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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited November 2020
    Journal of Bryant Brighteyes

    We joined up with Imoen and killed Korlasz.

    We had some minor adventures in Baldur's Gate and have joined up with Minsc, Dynaheir and Safana.

    The party members that I would really like however are to the North.

    We have camped with the army and it is now time for rest.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited November 2020
    Jabberwock wrote: »
    I then decided to take spell hits with Keldorn, who had an invulnerability potion active and much better saves. We also got a bit of luck from some engine cheese that is apparently still in the game. While SCS prevents 0 damage elemental attacks from spells from interrupting casters, it turns out that it doesn't stop 0 damage elemental attacks from weapons. So if an enemy mage has pfMW active, that disparity won't help you, but if the mage is down to stoneskins then you can still interrupt them (although maybe shouldn't).

    Sounds like you've been having some exciting times @Jabberwock :p.

    I seem to remember that the interruption by weapon damage, even of 0, has been explained by DavidW as a deliberate design decision - based on the fact it's difficult to concentrate when elemental hits are exploding in your face, even if they don't actually damage you.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    Jabberwock wrote: »
    Normally, I think he would be able to shapechange to GWW and survive with its 12hp / round regen, except the current implementation of the SCS "remove party items in spellhold" module takes away Cernd's shapechange token and he doesn't get it back until after defeating Jon.

    A workaround: you can get a new token by dismissing Cernd from your party and then having him immediately rejoin. It won't help with HLA tokens, but it does get werewolf shifting back. The all-werewolf party still works in v33, as long as the Shapeshifter supplying the tokens isn't the protagonist.

    But ... it wouldn't actually help you. The mummy weapon inflicts 13 instances of disease with 1/round poison damage each (5-round duration). The haste on the token would double that damage, for a net of 14 HP lost per round instead of the original 13. What you really needed from him was some instances of Cure Disease or Neutralize Poison memorized - they're fast-casting, and easy to get in between the ticks. That, or reaching level 15 for permanent poison immunity.
  • JabberwockJabberwock Member Posts: 75
    Grond0 wrote: »

    Sounds like you've been having some exciting times @Jabberwock :p.

    I seem to remember that the interruption by weapon damage, even of 0, has been explained by DavidW as a deliberate design decision - based on the fact it's difficult to concentrate when elemental hits are exploding in your face, even if they don't actually damage you.

    Ah interesting. I guess I'm suspicious that argument is a post-hoc justification for something that turned out to be difficult to implement in the engine, but at least there is a narrative :) .
    jmerry wrote: »

    A workaround: you can get a new token by dismissing Cernd from your party and then having him immediately rejoin. It won't help with HLA tokens, but it does get werewolf shifting back. The all-werewolf party still works in v33, as long as the Shapeshifter supplying the tokens isn't the protagonist.

    But ... it wouldn't actually help you. The mummy weapon inflicts 13 instances of disease with 1/round poison damage each (5-round duration). The haste on the token would double that damage, for a net of 14 HP lost per round instead of the original 13. What you really needed from him was some instances of Cure Disease or Neutralize Poison memorized - they're fast-casting, and easy to get in between the ticks. That, or reaching level 15 for permanent poison immunity.

    Ahhhhh, I should have thought of that. I thought maybe level up would fix it - later testing showed that it didn't (and anyway Cernd was at ~1.35mm exp and not really that close to a levelup). I didn't think of trying a rejoin.

    Interesting note on the exact disease mechanic. I think it must stack then and each of them got hit twice so I was taking 26 per round. During the run, I had thought that maybe the disease had a special schedule that caused it to trigger more times a round either randomly or in the back half of its triggers. But I think in hindsight they were probably just double diseased.

    5 * 13 = 65 they could have withstood with an extra healing potion (at least Cernd, who started with most of his hps). But 2 * 65 = 130 they could not.

    I did very much regret not having cure disease memorized on any of the two rangers or the druid, but of course in normal times the party carries a few health elixirs, which do clear disease as well as poison...
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I had a short-lived BG run with a solo Psionicist monk until Venkt landed an Icelance spell and stunned us. I thought all we had to worry about was level 2 spells, and the Potion of Magic Blocking ran out before the One Gift Lost and a Detonation spell could finish off Venkt. Otherwise the fight was won.

