My first maximal dual-classed character of level 29/30! New suggestions?

I obtained it in HoW after completing TotL, Burial Isle and Gloomfrost on Insane diff. ?
Kit: Berserker/Thief, level 29/30
Grand mastery in longswords and flails/morningstars + some other proficiencies.
AC=-12 (improvable to -16 with Tiernon's shield and Berserker's rage)
THAC0 = -10 with longsword of action+4, 9/2 attacks per round.
Kit: Berserker/Thief, level 29/30
Grand mastery in longswords and flails/morningstars + some other proficiencies.
AC=-12 (improvable to -16 with Tiernon's shield and Berserker's rage)
THAC0 = -10 with longsword of action+4, 9/2 attacks per round.
Any particular reason for this choice? ??
P.S. We could call it Morninglord/Wizard of Dawn. ?
Nice. ? I'll try it a bit later on HoF together with my exported Berserker/Thief, starting directly from TotL. ?
However, I'll restrict learnt/memorized spells accordingly to Lathander's beliefs (cleric domains: Life and Light). ?
Thanks! ? According to my "minimalistic principles" ?, I'd probably put STR=13 (in order to use flails),
WIS=15, INT=17 and 10 as other stats.
Would it be enough to use high-level spells? ?
Is 15 WIS enough to dual class? I can't remember. 10 DEX will be a challenge if you intend any melee fighting but 13 STR should at least allow good armor and ?. I think the INT requirement is only for scribing the scrolls so you'd need to use a potion to raise it before scribing level 9 spells. After that I'm pretty sure you can cast the spells regardless of your INT once they're in your spellbook.
Edit: Also, I think dualing from Lathander will trick the engine into thinking you're a specialist wizard with no school. Thus your scroll scribing will have the penalty percentage applied (I think it's 20% penalty). If you're going no-reload this could be very annoying with the general lack of scrolls and INT raising potions in IWD.
I guess that Invisible Stalkers from Elemental Plane of Air are fully compatible with Lathander's Faith (let's say that they bring the fresh air in the morning LoL). ?️?
Since I'm planning to play duo with Berserker/Thief of lvl 29/30, in the beginning the Morninglord will serve just as a support for his more powerful companion. ?
No-reload is not my style. I prefer learning while remaking lost fights. ?
For stats, I’d go with a higher Str - even 15 - so you can carry a bit of loot. 17 Int means you have to take a potion so you can learn level 9 spells. A slightly higher Cha (even 13-15) with Friends will allow you to buy scrolls for less.
Thanks! ? Please give a link to that thread. ?
There are 2 bags of holding in TotL, so no problems with looting. In my previous run with Berserker/Thief, I came back from TotL with about 200,000 GP. So, no major financial problems anyway. ??
N.B. I'm planning to start directly from TotL. ?
This duo of yours will have everything it needs. That's why I'm not the biggest fan of solo, you can't cover everything. I much prefer 2-4.
Kit: Berserker/Cleric, level 29/30
Grand mastery in maces and flails/morningstars + some other proficiencies.
AC=-11 (improvable to -19 and more).