehe.

    I found a bug now however, when the priest is supposed to start the chant to bless the idol and asks me to hold it still - then the game crashes. I have some other mods active, SCS, Ascension etc.
  • zartanzartan Member Posts: 13
    The final encounter fight for this mod can overlap with New Fate For The Dryads' Acorns component from Quest Pack by SimDing0. I managed to get Phluafae encounter from the Quest Pack with the final encounter from this mod at the same time.

  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited August 2020
    getting a very odd crashing issue. i saved my game after getting most of the quests done besides the icon of despair one. when i reload the quick save after finishing the parasite quest my game just crashes. and when i reload to before finding the 4th piece of the parasite if i save and load on that it just crashes.

    this causes an issue as the furthest save i have that does not crash is before i did the planer sphere quest which means i gotta do like 2 hours of the game again.

    edit: looks like this was user error. says i have 3.01 currently installed not 3.10. which means i may need to scrap this run all together.

    i got confused as both read mes stopped at April.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    @zartan - nothing I can do. The Quest Pack's script summons them in any outdoor area that is not a city:
      GlobalTimerExpired("SUPissedDryad", "GLOBAL")
      Global("SURevengeSpawn", "GLOBAL", 0)
      RESPONSE #100
        SetGlobal("SURevengeSpawn", "GLOBAL", 1)

    @megamike15 - I have no idea what could cause such problem, to be honest. I hope you'll find a way to enjoy your game properly :)
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah it sucks. i normally would do southern edge near the beginning of chapter 2. but this time i wanted to do all your mods before i went to chapter 3. so i was really far into the playthrough before i got those crashes.

    all this means is i gotta wait before i play tangledoak for the first time.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    Nearly done evything :) I've thoroughly enjoyed it, but I can't quite finish things ...
    Where the hell is the bloody gnoll?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    kiwidoc wrote: »
    Nearly done evything :) I've thoroughly enjoyed it, but I can't quite finish things ...
    Where the hell is the bloody gnoll?

    he is at the bottom part of the map near the cat.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    edited August 2020
    Thanks muchly @megamike15. I found him - for some weird reason the little flag/notification/label thingy wasn't working and he was hiding in the shadows
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Wait, there's a

    What do I need to do to trigger that quest?
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    What about talking to him? ;)
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Caszidy wrote: »
    What about talking to him? ;)

    I've never seen him...
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Hm, okay. I'll have to take a peek when I return to Athkatla.
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    I've never seen him...
    He's always there chillin B);) I guess he is just kind of being careful to not scare other citizens so he is waiting on the edge of the District behind the tree ;)

  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited September 2020
    I ran into the dialog issue with Mairo Mudclapper again, and this time, I realized that I had seen similar behavior with Dace Linton. If you walk past him, triggering him to walk towards the party, but you leave the area before he can reach you, you will get disembodied dialog from him in your new location.

    In the most recent playthrough, I had dropped in for a moment to visit the inn, but didn't stop to talk to Mairo. I hadn't realized it was actually my first time to visit the district, as I had restarted from a previous save, so I left for the Slums directly from the inn. I got Mairo's dialog when the party arrived, and it broke the quest somehow.

    Interestingly, I had the same thing happen with Dace Linton. She automatically targets the party as well, but she didn't catch up before the party had left Waukeen's Promenade, so they got her her initial dialog in the slum district as well. Except in her case, she teleported to the party.
    Also, and this is a minor thing, but the last of the four parasite pieces requires a bit of a hinky action on the part of good parties. The poor sap has just been robbed, and the resolution to Mairo's quest essentially requires you to rob him again. Wouldn't it make more sense to have him hand you the note after you hand him the "item" saying he won't be needing the note anymore? This seems like it would be a much better resolution for good-aligned parties than the current one.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    I am taking a little break from fixing stuff now, will investigate that matter again once I gather some energy.

    As for the robbed guy: on one hand, yes, you need to get through his stuff, but on the other hand, it's only lucky you do so because otherwise, he could make "the final move". This isn't a good or a bad thing, I would say. Well, not as bad as robbing a temple to pass guildmaster's test :P
  • TulgasTulgas Member Posts: 22
    Fantastic area, very well made and blending (if not superior) with other game.

    Especially liked to trash all books away. May be to add a bag of holding in this area too, since it's accessible from early game?
    Small fixes - Neil quest seems never finishes, while it can be marked as finished after first reward and then just continue in hidden mode.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Thanks for feedback! It's always appreciated.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    The Athkatlan grounds mods have been superb. They really do add a lot of additional flavor to the city, and fill out what is supposed to be one of the largest cities on the Sword Coast.

    Now, about Trademeet...
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Hah, it would be hard to add anything to Trademeet, as the town itself use kinda closed composition. Right now I'm taking a small break from big stuff, perhaps will release some smaller projects, but I'm not planning to release any big BG quest mods for a while. Tangled Oak Isle was really big and now it's time to relax and play the game actually.
  • ArianorrArianorr Member Posts: 15
    Hi LavaDelVortel, Thank you very much for your amazing mod! I found it very interesting, and main ques is something new, I have never met before in RPGs, so its very fresh for me. Can I ask you, if you can help with with one bug? When I send my party to 2nd floor of Inside the Wall, the game crush, and Windows just write, that game does not response. I didnt read if somebody have similar problem, so I guess its rarelly. I dont want to start a new game, can you help me how I can continue with the quest (you know which one :wink: ) without geeting party into this location?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Hmm, never have I received such bug report, so... perhaps it's some incompatibility? What game (EE or non-EE) are you using? What gane version?

    You met there a guy who has one of the main-quest items. You may summon him with a console (L#NDPLA), but your journal entry won't update and the quest will always show in your journal. It's just an aesthetic thing, but annoys many players.

    Thank your for your kind words!
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