Majority of Sales --- iPad?

So, Trent just said they expect the majority of sales to come from the iPad. I find this a little more than surprising, if this forum is any indication it seems like PC is in the overwhelming majority. I understand Overhaul is excited about bringing BG to a device like that, but who here is actually going to buy it for the iPad as opposed to it's originally intended medium, the PC?
I would honestly expect this game to be the biggest selling game on the iPad of all time. There is just no competition even close.
I think it'll be more like a grinding glacier. I think it'll continue to sell for a looooong time. It will avoid fads and just keep plugging along.
second: iPad version is the sole reason i'm even at this forum/being interested in bgee. other than that i don't care. honestly i would not buy the game again for PC. but i would glad to pay € for even unenhanced bg on ipad.
I personally never played Baldur's Gate when it came out (I dont think I even had a PC back in the 90's, my dad may have had one in his office thinking back), I got interested in the game after playing Dragon Age: Origins on my PS3 and wanted to play the game that inspired it, so I bought the in 4 in 1 boxset off amazon.
I think with all the coverage the game is getting in the gaming media, people will pick up on the growing buzz around the game, the fact it coming to iPad is awesome as it will be super accessible also.
But trust me when this game gets put on the iPad it will do great, and far better than it ever could do with just a bunch of PC gamers. Not to insult you guys or anything, but PC gamers are a relatively small crowd compared to the rest, and even with tons of PC gamers buying a game, it won't reap half the profit of a decently-selling console game, or a fourth of the profit of a decently-selling tablet or phone app.
So from a numbers stand point, yes, more copies will be sold on the iPad than on PC. From a percentage standpoint of some sort, well of course it will be less. But that doesn't really matter.
Let's just wait and see - but truth be told, I wouldn't be surprised if HALF the sales will come from the iPad *alone*.
However, Baldur's Gate requires some serious time to play, commitment, and you generally like to immerse yourself while sitting in a comfortable space to play it. RPGs tend to be like that for some people, they like to enjoy them privately.
And while this is possible with an iPad, aren't iPads sold for mobility, for using it on breaks, when you're away from the pc or home, or even on vacation?
In other words, the flaw of the iPad is that, it has more situational use for some people, which limits it to surf the net or play games that take little time, and BG takes a LOT of time, are they going to immerse themselves like that? They can certainly do that, but isn't it more practical to just do it on the PC?
I understand the trend of getting an iPad and having it at home because it looks cool and can play games and watch movies or whatever, but i think the majority of people take it for what it actually offers, and i don't know 100% if it is that practical for something like Baldur's Gate, no matter how cool it looks running it.
Saying that, i do think that BG:EE will sell well. I just think that the expectations of it selling well on the iPad, are based more the amount of iPads running around lately, rather than iPad being ideal for games like BG:EE.
However, if I had a tablet, I would still get this game for it. In this case whether or not the game is better quality on one platform or another would have very minimal impact on sales I'd have thought, unless the tablet version turns out to be unplayably bad
If BG sells 100,000 it will be a huge success...but I'm sure it may do even better.
To me it seems more like attempting to sell fine wine at a McDonald's birthday party. You'll have a large audience, but it's unlikely that they'll be able to appreciate your product. But if you advertise it just right, you might still be able to get some of them to buy it without really realizing what they're getting into.
I'm surprised they didn't prioritize iOS and Android over Windows. Tablets seems like the best way to attract new players to the franchise.
So bottom line I think tablet users will enjoy the game a lot, just not get as into the universe and such. And as such they will see when the sequel comes out and buy that too, and enjoy it. I don't think we'll gain too many hardcore fans this way, but plenty of important sales.
@Quartz, indeed, in the end, we need to find out if tablets are able to receive games like BG well. If it sells well, it doesn't matter if iPads are optimal for it.
Marketing approach!!!
I am one of those who got a tablet (android) for the occasion - I mean if FF3, which sucks in comparison to BG, got past 100 000 on android *alone* it will go pretty well for BGEE
At least I hope it can!