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[mod] Eilistraee's Song



  • SangreDeMuertosSangreDeMuertos Member Posts: 9
    I am having 2 issues with this mod at the moment:

    1. After killing the Chain Demon, nothing happens (other then 6 blue flames appearing). I am stuck in a room with no exit.
    2. Is there supposed to be some clue about where the pipe is?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Chain demon had an item (ESxGMO) that can get you out of that place. You need to use it.
    As for the pipe
    AFAIR, the rabbit has it. You may talk to one of the rabits, but to get the pipe, you need to give it a carrot. Killing it won't help. However, I've coded it soooo long time ago I just don't remember where the carrot is. Probably somewhere in the area, heh.
  • SangreDeMuertosSangreDeMuertos Member Posts: 9
    The only item I got from the Chain Demon was a murky potion (Absorption?). I will use the item code if needed.
    I didn't notice one of the rabbits had a name. I will look again. I did find the carrot, though, and was wondering what it was for.

    Thank you.
  • SangreDeMuertosSangreDeMuertos Member Posts: 9
    Success, and success. Thanks again.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I just got to the clearing, met Fall, but as soon as the party arrives in her home, she just says we haven't completed the training yet. What training?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    edited July 2020
    Quite weird. Is your main character? The conditions are: Global("EilistraeePlot","GLOBAL",1) See(Player1)
    It looks as if she couldn't see your protagonist. Make sure Player1 is there, in her range.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited July 2020
    Ah, that would do it. The party always travels with invisibility, in case of ambush. I went back with my PC visible and it worked as intended.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Ah, now that was a fun little diversion. As an aside, THAT is the way you do tests - conversational, and based on reading material. I thoroughly enjoyed that part of the mod. I also liked the carrot, though it took me FOREVER to realize that I needed to try it with every rabbit in the clearing. I think I found the right rabbit on the next to last one.

    Now, the question is, are the skull and cruddy armor useful, or just for giggles?
  • GespenstGespenst Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2020
    Also, there is a new kit available by completing one of minor quests, although there are some requirements (female, cleric - baseclass, multi- or dualclassed, non-evil character, elf or half-elf). Yes, it's a bit harsh, but that's what the D&D book says.

    So can a multi-classed fighter/cleric unlock this kit? (I didn't know you could unlock kits after character creation)

    Elves and half elves can't dualclass can they?

    Edit, since I'm posting questions: Is there any way to check if a mod is installed properly?
    Post edited by Gespenst on
  • GespenstGespenst Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2020
    I'm really curious what the kit is meant to do. I finally got up to that part in the game and did the quest and just got an item that can't be used by a cleric/fighter.

    I went and edited my character to be a full cleric but nothing seemed to happen. I can assign the kit in ee keeper too but it doesn't seem to actually do anything.

    edit: The kit doesn't seem to have any abilities tied to it (at least assigning the kit doesn't give you anything in EE keeper)
    Post edited by Gespenst on
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    the requirements are cumulative

    is your character a female non-evil elf/half-elf?
  • GespenstGespenst Member Posts: 31

    Yeah, she's a CG half-elf. I realised afterwards that I have *some* of the abilities. As a 13/14 fighter/cleric I have
    Lesser Spellsong but not Moon Sword, Blade Dance, or Moonfire.
    in the tab where the dream abilities from BG1 go.

    I also assume that if she didn't qualify she wouldn't have been able to take the quest?
  • ArianorrArianorr Member Posts: 15
    LavaDelVortel, hello again, Ive got problem with the starting of the mod - Solaufein didnt appear at the end of Underdark. Im also not sure where he should be appear - at the end of Ust Naha, or before door where adalon teleports you when you agree with her help to get you out from underdark, or to the location behind this door... anyway, can you please give me cluaconsole for Solaufein so I can start the mod?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,802
    @Arianorr he should appear in the "Cave Between Underdark and Exit from Underdark" (AR2401). Do you have a Solaufein NPC mod installed? The version of Solaufein from Eilistraee's Song will only appear if Weimer's Solaufein is not in party and my Solaufein not waiting somewhere. My Solaufein will talk about it when he joins the group. How compatibility is done if Weimer's Solaufein is in the group I don't know.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Everything is just like Jastey said. CluaConsolling him may not work this time, variables matter quite a lot here. First, go to the point mentioned by Jastey and make sure he's not somewhere there.
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    @LavaDelVortel Just a small feedback. Dozens Moon and 13th Moon are both coded as a +1 weapon, which is weird for their power and origins.

    I suggest increasing their enchantment levels to +3/4 and +5 respectively, which would make more sense.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Of course it should be that way. I suppose that once I release and update few things that's been waiting way too long already, I'll update these and release a new version.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    The ESxKit added by this mod lacks the value of the KITIDS coloumn in KITLIST.2da on my EET game. This itself might not sound like a big deal, but mods using Argent77's kit library thenafter omit this kit from KITLIST.2da (because of the row being incomplete), while keeping it in KIT.IDS which then shifts all kits following it in KIT.IDS using the CLAB table and the usability flags of the kit preceding them in the table.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    IIRC, that part of the mod is well... not really well made. I am planning on taking a look at old bugs in my old mods, so yeah, that process will include this mod. Thanks for letting me know, it makes me think someone remembers about the fact this mod adds a kit :P However, I would advice to avoid taking it until the matter if fixed. It is on my list, so... just give me a moment so I could deal with some other updates and releases first. Not too many, though, I kinda hope to take a look at it this year :)
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    @LavaDelVortel Need some help here.......