    The Psionicist kit is fun. It's not too different from a conventional monk; it's just weaker in combat and has some spells based on BG2 psionic abilities (Mind Blast, Ego Whip, Ballistic Attack, Detonate, Psionic Blast, Psionic Domination, Cure Serious Wounds, Planar Travel, Psionic Maze, and some mage-y HLAs).

    I'm not sure how much time I'll spend on BG in the future. Mostly I'm interesting in BG2, but after so many saga runs, it feels weird to do a BG run that doesn't start at Candlekeep, and I'm not sure I'd enjoy using exploits (like using the Reform Party trick to spam Totemic Druid summons or blind Bounty Hunter traps) to speed through BG1 and SoD.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited November 2020
    Journal of Bryant Brighteyes

    Baeloth and M'Khinn are now available as allies. I dropped Minsc and Dynaheir off at the camp.

    We then went in search of missing people and items and managed to kill Teleria before she managed to cast a petrification spell. The golum however was more of a problem.


    We then came across Skie and managed to persuade her to be more responsible. Killing a nearby vampire proved to be straightforward but on the way back a cave full of trolls was less so. Hal had forgotten stoneskin and so was badly hurt. However we escaped, rested and returned this time with more success.

    We returned the missing items, keeping the shield as part of the reward.


    We then helped Cromnus and when we entered the barrow where his treasure is kept we saved Semahl.


    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    edited November 2020
    Dassareth, Undead Hunter with a custom party, Update 14

    Previous updates:
    In the Underdark, the first significant challenge we had to face was our first Bhalor - quite deadly with SCS, as they have vorpal attacks in melee, and can use dangerous spells such as firestorm and defenses such as stoneskin at will - so I had to kite him, while doing enough damage at range to actually get through his frequently-renewed stoneskins while avoiding death by firestorm. This gets significantly easier with HLAs, which I didn't quite have yet, but I barely pulled it off:
    However, I did get my first HLA right after that - Dassareth's Summon Deva. It, some traps and our high level skald song immunties (undispellable immunity to fear, stun and confusion - so good) were put to great use against the Demon Knight ambush:
    For the Beholder Lair, I buffed fully, including protection from petrification - though only Khelbara ended up getting her buffs dispelled:
    Further into the lair, I at first relied on skeleton warriors and my deva:
    After the Hive Mother got rid of my summons, I instead went for some invisible cloudkill-kiting:
    At the Illithid City, I mostly buffed up my melees with improved haste and chaotic commands, letting them handle the fighting - though I had to use quite a few healing potions here while rushing through the complex:
    In Ust'Natha, I completed the first couple of quests (using quite a few traps) while also winning some arena battles:
    I also had to face Deirex - essentially my first real lich battle in an enclosed space, forcing me to get rid of his buffs. Rowin used his new spell strike (might have been a spell trigger loaded with anti-magic stuff instead, I can't remember), while my skald cast a breach spell off her own, giving Cadrax the opportunity to disrupt the lich (likely his time stop attempt), which resulted in his downfall:
    Not much trouble in the remaining Underdark - we have a few fighter HLAs and UAI at our disposal now, so our skald and cleric/thief have greatly improved defenses, while our fighters can dish out tons of damage, so battles mostly based on physical damage shouldn't be a problem until we get to ToB. Next time, we will go back for some unfished business in and around Athkatla, such as liches, dragons, mind flayers, the guarded compound and the twisted rune - also, WK level 1+2.
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    Dassareth, Undead Hunter with a custom party, Update 15

    Previous updates:
    Returning back to Athkatla, we forged new weapons and killed some liches via traps. The city gates lich had a really strange combination of pre-buffs, which did, for some reason, NOT include any kind of protection against physical damage:
    Or maybe there simply wasn't time for him to trigger all of the prebuffs he was going to have.

