[mod] Athkatlan Grounds: Southern Edge

After so many plays, I realized Athkatla got a bit boring, so I decided to make a new district to make the city more interesting. It's called the Southern Edge and is the "minor" city gate in the southern part of the city wall. Some merchants use this place to for the transporting their goods.
Southern Edge is a new district for our favorite BG2 city - Athkatla - available from the very start, once you talk to Gaelan and hear his offer. The mod is to make the first hours of the game more interesting, as some player might have got bored with doing the same quests over and over again. The area isn't as big as Slums or as Bridge District, but it includes a main quest introduced by a halfling name Mairo and a series of mini-quests and encounters introduced by both some new characters, and some you might have met before.
There are also some nice bits every district should have - a small shop, a tavern, some commoners, a temple, some troubled men and women... what else do adventurers need, right?
It's not a big mod, but it should entertain you for a moment or two. I hope that the Southern Edge will become a nice stop for you, Bhaalspawn, and your trusted group.
The mod now works on BG2EE, BG2 and EET.
Here's the WM forums

Southern Edge is a new district for our favorite BG2 city - Athkatla - available from the very start, once you talk to Gaelan and hear his offer. The mod is to make the first hours of the game more interesting, as some player might have got bored with doing the same quests over and over again. The area isn't as big as Slums or as Bridge District, but it includes a main quest introduced by a halfling name Mairo and a series of mini-quests and encounters introduced by both some new characters, and some you might have met before.
There are also some nice bits every district should have - a small shop, a tavern, some commoners, a temple, some troubled men and women... what else do adventurers need, right?
It's not a big mod, but it should entertain you for a moment or two. I hope that the Southern Edge will become a nice stop for you, Bhaalspawn, and your trusted group.
The mod now works on BG2EE, BG2 and EET.
Here's the WM forums

Post edited by LavaDelVortel on
@egbert - if you have some time, skills, experience and knowledge on 3D modeling or working on isometric stuff in 2D, then sure, create new objects and I'll be hapy to include them
There was some progress. As I said, the district won't be really big. Something between the City Gates and the Bridge District. Well, it's not very precise, but... It's hard to describe something like that.
There will be few small quest, mostly delivery stuff, some new characters and... 2 you already met before. Why shouldn't we use some men that are already there, right? That should make the new content blend in a bit better.
There is also something I call "a main quest" - all districts have something. There are slavers and the Copper Coronet. There is Tanner quest. Here you'll meet an arcanist and a librarian in one, trying to find a creature that's hiding somewhere on the area. No more details! Spoilers are no fun, right?
Apart from that you will meet new merchants and you'll be able to buy some new items from them - all with new item icons. Well, not made from scratch, but they're not recycled, too!
As this mod wasn't supposed to be a big addition, do not expect stuff like Planar Sphere or... or the Unseeing Eye. Those are more like stand-alone quests, big things. This district is to be just another flavour in the soup. An additional seasoning. Hope you'll enjoy it!
What's the version of the non-upgradable game?
I tried your mod out and everything worked like a charm (I think I've seen most of it, maybe I'll have to check the area again, after some chapters...
I also added EET support, with the help of K4thos Modder's Notes (https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/K4thos/EET/blob/master/EET/docs/Modder's Notes.html)
Should I send you the files? Or are you preferring waiting for K4thos?
Thanks for this little mod, had fun about 30 minutes, everyone who likes quest mods, should play this!
I'm just curious how you finished the mod so quickly, as like Artemius said, it should take like an hour. There are some smaller quests, maybe you did not finish those? There are:
-arrange a dress for the worker's daugher (the one that's fixing the door)
-make Amaretto change her job
-find an antidote for your old friend (one of the tents)
-escort a merchant (available after helping Trademeet)
-fixing n halberd for a certain gnoll
-some mini-talks with the girl you must have gave the wooden sword (visit her once in a while, there are like 3 additional talks that fire after some some in game time)
...and all the issues somehow related with the main quest (Mairo's request). I thought all of this wouldn't be that obvious and that it's going to take you some more time.
Also a question - was the final quest battle too easy? I was thinking about making it a bit more difficult.
I did miss two quests you mentioned, the one after Trademeet and the one with the gnoll, maybe I was so fast, because I'm playing at 60fps?
I did your mod at the start of SoA, my party was at level 8/9 (rushed through BG1/SoD and some BG2 quests) and I don't think the battle was too easy. (Must try it on a higher level some time...
Found a little bug this time with Amaretto (It's not possible to talk to her again). I think the NumTimesTalkedTo(0) in line 12 (L#NDAMA.d) should be NumTimesTalkedToGT(0).
Another thing, which is maybe an oversight, should it be possible to rest in the outside area of the Southern Edge? Maybe a guard should spawn, if the player tries to sleep, but I don't know if that's intended, how it is.
As for resting outside - well, I decided that guard wouldn't really care. I treat Southern Edge as a district, but technically it's located outside the city walls. It's like a first stop for the merchants and deliveries, and it's somehow... associated with Athkatla, but Cowled Wizards and City Guard does not care much about the place as they have already lots to do on the other side of the wall, heh.
-EET compatibility implemented by badungu
-New content: new small character that needs your help in learning one of the "very useful" spells
-New content: Neil, the book buyer (NOTE: remember to sell him journals and books once you are sure they are no longer needed)
-New content: some interjections for original companions
-Fixed Amaretto talk which prevented players from talking to her more than once
-Fixed typos in the final fight cutscene
-Fixed helmet "Library of Thoughts" (L#NDHEL)
Thanks to:
@Artemius_I for proofreading, testing and all other help!
@badungu for the EET compatibility fix
And well I’ve to say you’re a marvellous modder for the IE community, giving the fact you’re in the same time programmer in the WeiDU language, scenarist and dialogue writer with a fertile imagination and an amazing power of work; I wonder how you find the time necessary in order to create, to type and at the end finalize yours marvellous mods: chapeau l’artiste !
I’ve remarked too that the CoI mods (4 are translated in French) have a sad and melancholic mood…And I wonder if it’snot a cultural reflection of the tragic history of Poland…
In other words - it's doable, but I would need someone to help me with that. I released more than 20 mods now and I am unable to test stuff on old BG2 game. Normally I would ask agb1 or K4thos for help, but right now they are unreachable and I am not sure if they would help at all, as I think they also switched to EE. So I am not saying no to the idea, but I can promise you that's going to happen and if it is, then I can't tell you when.
As for traification - it will happen eventually, but this is still more like a quite well working beta.
Thank you for all your kind words. Check the topic from time to time to see if there are any news.