BG2EE (Android) Modfile Request - Dialogue Based

in BGII:EE Mods
Hi @Seda, sorry about the delay but I had some trouble getting it to pickup properly in Spanish. Hopefully it should be good now.
This is in a discussion just to keep it with the right game version. The initial request was in the BG1EE area.
I have had to place the file onto a File Sharing service (hopefully Zippyshare works in your country, if it doesn't let me know a better one...) as it is far too big for the forum. It is likely to be deleted within 30 days so be sure to grab it prior. If you don't, I will keep the file on my system until BG Series v2.6.x is released, or you let me know that all is well, so no problems asking for a reupload.
The size of the file is about 310MB and once placed into your folder structure, the override folder will be about 890MB so you need to make sure you have enough room. I have attached the WeiDU.log here.
I tested to a point where I could create a new Bard. That was about it I'm afraid, the rest was lost in translation. If there are any problems, let me know and I will see if I can rebuild with a better outcome.
The mods installed were:
BG1 NPCs in BG2
- Ajantis v18
- Alora v1.5
- Branwen_v3
- Coran_v5
- Kivan and Deheriana Companions v16
- Skie_The Cost of One Girl's Soul v2.0
- Tiax_v4
- Xan v15
- Yeslick BG2 v2.0
IEP Banter
- Cernd Friendship v1.1
- HaerDalis Friendship v1.0
- Imoen Friendship v2.2
- Korgan Friendship v1.3
- Mazzy Friendship v2.2
- Minsc Friendship v1.0
- Valygar Friendship v1.0
- Viconia Friendship v3.3
- Yoshimo Friendship v3.1
NPCs from BG1EE Modfile you have used already:
- Gavin v22
- Sirene v1.8.1
Misc NPCs
- Companion - Afaaq, the Djinni Companion v2.6
- Wilson Chronicles v1.4.2
- Nehtaniel v6.5
- Kelsey v4
- Petsy Chattertone v3.1
- Yvette v4.0
- The Beaurin Legacy v2.1.1
NPCCrossmod Banter Pack_crossmodbg2 v17
Useful Plot Items for BG2:EE
NPC_EE v3.6
Bardic Wonders v1.3
Shadow Magic v1.9.37
Tweaks Anthology v8
SCS v32 RC8
Download link:
For those just looking, this mod is for BG2EE v2.5.16.6 and is set for Spanish language.
Enjoy Seda
Hola Gus, mañana miraré el archivo con BG2.
Muchísimas gracias. (Valoro muchísimo tu ayuda).
Un saludo.
In my quest for SCS, I've read most of your posts. It's really awesome that you're helping so many people, you're a kind person. What I wanted to ask you is if, by great chance and luck, you still have this file and if can Share it again? If the answer is yes (?), can I just change the language to English and everything will work normally?
I wanted to try and create a modifile myself, tried installing Ascension, The Tweeks Anthology and SCS but I couldn't install them to the fullest. I tried several versions of BG2EE and also several versions of SCS and Ascension (I thought it could be a compatibility issue), unfortunately I had no luck. I also tried the modifile you created for JustThatGuy but I got the invalid strings (+ I like the way the characters look with helmets).
Maybe you still have the file, maybe not, I still want to thank you ? .
Thank you for your kind words.
I do have an english version of the modfile but to answer the question, you wouldn't be able to change the language in the game for the modfile to work. The modfile has all the mods installed using Spanish text (or at least those that could). I have uploaded the english version for you to play with. If it doesn't suit your game play style, just let me know what mods you would like installed and I will see if I can put something together.
With the lockdowns that are occurring, my 'office' is actully converted to an office for the family to work from home, so access to my PC is when I can, so there could be a slight delay.
Download: BG2EE.
I will see if I can find the JustThatGuy modfile and see what problems exist. It might have been one of the earlier modfiles (which this could be as well, have tested it since putting it together) and I have made some changes to the method used over time.
Anyway, give it a go and see how it fairs
Happy Gaming
Edit: Update below
You are a miracol worker!
Thank you, thank you very much, really appreciate this. Especially knowing that your time is a even rarer resource than before. Hopefully, we we'll all get through this well and safe and life will return to normal.
The file works perfectly. Once I got to the Ogre mage, he just exploded with all the buffs. It was beautiful. Happy gaming indeed.
Best wishes,
The easy one first: The mod doesn't appear to have any Aerie/Haer'Dalis dialog in the banters. For the other prob, I may have tracked it down to the 'IEPBanters - Restored NPC Interjections component'. There has been an update to the mod since this one was placed into the modfile (Jan 19) but not sure whether it fixed the problem. If you want, I can redo the modfile with the updated mod.