    One guy who did have all the buffs he would need was the alhoon in the sewers - I hit him with a sequencer and a spell trigger, spellstrike and multiple breaches, forcing him to spend all of his time on renewing his buffs instead of doing anything dangerous:
    Kangaxx was killed in the manner I always use for his SCS version - kill his lich form with traps, and his demi-lich form with two quick sunrays:
    I don't have any screenshots from the dragon battles - nothing of note happened here, the dragons don't seem to get their SCS HP boost on tactical setting, so they died within seconds. The Guarded Compound was slightly worrying - Sion was the first spellcaster I encountered capable of completing a time stop spell against my party (though, to be fair, this is on me - I decided to get rid of his allies first instead focusing on him). Luckily, he doesn't seem to get HLA's on the tactical setting, and he instead mostly improved his defenses and tried to get us with a Horrid Wilting - which didn't work, as I was able to give the Belt of Inertial Barrier to the affected party member and move them away from the others before the spell hit.
    The Twisted Rune turned out the way I expected it to go: The lich died to traps, Rowin's triple ADHW CC helped in aggressively taking down the others with the enemy mage sadly out of range - this mage managed to get rid of any of our unprotected buffs, but we still had the enhanced bard song going, so plenty of immunities to go around, and we used a sequencer + spellstrike + true sight + breach combo to take down her buffs (though not before she summoned three efreeti via chain contingency, a move that seems to be a bit more common with this SCS version).
    The most difficult fight we actually faced this time around was against the Statues at WKI. Bad work at focusing the right targets, general confusion and poor planning and understimating our foes resulted in us getting hit by, among other things, a greater malison + chaos combo (classic! Cadrax got affected, which is a double failure on my part - he should've had a) his rage up and b) the enhanced bard song immunities), a time stop, a bunch of area of effect spells (including ADHW) and a Sphere of Chaos (which, I believe, turned Sentenza into a squirrel, almost resulting in her death) - we did end up winning in the end, but it was far too close and propably our worst fight since the Iron Throne Party in BG1:
    WKII was much easier for us, greatly helped by always getting the correct imunities, types of elemental damage and some silver sword vorpal hits:
    For the chromatic demon, I had a surprise prepared: Galderan's thief levels still allowed him to set up traps with extra fire damage, so.... we waited for him to turn into an ice golem:
    Next time, we will face Bodhi again and move on to the elven city.
  • JabberwockJabberwock Member Posts: 75
    @Enuhal Had a similarly tough fight against the UD Balor. His circa -11 AC combined with 40% physical resistance can make him pretty tough to take down. I sort of mentally benchmarked his power level from back when I used to run stronger parties and would have 4 or even 5 characters that could cast SI:A and had plenty of breach and LR casts and then could just MM him to death like a chump.

    Anyway, I had him down to only about 70% when I realized I wasn't winning the fight and resorted to a slayer change. Which STILL wasn't enough because he happened to almost immediately recharge his stoneskins. And almost killed me when I lost control and he "remove magicked" my pfF, causing my auto-attacks to take aura-of-flaming-death damage.

    Fortunately, after last run, I realized the rod of resurrection can save the slayer in a pinch like that and the heal landed just in time.

    Then I panicked and had Haer'dalis use three LR scrolls followed by a PW:Stun scroll, which landed (I think the balor would have still had 30% MR at that point).

    I did unfortunately get gonged later on in the Ust Natha quests. It turns out that Solaufein has a hidden timer that goes off much faster than the journal says it does. The timer is three days starting at the "few days" remark in the quest log and does ***NOT*** refresh when Phaere gives you an additional 3 days to meet her after killing the "Eye Tyrant".

    On another note, I don't know how people are getting HLAs in the underdark. I always leave UD with about 2.5mm XP, with the only athkatla quests I haven't done being planar sphere and planar prison...

    This time I will leave with more like 2.1mm XP due to lack of mage & thief XP and the lost off ~250k quest XP from the rest of the Ust Natha line.

    I suspect that I may have to resort to trying to get through WK 1/2 in order to get HLAs to deal with the liches / kangaxx / TW / Bodhi. I have never fought the statues without HLAs before, so that might be a spicy fight.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Jabberwock I expect that other people might have more experience because they have more mods. Quest mods invariably give experience. However it could also be that they play with smaller parties at first.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    Jabberwock wrote: »
    On another note, I don't know how people are getting HLAs in the underdark. I always leave UD with about 2.5mm XP, with the only athkatla quests I haven't done being planar sphere and planar prison...

