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Road to 2.6 | Planned Patch Items | Windows, macOS, Linux



  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    @SorrowSeer Have you tested and confirmed this behavior in NWN:EE? Have you been able to reproduce the issue? If so, maybe it is the behavior of NWN:EE not allowing druids to cast spells in armor that is bugged. Why else would the game not allow druids to cast Dinvine spells due to Arcane Spell Failure Percentage? Reporting it couldn't hurt. Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144
    @SorrowSeer Have you tested and confirmed this behavior in NWN:EE? Have you been able to reproduce the issue? If so, maybe it is the behavior of NWN:EE not allowing druids to cast spells in armor that is bugged. Why else would the game not allow druids to cast Dinvine spells due to Arcane Spell Failure Percentage? Reporting it couldn't hurt. Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.

    Only in IWD EE
    (thought that in BG EE 1&2 and IWD EE fighter/druids can't cast with metal armor/shields on them)
  • tazartazar Member Posts: 3
    Don't know if the devs count this as bug, I do however.
    In BG2 there's still this item icon design incosistency: Amongst others (Studded) Leather Armor, Plate Mail, Maces are shown with the icon from BG1 which makes those look markedly out of place.

    This way the game feels like an unpolished mod with frankensteined graphical assets.
  • corporal808corporal808 Member Posts: 1
    Now that 2.6.5 has been approved for release to the masses, is there an estimate on when it will be?
  • ATigersClawATigersClaw Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 161
    edited March 2021
    I second that question.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    edited March 2021
    @SorrowSeer Sorry. It just dawned on me your question was specifically for the Infinity Engine EE titles. Just as @Trouveur stated, Divine spellcasters can cast spells while wearing metal armor without any problems. I think you may have gotten confused with the AD&D 2nd Edition Druid. IIRC, one of the restrictions of the class was it cannot wear armor heavier than studded leather or hide. That had less to do with their ability to cast spells, and it had more to do with their roleplaying aspect of being in tune with nature. Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • tazartazar Member Posts: 3
    That's reassuring to hear. Thank you for ongoing work on the games.

    Yeah, graphics-ise IWD has been a mess from the beginning (even before EE times), so that's a different can of worms.
  • LokathorLokathor Member Posts: 8
    One bug that seems to still persist is that if you hold the Tab key (highlight items) for more than a moment or two the game's camera will begin to drift up and to the left. This is present in both PST:EE and BG1:EE.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Lokathor wrote: »
    One bug that seems to still persist is that if you hold the Tab key (highlight items) for more than a moment or two the game's camera will begin to drift up and to the left. This is present in both PST:EE and BG1:EE.

    Can't repro it in BG:EE+SoD
  • NatregNatreg Member Posts: 100
    Any chance that the issue with the journal dates that happens when you start Siege of Dragonspear right after BG1 is fixed with this patch?

    It's a very easy fix that only needs minor tweaks on campaign.2da and bdsodtrn.bcs

    I suppose it's a very minor bug that probably no one cares about, but I would really want this fixed officially instead of patching it myself.

    The issue in question happens when you start the game right after BG1. The game adds 10 days to your journal date and starts the Siege of Dragonspear campaign. However, since the SoD campaign has a different starting date by default, this means that the days from your savegame are added to the wrong date.

    This doesn't happen if you start a fresh SoD game however.

    The fix is easy. Just "clone" the SoD campaing in campaign.2da naming it whatever is needed (BGSoD for instance), change in the new cloned campaign, sodyears.2da to years.2da, and then on the script that happens after BG1 (bdsodtrn.bcs) just use the new campaign (BGSoD) instead of the normal one, which is SoD.

    Doing it this way, adds the jorunal days to the BG1 date (2 mirtul 1368) when starting SoD right after BG1, and adds the journal days to the SoD date (2 Uktar 1368) when starting a fresh SoD game.

    I reported this bug on Beamdog's Jira back in October. Issue number BGCS-1943
    And it's taking very long to see any reply regarding it.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775

    BGCS-1943 was forwarded to our development team in October 2020, and we replied to you. It's in the long list of feature requests.
  • LokathorLokathor Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2021
    Lokathor wrote: »
    One bug that seems to still persist is that if you hold the Tab key (highlight items) for more than a moment or two the game's camera will begin to drift up and to the left. This is present in both PST:EE and BG1:EE.