If it is not too much trouble, could you redo the modfile with the updated mod and also with Ascension and Peccas Pocket Play UI?
Here is the updated modfile. Sorry for the delay but there was some fault finding and mod re-ordering to be had (each install tool a couple of hours with SCS. It didn't overly affect my time though; I just started the install, answered a few questions of some early mods and walked away)...
There were a couple of conflicts such as Pocket GUI with Shadow Magic Beta Spell Picker and another mod (prob SCS), so I removed Pocket GUI from the list. I could have reverted Shadow Magic back to the menu driven (text based) spell picker but there was still the other clash.
I have added a couple more NPCs and updated the other mods accordingly.
File (~478MB Packed, ~1.2GB Unpacked)
WeiDU.log attached
I have removed the modfile for Florin as this one has the updated mods.
Same thing as before, I only had time for some quick testing and it was based around the Shadow Adept. Let me know if there are any problems as it is all batch driven, so easy to move mods around.
Happy Gaming
For the Cleric/Mage and Cleric, one idea may be to add Use Any Item to your abilites. The prob here is that you can use any item... You would also need to add proficiency points to the weapon type.
If you give me some specs on what you want each to look like, I could create a .chr file that you can import which may allow you to do what you want with limitations...
If I can think of another way (unfortunately I am not good at writing mods), I will give it a whirl.
Download Link:
Also attached is the WeiDU.log showing the components of SCS installed. I took a guess on some of them...
In this, your Clerics and Mages can use both 2HS and Longswords as well as Bastard Swords. Any without a Fighter class of sorts are limited to 1 proficiency with fighter mixes have 2.
To install, remove any other mods then just copy this to:
It should be sitting beside baldur.lua.
You should now be able to start the game and play. You will need to start a new game.
Let me know if you come up against any probs.
Happy Gaming
Edit: Update located here
I will also put in aTweaks which moves some rules closer to PnP as well. If any mods aren't compatible, I will just leave them out.
You wont be able to mix the modfiles unfortunately. Having more than one in the Files folder is likely to crash the game or at the very least bring some 'invalid' text into the game.
Be aware also, any modfiles created are specific to the version of the game it was created with...
All the best
I read the log for the BG II mod here and also saw the list of your inclusions, I just wanted to make sure that the tweaks anthology v8 you mentioned include unrestricted strongholds, the original reason I was looking for mods as I remember the thieves' guild stuff from 15 years ago pretty fondly and didn't want to miss it playing another class. The log file didn't say anything specific about strongholds and the mod itself seems to have multiple stronghold options so I just wasn't sure.
Oh and I figure it seems like if I import my BG character (probably a straight kensai when I import because the past me was a horrible weeb powergamer who now wishes he'd finished his last BG-BG2 kensai mage playthrough but he gave up) with these modpacks it will probably be fine, no? Haven't seen any info on going from I to II. I figured if I avoid grabbing swords as a mage it will avoid any likely pitfall (tho no guarantees when modding, I understand).
Thanks for keeping up with all of this and performing this service for the community. I'd love to say I don't know computers or my dog ate my laptop but honestly I just wanted a fast way to get back into these games without getting sucked into modding again
If you are talking about the BG2 modfile for darthnihilsm, then yes, the Tweaks Antholgy (v9 btw) does allow for multiple strongholds without class restrictions.
If you are using a vanilla Kensia, then you should be right. If you are using any mod that includes some sort of changes to the Kensia, then the BG2 modfile will also need to include that mod. I don't recall anything specific in the last couple of modfiles, so I believe that you shouldn't have any problems with the import. There should be no problems if you do grab swords as I have tested this further and found no issues.
The real magic here is with the modders that create the mods. For me, it is a reasonably simple (?) task to put them together for those who can't or don't have a PC or don't want to get sucked into modding again
Happy Gaming
Out of curiosity because I guess some spells have been moved around, Dynaheir isn't showing any learned level 2 spells, which was fine and probably WAD because she only just hit level 3, but identify is level 2 with these mods at least, and the game thinks she has it in her spellbook so she can't learn it and I can't have her memorize it and cast it.
Is this a common bug people see when modding or did I hit the jackpot? Or am I just being stupid?
Edit: Yeah she has invisible spells in her level 2 spellbook. The memorize and long press on the icons to erase show the buttons but do nothing. Guess I'm gonna have to figure out EEKeeper or something to fix her.