    I can't speak for everyone else, but here's how my most recent party got their first HLAs at or before Spellhold, while leaving three stronghold quests (Planar Sphere, Windspear Hills, most of Umar Hills) unfinished:
    - Play with one or two characters to 1.25 million XP, and then recruit the permanent party. Five party members joining that way is worth around five million XP in joining triggers.
    - Shoplift all the scrolls, scribe and erase for XP. There's more than 2 million XP worth of scrolls you can shoplift in act 2, and most of them are available without even doing any quests. Some of this XP goes to that initial push to 1.25 million; my fighter/thief protagonist picked up Aerie and used scrolls to exceed a million XP before even visiting the slums for the first time.
    - Start high. By running the last two chapters of BG1 ironman, my protagonist entered BG2 at nearly 300K XP. (The XP cap is only applied when you load a save. You can't level up past it, but you do keep accumulating experience.) Starting after SoD would be worth even more here.
    - Do all the character quests, especially the EE characters with their additional areas. None of the rewards are huge, but they add up.
    - High difficulty SCS means generally higher monster counts, and extra XP from that.
    - A bit of Watcher's Keep; my latest party stopped just short of the Chromatic Demon.
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    edited November 2020
    Dassareth, Undead Hunter with a custom party, Update 16

    Previous updates:
    Dassareth is a seasoned vampire killer at this point, so Bodhi's lair wasn't much of a problem. When facing the vampire boss, I sent my fighters right at her - two of them at 10 APR with improved haste, the other was an Undead Hunter. Bodhi did get to use her special insect plague, but it seems like she doesn't get her cold-based ADHW on tactical. She barely lived for a round, though, so I can't say much about her abilities:
    At the elven city, Cadrax got into a bit of trouble when facing the large group of Rakshasa in front of the Temple of Rilifane. As he tried to draw out some spells and show off his combat prowess, I once again didn't think to activate his rage, and, after being hit with a few nukes, a power word:stun got him - he was isolated, far from the party:
    Though I thought he was going to die for sure, the party still rushed in in an attempt to save him - mostly focused on Sentenza casting an invisibility spell to avoid him being targeted by more spells. Luckily, none of the Raskhasa used their physical attacks, instead casting spells with long casting time - miraculously, the party arrived in time:
    Cadrax ended up barely surviving, and we moved through the city, on to the dragon, who did not live for long:
    After summoning the Avatar of Rilifane, Galderan and Sentenza killed Tree-Irenicus via traps:
    With my HLA trap choices, I am going for a bit more variety this time around - there will be more explosive traps and time traps later on. In hell, I made sure to preserve Dassareth's paladin status, using a planetar and skeleton warriors for the beholder battle. In order to defeat Irenicus's demons as quickly as possible, I made sure to place two groups of traps just outside of his range (if he's too close to them, they will trigger on him, but they will basically not affect him). The traps to the east killed the balor + glabrezu there right away, the ones to the west only weakened both. Dispel magic cost our fighters their buffs from the get go, so I started with fighter HLAs in order to burst down the remaining demons, making sure to keep Dassareth away from the Balor and his vorpal attacks - though Cadrax took quite a risk staying in melee combat:
    Cadrax didn't get vorpaled - we dealt with the 3 efreeti Irenicus had summoned with his CC while also trying to take down his numerous buffs - this did take us some time, but eventually, we got him to where we wanted him:
    And there he goes, transforming back into humanoid form, signaling our victory:
    Next time, we'll start ToB and deal with our Pocket Plane + Saradush.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited December 2020
    Journal of Bryant Brighteyes

    Jaheira has now joined the party and together we have killed LOTS of trolls and bandits. I am using decapitator of trolls which does fire damage which means that Safana doesn't need to use fire arrows. The firefly sling also does fire damage. We are therefore accumulating fire arrows and are only having to buy arrows +1, indeed we don't actually NEED them. It's just quicker. :)

    I have exchanged Safana for Corwin as I certainly don't need her thieving ability so a better archer is prreferable.

    Corwin killed a dragon with a throwing knife.


    I have discovered that I should have talked to the bugbears. That was impossible because they were dead. I had used web, Holy Smite and Fireballs. I'm hoping that hasn't messed anything up.

    When the cultist fled he ran into a previously cast web with the result that I was able to kill him.

    We are now exploring a lower level where most of the cultists won't talk to me. Very rude of them!

    We were badly hurt by a trap when Firestorm neglected to look for them. :( We rcovered by sleeping in the wyrm's lair.

    Forther down a shadow aspect caused us problems by confusing Firestorm. He was the only one who could dispell magic so we ran away leaving a summoned wolf behind to distract him whilst we got out of sight. We then had to wait it out until the spell wore off.


