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[v1.1] Skitia's NPCs For BG2:EE and EET



  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    To fix the Helga ones:

    Use C:GetGlobal("X3HelQuest","GLOBAL")
    Then set the number one higher than what you got. (So if it's 6, set it to 7 via C:GetGlobal("X3HelQuest","GLOBAL",7), etc.

    Or just redownload as I fixed it today. I assume I deleted the line on accident.

    The Quest Journal was broken during traification, I noticed. I fixed all of Helga's and Kale's quest lines for you. Tis will have to require a re-download of the mod to fix.

    I'll add fixing the journals for Emily/Recorder/Vienxay to my future list.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah i just ran into the emily journal bug right now. the entry thats suppsoed to tell you where the nobles are does not show up and it just says you will stand by emily.
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    Thank you ! I'll tell you if I encounter other problems. I intend on playing with all 5 NPCs :)
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    I fixed all of the journal issues and some other string problems as a result of traification for all five NPCs. It will require a re-download, but it's all sorted.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Did these ever get cross-mod support for Sirene, Isra, or Sarah (mods)?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Sirene yes, not Isra or Sarah right now. I would have to get permission to write some for them.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Great. Of those three, Sirene is by far my favorite NPC. Not that the other two aren't good, I just like her character's personality the best.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited October 2021
    Ok, one more question. I am using PI to setup the install, and all of the options are showing "UNDEFINED STRING: @<number>". I am making the rash assumption that the one by itself is the core of the mod, but I can't figure out what the others do.

    I did figure it out by installing it by itself and copying the log entries to my master log and importing it. However, they are still showing incorrectly in PI for some reason.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited October 2021
    Yeah, PI is blaming WeiDU 247 for that one, which happens when you use MOD_FOLDER instead of explicitly specifying the folder name in the LANGUAGE definition. It's harmless. (this handling will be changed in the next WeiDU version though which won't bug out PI)
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    -Version 1.005 has updated Emily voice lines to match her BG1 counterpart. I wanted to get this done asap to avoid wonkiness for EET playthroughs with two different voice sets.
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    Hello ! Is something particular supposed to be happening for the Bodhi abduction part ? Recorder does her thing, but from the scripts and dialogues files, I thought there would be some quest involved to get her back : a straight up resurrection works. Have I missed something ?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited October 2021
    That's correct, but it is bugged, partially from 2.6 changing something (Spell used doesn't auto-remove her), partially from traification breaking things (Journal Entries are messed up), and one line a bad copy-paste error (Reads Vienxay as being the person Bodhi should react to rather than Recorder). I pushed the fix for all of these, if you redownload it, it should play correctly.
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    It works ! Thanks
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    Another little thing : before Saradush Recorder's appreciation was at 110, and after Saradush at 9. I don't know why, since my PC is good and I did all the quests the good way + I didn't get any message showing Recorder's disapproval. I fixed it myself, but I don't know why it happened, or when exactly. I went straight from Saradush to Watcher's Keep, I don't know if I missed something
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited November 2021
    Before Saradush as in before ToB? It's possible that it's reading Recorder as completely brand new NPC, there's nothing in her script that would take away so much approval so fast.

    I'll add it to my to-check list, but my guess is at some point the Recorder in use changed.
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2021
    Yes, I had the same problem with Vienxay and Emily ! It happened again in Amkethran. With Vienxay also : she says yes when I use the PID to offer her the ring, but then I get a line of dialogue where she rejects it, and the ring gets back in my PC's inventory
    Post edited by Chicken7023 on
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    With Recorder, the ring gets stuck in her inventory and cannot be removed
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    I'll test transfering a game over from BG2 to ToB and see if I can replicate later today.

    I'll double check the ring scripts are working correctly too, it *is* supposed to be unremovable, just force-equipped.
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2021
    I tried again with Recorder's ring and it worked (just before the last chapter). I found out the problem with Vienxay's ring : the item file didn't copy into the override file, but when I added it, the game mixed it with the Lover's Ring (from the sewers quest) file
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited November 2021

    If you still have a save from when you first started ToB, could you pull the global number for Recorder's Approval at that time? When I tested this locally, the numbers preserved from SoA to ToB, so it could be some other event, or you made her very mad in a short period of time (Which could be possible) I would just need to narrow it down.

