Who is depicted on the original Shadows of Amn cover?

For the longest time for some reason, I always thought it was Waukeen. I came to that conclusion back in high school.
Now over a decade later, I'm second-guessing myself. And I just now noticed for the first time the second face underneath the first one.
Looking at the first face, the logical guess would be Ellesime based on her portrait. However, the line going across the nose of the face on top could be one of the veins/cracks on Irenicus depicted in his portraits. That would explain the bottom portrait potentially being Bodhi. The headgear matching Ellesime's would also make sense in that regard.
Another possible theory is that it could be the Bhaalspawn and his alter-ego as the slayer/child of bhaal.
Has this ever been officially confirmed anywhere?
For the longest time for some reason, I always thought it was Waukeen. I came to that conclusion back in high school.
Now over a decade later, I'm second-guessing myself. And I just now noticed for the first time the second face underneath the first one.
Looking at the first face, the logical guess would be Ellesime based on her portrait. However, the line going across the nose of the face on top could be one of the veins/cracks on Irenicus depicted in his portraits. That would explain the bottom portrait potentially being Bodhi. The headgear matching Ellesime's would also make sense in that regard.
Another possible theory is that it could be the Bhaalspawn and his alter-ego as the slayer/child of bhaal.
Has this ever been officially confirmed anywhere?
i dont remember what the outcome was either unfortunately
some even said aran linvail was one of the portraits given the title "shadows of amn" so there was some speculation that he was involved since he is the leader of the shadow thieves
From a far away point of view it shows Elves on top and Drows under, Surface and Underdark, Amn above and below. Zooming in, it shows the story that will unfold in that context: Drows were cast down underground and left in the clutches of Lolth, and so were Irenicus and Bodhi cast down by Suldanesselar without even a soul. The darkness and evil these two surface Elves wallowed in further ties light with the shadows it casts. Then there's the whole circular motion of Joneleth's path, from the top of Elven society down to the ground of Athkathla, down to the Underdark and the top of Drow society, only to surface up again and reach the heart of the Tree of Life in a way that mixed dark and light in the cappuccino of war. It's all in the game logo. A polarized reflect but also a circular motion that ties them in "interdependent causation".
I don't know if there's any official stance on this but that's always been my take. Baldur's Gate II sure isn't shit as a game.
Very interesting
ToB's logo is pretty cool too, but I agree that the SoA logo was cooler. It was kind of mysterious and made you wonder what the meaning was...
TotSC gave a ship as reference to the travel to Baldurans Island which I presume is supposed the main story there, although the plot of durlags tower is much bigger.
Bg2 shows elves and drow as a reference to the elven plot the protagonist gets railroaded into.
ToB shows bhaals symbol in the grasp of a claw which turns out to be the claw of the antagonist.
Bg1 plus TotSC combined box just shows two faces, Sarevok and Ajantis, where Ajantis is out of place. I assume they did not go for a representative for each individual story but a mere representation of the antagonist and one of the heroes we can encounter during travel.
I think the elves depicted on the Shadows of Amn cover are very similar to these 2 - so I agree it's about the drow - elves conflict.