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Shadows of Amn Logo

I keep coming back to this question in my head. Is there any insight on the logo for Shadows of Amn? To me, it appears to be an artistic interpretation of Good and Evil, similar to the symbol for Yin and Yang, and that's really all I can make of it. Yet all of the other game logos are symbols of something that actually exists in the game. Anyone have any ideas?


  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    I think it's a Yin and Yang represented by elves and drow.
  • zolzol Member Posts: 25
    Always thought it was Shadow Thieves & Vampires
  • doggydoggy Member Posts: 313
    I always figured it was your destiny closing in on your dead father.

    The yin/yang I can follow as well.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    Indeed. It should basically be renamed "the shadowy side of the Elves/Ellesime".
  • WesleyWesley Member Posts: 55
    I think of the logo as Selune and Shar.
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
    Bugbear/Indian 69.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    I've always been curious about what the 'drow' headgear is supposed to resemble.

    123.jpg 953.6K
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    SionIV said:

    I've always been curious about what the 'drow' headgear is supposed to resemble.

    Oh, that would be Irenicus' very own Bathing Cap +5 artifact. It even has a label stitched in that reads "Made in Athkatla's Sewers". No drows were involved by its creation.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    It even features the little cups over his ears.
  • JediMindTrixJediMindTrix Member Posts: 305
    That's Ellisime. I think the shadowed version of her is just to tie into the name of the game.
  • JediMindTrixJediMindTrix Member Posts: 305
    Agreed, that isn't the same person. Maybe female/male charname?
  • Roller12Roller12 Member Posts: 437
    nah they are the same, its called a Thatcher illusion, google at you own risk!
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    @Dee, any insight to offer? I always assumed it was just a mirror image representation of Drow and Elves. Anyone around the office have any clue? :P
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Whatever it is, it's very cool and unique. I was always very fond of it.
  • MaranMaran Member Posts: 42
    edited August 2015
    Am I the only one has thought of it as a balancing point using Selune and Shar as the representatives? Hell, if I recall the original games made mention of that in the loading text.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Let us remember that the description of SoA , back in 2001 , was something like "life is made of choices". So the logo reflects that motto.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    There has been a lot of speculation over this. I remeber at least one other thread, but no consensus. It's possible that it's not any one god, character, or species, but just a representation of choosing a good/evil path. Maybe it was designed before anyone had a good idea of what exact characters would be or something. I don't know. Regardless, it's definetly very cool. BG has great logos in general, but this one is probably the best.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    meagloth said:

    BG has great logos in general, but this one is probably the best.

    BG, IWD and Torment have beautiful logos ^^
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    IWD has beautiful everything.
  • zolzol Member Posts: 25
    "Shadows of Amn" - two shadows of Amn - two paths to choose - collaborate with Shadow Thieves (logo's normal face) or with vampires (logo's green face).
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Odd. The most that I had ever thought of the logo was "That's cool." I'm probably just an uncultured swine. Don't cast your pearls before me!
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