Modding Tutorials For Really Dumb People?

I'm playing with the idea of making a new kit, but the only tutorials I can find assume I know what 2das, and clabs are. Its all greek to me. Is there an entry level tutorial out there somewhere that I'm just missing?
They are one of those things that are not difficult to do but a lot of work to walk people through it in a way that covers everything I want to cover.
So it probably won't be until December when it is out. The script is around 4700 words and my aim is for around a 1/2 hr video.
A clab file is just a 2DA file that determines when you get kit specific spells and abilities at different character levels with the kit. The abilities are just spell files.
So you have passive abilities, in other words abilities that are always active. Think like the bonus Kensai or Archers get to weapons. These start with AP_
You’ve also got activatable abilities, which start with GA_. In the druids case, think the shapeshift abilities you get at level 7.
But it can also be spells they get access to (like Avenger druids)
The clab files all have names that have the partial name of the class in them. Like this one here (CLABFI04) is for Kensai's. The "FI" obviously stands for fighter.