    The next battle was touch and go as to whether we would survive! Corwin died Firestorm was all but dead with 2 hp remaining and I was reduced to less than the 30 shown in the image. That was recorded after I had consumed a healing potion and cure light wounds. We did however survive, the summoned monsters having performed a vital role by distracting the enemy whilst we healed.


    At least we now have the ability to raise the dead. :)

    The dragon's sister was easily dealt with. :)

    We released the crusaders which gave us the ability to enter the cruasader camp and grab some beer for the irregulars.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    edited December 2020
    Dassareth, Undead Hunter with a custom party, Update 17

    Previous updates:
    While Illasera did manage to get one hit with her dispelling arrows on Rowin, she wasn't able to stand up against our buffed-up fighters for very long:
    The first pocket plane challenge has given me trouble in the past, especially the one time Jon summoned a fallen planetar. I made sure to dispel his buffs and kill him right away and was able to do so just in time before Bodhi's insect plague hit my spellcasters:
    After taking down Kiser in Saradush, I made my way to Gromnir:
    Some vampires foolishly decided that going up against an Undead Hunter was a good idea:
    The Gromnir battle was the first serious fight the party had to face in ToB, with both enemy mages fully capable of casting timestop and doing massive damage to the party. My plan to avoid that: Get Rowin to cast timestop first (he has the AoP, so he's going to be a bit faster) and kill them - in this case, using his high strength to whack them with the SotM (which also happens to dispel their buffs):
    However, with low APR, I wasn't able to get Kharun the Black as well, and he was able to cast his own timestop. He got out his efreeti (man, SCS scripts really love these guys now!), though the most dangerous thing he did was cast a Dragon's Breath. I tried to get everyone out of the blast radius and equip vulnerable party members with some fire resistance - I didn't take too much damage in the end:
    Eventually, I was able to get rid of Kharun's buffs, though not before he also managed to summon a fallen planetar, which was taken down by the still fully-buffed Cadrax while Rowin was tanking Gromnir - though some risk of getting vorpaled was involved:
    Without his mages, Gromnir's death was inevitable. Now I only had to chase down his remaining allies:
    I could've been more aggressive during this fight - maybe Rowin should've just cast a second timestop before the first one was ending. Took some healing potions to get through this, but I have tons of them, more than I can use.
    One final fun screenshot for today: I guess the Master Wraith's PFMW didn't actually fire up in time to protect him from Azuredge, though the screenshot suggests that it should have been there to save him:
    Next time, we will enter the Fire Giant Temple and deal with Yaga-Shura!
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    Dassareth, Undead Hunter with a custom party, Update 18

    Previous updates:
    Entering Yaga-Shura's Temple, I dealt with big fire giant groups by using magical swords, Cadrax with Hardiness or Rowin for tanking, while the others stayed mostly at range, dealing focused damage to vulnerable giants:
    Some traps and fire resistance spells helped to get to the second part of the area, though it was once again Dassareth's Azuredge which killed the Fire Lich:
    Now, to face the big battle against Berenn and his red dragon ally, Brimstone (added by SCS). I decided to try and get rid of their fire giant servants first, and also had to take down a summoned fallen deva while avoiding Brimstone for now:
    Throwing down some powerful AoE spells while cycling through my fighter-types, healing them up and getting them back to the front again, I was able to take down Brimstone next with some GWWs, mostly because he didn't use a whole lot of magical defenses:
    Now, I only had to chase down Berenn, who failed to do anything too dangerous:
    For the Prince of Fire, I used Dassareth, with improved haste and immunity to fire damage, wielding The Wave - which turns him and his elementals into a one hit kill:
    After killing Yaga Shura's mother with traps and summons, we made our way to the fire giant leader himself.

    Unluckily, it took quite a while for Yaga Shura to show up, so some of our short-duration buffs were gone by the start of the battle. His mage lieutenant was able to cast a timestop, buffing himself up and throwing down a Dragon's Breath, which forced most of my characters to move away or equip some crucial fire resistance gear:
    With Yaga-Shura still almost immune to damage, I focused on his lieutenants. I was unable to get to the heavily-protected mage without exposing my party to massive damage - only Cadrax, who would be able to rely on his rage if needed, engaged him. The others took down the unprotected thief and fighter first, while summons and a simulacrum were holding off Yaga-Shura:
    As the second PFMW of the mage lieutenant ran out, Cadrax was able to take him down, though not before the enemy dispelled some of our buffs. On his way back to the party, Cadrax got essentially surrounded by Yaga-Shura and a bunch of officers, forcing me to activate his Hardiness while healing him with RoR charges, as he was taking tons of damage - at this point, the resistances of the second of the five were weakened enough to go for the kill:
    Finally, I completed the second pocket plane challenge. You can walk into these rooms. as long as it is not your main character doing it, without triggering the events - so with some well-placed traps, the only real threat of the bunch, Semaj, was instantly taken down:
    Next time, we will move to Amkethran and do all four of the BG2:EE:ToB companion quests!
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited December 2020
    Journal of Bryant Brighteyes

    I discovered that Col was a traitor and when I killed him a mage teleported in and Gated me.