    Can't repro it in BG:EE+SoD

    I double checked just now, it certainly still happens on the latest beta build on steam. Here's a quick video of it in action:

    Just press and hold Tab and the view will drift a bit at a time.
    Post edited by Lokathor on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    No, it doesn't happen in my game which might mean it is a software (or a hardware, check your mouse and/or touchpad) problem on your device.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    No, it doesn't happen in my game which might mean it is a software (or a hardware, check your mouse and/or touchpad) problem on your device.
    Just to confirm, no drifting occurs when I hold down the Tab-button in my game.
  • LokathorLokathor Member Posts: 8
    Feindish. I'll see about trying another keyboard with this PC and/or trying the game on another device.
  • LokathorLokathor Member Posts: 8
    Okay update: I had a friend try on their own computer and they also could not replicate the bug. I tried the on-screen keyboard and it didn't do the bug. However, when I tried a spare keyboard it STILL did the bug. Which leaves me at a loss, but I can't expect you to fix a bug that seems to only affect me.
  • ATigersClawATigersClaw Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 161
    Is it possible to get a rough estimate on the release of patch 2.6, now that testing has been finished @JuliusBorisov? I'm pretty sure quite some players are just waiting for the release to start another run, at least that's what I'm waiting for.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    It might still take time, so we can't promise an immediate release.

    If you want to start a run - start it at beta and then copy/paste the folder if you don't want to lose your mod setup.
  • cha0z_cha0z_ Member Posts: 27
    It might still take time, so we can't promise an immediate release.

    If you want to start a run - start it at beta and then copy/paste the folder if you don't want to lose your mod setup.
    Hey! Quick question if I may? Do you plan to release 2.6 for planescape torment and more specifically I am interested about ios + will you patch the game to support full screen on the now not that new notch screens (I am with 11 pro max rn, but there are a lot of notch phones already and more to come)?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    We haven't announced any plans regarding PST:EE but we're aware of bug reports regarding Planescape: Torment. The 2.6 patch will affect BG1, BGII, and IWD Enhanced Editions and SoD.
  • cha0z_cha0z_ Member Posts: 27
    We haven't announced any plans regarding PST:EE but we're aware of bug reports regarding Planescape: Torment. The 2.6 patch will affect BG1, BGII, and IWD Enhanced Editions and SoD.
    To be honest I will be really happy (and I am sure most players on ios) if you just update the game to support fullscreen on notch phones like all other infinity games you released on mobile. On my iphone 11 pro max it uses just like 60% of the screen... :(
    And that game is endless classic, do I/we will be really thankful to you all if you put some time to do it even if you don’t touch anything else, it will be massive bump on playability/enjoyment in current/future times. Cheers and have a wonderful weekend!
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited March 2021
    Looking forward to the patch!
  • LokathorLokathor Member Posts: 8
    If you want to start a run - start it at beta and then copy/paste the folder if you don't want to lose your mod setup.

    Is it just the `override` directory we'd need to save, or other directories as well?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Lokathor wrote: »
    If you want to start a run - start it at beta and then copy/paste the folder if you don't want to lose your mod setup.

    Is it just the `override` directory we'd need to save, or other directories as well?

    The whole game folder.
  • AbathornAbathorn Member Posts: 17
    @JuliusBorisov Are there any plans to include the original spanish dubs to BGEE and BGEE2?

    I don't understand why they are included in IWEE from the beginning and not for Baldur's Gate.
  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144
    We haven't announced any plans regarding PST:EE but we're aware of bug reports regarding Planescape: Torment. The 2.6 patch will affect BG1, BGII, and IWD Enhanced Editions and SoD.

    Any information about release date?
  • AvengerNX09AvengerNX09 Member Posts: 10
    It might still take time, so we can't promise an immediate release.

    If you want to start a run - start it at beta and then copy/paste the folder if you don't want to lose your mod setup.

    Will the update for iOS come out this year still? What about TestFlight builds? Would it be possible to beta test the updates that way?
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