    I fixed the Vienxay ring bug in the most recent upload. I forgot to tell Weidu to even install the ring, or change the text info. (The ring Vienxay is equipping though in your current game is working otherwise, so you could also just ignore the wrong text it has.)

    If Recorder has the ring equipped, it's working as intended. I'm guessing that is the case! I'm guessing in trial one it never had the time to finish running the script to equip it first.
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2021
    Recorder had an approval of 110 after the first trial, 120 for Emily (first playthrough) and 100 for Vienxay (second playthrough)
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2021
    I replayed through Amkethran. The drop happened between two saves : post-encounter with Balthazar and after the micro-quest involving the mayor's daughter. I resolved the quest to Emily and Recorder's satisfaction (they approved) but their approval dropped from maximal to zero. Must be something similar for Saradush, because I played rapidly through it without doing the mini-quests, and it didn't happen. For Emily : her interjections worked fine in TOB, but her friendship talks didn't fire + she approved of my dealings with the Amkethran priest attacked by a mercernary, but the line that popped was "Vienxay greatly approves" (she was not in this team). And that's it ! Thank you for your various answers
    Post edited by Chicken7023 on
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Thanks, I fixed some strings I saw that displayed incorrectly for Vienxay. I'll give this mod another full playthrough soon to catch any other string bugs.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    I'm curious as to the current state of this mod. At the website an update from last March states: "Currently the version is 1.0, but future updates are not just going to be bugfixes. In the future there will be more content added into the mod."

    Has this additional content been added?

    The companions look very interesting, but I've been holding off on using any of them for a complete run (BG1-SoD-BG2-ToB) until they've been finished (at least in terms of content).

  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited January 2022
    The core content is complete. Given how long modding can take, you are very likely to finish a playthrough before it gets such an update. :)

    There are things I want to add, more cross-mod banters for example. I also want to overhaul Vienxay's quest as it is not very good in my opinion, and I have a sixth NPC in the works which will be included in the mod. I have some banter with Wilson started, but I have not finished that yet either.

    Lastly, I wanted to expand my Rest Talks to cover every single Bioware/Beamdog NPC. But beyond another NPC and changing Vienxay's quest, if you played the mod, you wouldn't see a core change if you played them now.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Thanks for the quick reply! :)

    Since I'm most interested in Vienxay, I think I'll hold off until her quest is overhauled.
  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    So happy to hear that you are continuing to expand this mod! It is easily a Top 5 mod in all of BG2:EE. All of the characters are great, but like most red-blooded dudes I am partial to the misunderstood but beautiful Vienxay. Anything that adds to her story is welcome. I loved Emily and Recorder as well. This is not to say anything was bad, those were just my favorites.

    Skitia, if you are ever in the Land of Freedom (Florida), let me know, I'll buy you lunch. It's the least I can do for all of your hard work and excellent disposition while helping players. Thank you very much.
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    @Skitia So in this playthrough, I'm romancing Vienxay and I'm in TOB now, having completed her SOA quests successfully and changed her alignment.

    Out of the blue, as I was going to the Siege Camp, she suddenly said that she wanted to end the relationship. All our previous dialogues were "approvals". After choosing the best option available, she agreed to stay with the party, but when I checked the relationship status, "X3VIEROMANCEACTIVE" had been changed to 3 from 2.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited January 2022
    What is the current value of Global("X3VieApp","GLOBAL") ? (Use C:GetGlobal("X3VieApp","GLOBAL") to check.)
    And is any of my other characters in the party? That way I can check their scripts for any accidental Vienxay adjustments.

    If you have a save before this, even at the beginning of ToB, the triggering value is Global("X3VieApp","GLOBAL",49) or so. My plan is to check other character's dialogues to see if they accidentally lowered Vienxay's due to copy-pasting errors, or if my min threshold is too high.

  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    edited January 2022
    Skitia wrote: »
    What is the current value of Global("X3VieApp","GLOBAL") ? (Use C:GetGlobal("X3VieApp","GLOBAL") to check.)


    Edit: This is the strange the start of TOB, it was 100, and I got her increase stats thing earlier. But at some time in Saradush, it went down to 0, then 6, then the current 12.

    I went from Saradush to North Forest, then back to Watcher's Keep for the Maze Level and onwards, and stopped after the Final Seal.

    From my saved games, it seems that by the time I got to Watcher's Keep, it had gone down to 0, before going up to 6
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