Remove the need for a 2nd click

Really! Why do we have to click again in another link when we click in a link to an external site? Steam also does this and it's ridiculous, i know/you know/everyone knows the risks of being on internet, we dont need a warning.
My guess is, and this is only a guess, neither Beamdog nor Steam wish to be held liable for anyone clicking the link to a website that could possibly contain malicious software. To be fair, there are still quite a number of inexperienced people who are new to the internet. That is why it is important for them to be well-informed, so they may make an educated decision before committing to that second click. Thank you for reading. Happy, healthy (both mentally and physically) gaming to all.
Sometimes things are just added by the Vanilla forum software, not because Beamdog suddenly chose to add this feature. I might be wrong but this looks like one of those things.
Besides there are advantages, too. If someone adds a link and you click on it reflexively, you get a reminder if this leads to another forum thread or to an external site that you maybe didn't even want to visit, that might have tons of advertisements and trackers and whatnot.
I mean, sometimes things are done out of responsibility or courtesy and not just to avoid a lawsuit. It may be ridiculous to you, but not necessarily to everyone else.