    That's something that I won't be doing again!!

    The end. :'(
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited December 2020
    Journal of Fireblade


    After the death of Gorion I helped Mellicamp, calmed Marl, took a tome to Firebead, picked up a ring of protection +1 and a ring of wizardry, helped Joia, killed Sonner and took the bowl to Tenya. Level 2 fighter, level 2 illusionist.

    We then headed south and put two ogrillon to sleep. They never woke up again!

    We continued south, killing hpbgoblins and picking up the Colquetle Amulet.

    In nashkel I found some good armour, taleked to Noober and turned down a reward from Oublek.

    Near the mines I found a wand and in a building was savaged by dogs. I put them down before heading east where I found a ring of fire protection.

    I then took Samuel to the Friendly Arms Inn. My intention is now to deliver the amulet.

    Burning hands x 2 plus Protections of "Shield, Reflected Image and Protection from evil" killed Tarnesh.


    The Sleep spell was used to acquire the girdle of piercing.


    I then went to help Prism. The mine guards were quite helpful and I could have let them finish the job. However I wanted the kudos for killing him and so led him away. My wand seriously hurt him but didn't kill him.


    THAT was intentional as I wanted his sword. I used magic missile thinking that would be sufficient, but it wasn't and I had to use a healing potion as he hurt me badly. My second magic missile WAS sufficient to finish the job.


    After returning to Prism I became a hero. The Carnival was an ideal spot for a wll deserved rest.

    Reuniting Albert and Rufie together with killing Vax and Zal came next.

    After heading west I helped a dryad and was about to return a cat to 'Drienne when I remembered just in time that my charisma is a bit on the low side. I will have to return later with a charismatic party member.


    I then killed Ingot.


    Helping an archaeologist made me a level 4 fighter as well as raising my reputation to 19.


    By helping Brage, my reputation reached 20. :)

    Xzar and Montaron joined me and after leaving Xzar in a house Montaron and I went "Shopping." Montaron picked up a cloak in Beregost. We then went to Ulgoth's Beard where he "found" a decent war hammer, a ring of freedom of action, several potions as well as scrolls. I left him and the cat there, the cat being in a barrel in the inn.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited December 2020
    I accidentally overwrote the files on my last game so am starting a new game with some Lawful Good Helmite Triplets.


    When we were ambushed the first time Gorion was killed. The second time Tarnesh was killed.


    We returned Jpia's ring and headed north where we discovered that Sonner and his cohorts were evil,


    We killed them and returned Tenyas bowl.


    We then killed a nearby ankheg at which point Marcia lvelled up.


    In transit we were ambushed by a ghast and with difficulty we killed it.


    We were later able to help Mellicamp.


    We calmed Marl down and took a tome to Firebead next.

    When Garrick took us to Silke, we discovered that she was evil and so were ready for her attack. This enabled us to kill her with ease.


    We were still buffed when Karlat attacked us, not that it was necessary as Command stopped him in his tracks.


    We were then able to return Perdue's sword.

    Heading south we killed a couple of ogrillon and delivered a letter one of them was carrying. We then killed some officious flaming fist which provided us with plate armour.

    Further south we killed ogrillon and picked up the Colquetle Amulet and we eventually ended up in Nashkel. There we found some ankheg armour, turned down an undeserved reward from Oublek and had a chat with Noober.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    Enuhal wrote: »
    Aside from that mild inconvenience, this wasn't a challenging battle - I don't think the Planetar of Justice even has a vorpal sword.
    It does; all versions of the Planetar of Justice have the standard planetar weapon. What they lack, along with the other celestials from Dorn's quest, are the SCS celestial upgrades. No instant casting, no improved spell AI. If that's what you're used to fighting, they're pretty lackluster.
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