    I started a new run using an Elven Single Class Cleric and finished the extra quest for the kit.

    Upon accepting the kit offer, despite the dialogue saying that the training would take 4 days, the game only made me rest for 8 hours, and then nothing happened.

    The NPC said that she has taught me everything she knew. I rested for another 4 more days, and still nothing happened. I had no kit abilities, and my profile didn't change. I did get the holy symbol though.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    edited December 2021
    @Shirak - what mod version are you using? This is a bug that happened because EE handles kits a bit differently. It should be fixed in a new verison. It should be fixed in the newest version (v7.0)

    Ergh... and I just realized I forgot to fix the enchantment bonus.
    Post edited by LavaDelVortel on
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    @Shirak - what mod version are you using? This is a bug that happened because EE handles kits a bit differently. It should be fixed in a new verison. It should be fixed in the newest version (v7.0)

    Ergh... and I just realized I forgot to fix the enchantment bonus.

    Still on Version 6.8, because I haven't finished my 18 CHARNAME runs yet (this ended up being the 19th).

    Welp, I guess I need to do it manually on EE Keeper then, and try it again when I do another reinstall of all my mods.

  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Sadly, there is a chance even the Keeper won't help, as the kit simple wasn't working properly. I dedicated an afternoon to check this better, update it, there were so many little mistakes in there.

    Anyway, I also just released a new version of the mod (7.1) that fixes enchantments you mentioned before :)
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    Well, I'm getting just manually updating the innate abilities everytime I level up. I know that just adding the kit in EE Keeper doesn't work. I can't start a fresh installation now, as most of the other CHARNAMEs are in TOB, and I have too many mods running. Also, I cannot imagine doing another fresh SCS installation and the time it takes to I'll get by till I can reinstall everything again (hopefully when SCS in v2.6 is better.....I'm still running v2.5)

    I'm still trying to figure out what some of the abilities do though......I really like the idea of this kit, and your attempts to replicate it, constrained by cleric's inability to use swords.

    After some playing, and reading the 3e Faiths and Pantheons sourcebook, my take so far is......(I didn't take the time to look through each spell in NI)
    Moon Sword - Needs more uses per day, perhaps twice a day initially, with one added usage every 5 levels. The duration should also be increased to, something like 1 turn every 2-3 levels or so. The idea is that it should be a usable primary weapon for the Kit.

    Bladedance - Didn't do anything for me. I think it's supposed to be like Ras' Dancing Blade, or a Mordenkainen's Sword, but the spell simply didn't work.

    Moonfire - I'm really not sure what this is supposed to do. It gives you infravision...? But we're already elves........

    Lesser Spellsong - This is just Free Action right?

    Spellsong - This is Free Action with +1APR?

    I think Lesser Spellsong should increase movement speed by 2, provide Free Action, increase casting speed by 2, and last for 1 turn.

    Spellsong should be the same, but increase APR by 1 as well, and also last for 1 turn.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    New version of the mod comes with all the information you need. As for the kit itself: I am not reworking it. To be honest, I think Eilistraee's Song is one of my worst quest mods and I am not going to change much in this mod, especially it's been translated into so many languages and each change would need to be covered in every language.

    I suppose it's better to say that rather than give much hope that this mod is going to be changed much. I think my Athkatlan Grounds are way better when it comes to quest mods and playing them is so much more rewarding...
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    Well, Eilistraee's Song is one of your earlier mods after all, and it's natural that the newer ones are done better. But in terms of storyline, I think Eilistraee's Song and Skie is more naturally progressive to the base story. Other mods are just augmentations.

  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    edited January 2022
    Worry not, though, as I will continue bugfixing. I hope you'll find new version better and with more missing information and it was proofread again, so the text should have even better flow :)

    As for the Skie... if everything goes fine, the mod (the NPC part) will get expanded. A little spoiler, but upgrading that mod is next on my list, including a new character. More info soon!
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    edited January 2022
    Nice, I enjoy all your mods actually. I'm looking forward to playing with the updated ones, once I get over these current runs.

    Reinstalling mega-mod setups, especially with SCS, is such a pain and takes ages to complete installation.....
  • ShiningStarlingShiningStarling Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2022
    Hi! I really have been loving a lot of your mods Lava, but while i managed to find a walkthrough for some of your others, I had a problem here, as I can't find any walkthroughs or hints for my issues. I don't know if I'm blind or what, but I cannot for the life of me find the thief for the Bard and the Book. There's no location hint in the journal, I've talked to everyone in the camp multiple times, and I think I checked the boards added by the mod (The camp, the North Woods, and Small Teeth Pass, right? If there are others they aren't appearing.) I traveled around a lot looking for random encounters for it... nothing. Also, no clue if I did something wrong, but after the training I seemed to only get the Hunting Song ability, despite being a Cleric/Thief girl NG elf. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Post edited by ShiningStarling on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    I think the thief was somewhere in the Forest of Tethyr area? Near the bottom edge of the map?

    "Hunting Song" is the skill you get for completing the training. Not sure where you think you did something wrong? And why would you think that?
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