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Android BG1EE., BGSOD. & BG2EE. Modfiles



  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    edited October 2022
    Hi @DreadPirateQueen, fortunately I haven't yet reconfigured my mod area to suit the later version. However I don't have 2.5.x installed on any of my Android devices so I have not tested it. If you have any problems, let me know and I will see what I can do. I do still have the older PC version on at the moment but it is more graceful with some errors than Android...

    There was a conflict between Tome and Blood and SCS. I ended up using the files from Tome and Blood (3 spells in the Arcane IWD spell pack from SCS were the problem. 1 lvl 7, 1 lvl 8, and 1 lvl 9). Some of the mod changes you requested with SCS are BG2 only so I just ignored them, they wont have any impact in BG1. Fingers crossed I have everything else done. Let me know if I don't.

    Attached is the requested modfile link (Google) and below is the WeiDU log. (~60MB Packed, ~200MB Unpacked)

    To install, you may need to rename the dialog.tlk within the patch.obb. the explanation may be different based on the Android version you are using. If you have difficulties here, let me know the version and I will see if I can write a procedure...

    To install the modfile itself, just copy it to
    and unpack it in the folder. This could also be a problem depending on the version of Android. I use the free version of X-plore (third party file manager) which gives me write access on A11/A12 (don't have A13 but I can guess it may be the same). It should work also on anything below A11 which didn't have the write restrictions on the data and obb folders.

    Once it is unpacked, make sure you move the modfile away from the install folder or just delete it. It will crash if both and the packed modfile are in the same folder.

    If you have any probs here, let me know.

    Happy gaming (and testing)

    Edit: File removed. See below for update
    Post edited by Gusinda on
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Stephburn, no probs. The dialog.tlk for 2.5.x and 2.6.x aren't the same hence the text probs. Good to hear though they still work in some fashion.

    I have started with configuring 2.6 onto my HDD, so it shouldn't be long. I will see what I can do with all the mods. Once it is complete, I will create a new discussion with the modfiles and tag you to let you know it is there.

    Also, what version of Android are you using?

  • TavenOrdTavenOrd Member Posts: 4
    Hey @Gusinda sorry for not replying sooner but i'm currently playing, i'd also like it if you can add bg1npc project without portrait and starting location changes, unfinished business all component, journal fixes, romantic encounter all component, chatty imoen and scs. Also do you do planescape torment modfiles too? If so then can you make a custom modfile for me
  • StephburnStephburn Member Posts: 15
    Hey @Gusinda, I am using Android 12. It's a custom rom, so I can switch to 11 or 13 if you want me to. I would like my mod to be just like @DreadPirateQueen with some changes here and there.
    Add :-
    NPC - Isra, Fade, Tashia remix
    IEP extended banter
    Bg2 fix pack (don't know if it's needed)
    Ascension Mod
    Tweak Anthology :-
    Make magic shield glow
    Bonus merchant
    Female edwina
    Allow Cromwell to upgrade watcher items
    Adjust Cromwell forging time
    Allow cespenser to use Cromwell recipes
    Game ends when the main character dies
    Speed Up de'Arnise Keep Stronghold Quests
    Keep Drizzt's Loot, Disable Malchor Harpell
    Death cam
    Shut up "you must gather your party"
    Tob style npc
    Make party memeber less likely to die irreversibly

    Remove :-
    NPC - Aura, Glam
    Any Bg1 mods (will be only playing bg2)
    Epic thieving

    The rest can be same. Please take your time gus and it will be alright if you can't add some of these mods.

    Really Thankful
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Stephburn, there will be no need to change your version of Android, it is only if you couldn't get to the appropriate obb and data folders. Being a custom ROM, I am guessing you know your way around to make the changes required...

    Shall let you know when it is ready. Only about a third way through the reconfig of my HDD.

    All the best
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @TavenOrd, below is a link to the requested modfile and WeiDU.log is attached.

    Are you aware of the install procedure for the modfile? ie: renaming dialog.tlk inside patch.obb? If not, let me know. There are some posts that explain it but I am time shy right now. We have some visitors turning up.

    I can explain later if needs be. (~64MB Packed, ~200MB Unpacked)

    Happy Gaming
  • DreadPirateQueenDreadPirateQueen Member Posts: 8
    Hi @Gusinda, thank you so much for taking the time to help me.

    A few things seem to be missing (or they just weren't an option when I made the initial request and I just don't remember)

    The Coran romance path in NPC Project
    Epic Thieving (Lockpicking, Detect Illusions, Pickpocketing, Use Poison components)

    And a few components of SCS
    Improved Carsa/Kahrk interaction
    More consistent Breach spell
    Grant large, flying, non-solid or similar creatures immunity to Web and Entangle
    Grant complete immunity to elemental-damage spells if you are 100-percent resistant.
    Reintroduce potions of extra-healing
    Allow Spellstrike to take down a Protection from Magic scroll
    Antimagic attacks penetrate improved invisibility
    Blade Barrier and Globe of Blades only affect hostile creatures
    Symbols only affect hostile creatures
    Rebalance Insect Plague spells
    Remove the elemental-battle aspect of mages' Conjure Elemental spells
    Make spell sequencers, spell triggers, and contingencies learnable by all mages
    Cap damage done by Skull Trap at 12d6

    My tablet uses Android 9. Your instructions say to rename the dialog.tlk within the patch.obb. To me it seems like you're saying I need to rename something in the obb file which I have no idea how to do. Unless I'm misundetstanding you. Thanks again for taking the time for all of this. I just saw you're post to TavenOrd as I was posting this and it's fine if you can't get to this right now. I'm not in a rush.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @DreadPirateQueen No probs. Not sure what happened there to the missing mods, must have been asleep :wink:

    I will redo the modfile adding the extra content and I will put some instructions on exactly how to install. Will prob be tomorrow though.

    All the best
  • TavenOrdTavenOrd Member Posts: 4
    Hi @Gusinda no problem i'm already familiar with the whole modding procedures, thank you again for a dozens of times more for everything you've done, hope everything's well on your end
  • EdwinaxEdwinax Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2022
    @Gusinda Can you do modfile BG2EE. english and spanish? I need read options in english scs but appears invalid options, i changed dialog obb tlk to ktl but still invalid numbers.

    I dont know if its version scs or dialog i need read two language spanish and english in game.

    BG1 works perfect.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @DreadPirateQueen, attached are the updated files.

    I remember why Epic Thieving wasn't included in the original modfile; it requires EEex to be installed which doesn't operate in the Android environment...

    The additional tweaks to SCS have been included but will not show in the WeiDU.log as they are stratagems.ini tweaks. 'Make spell sequencers, spell triggers, and contingencies learnable by all mages' should be installed as part of Smarter Mages. (~64MB Packed, ~210MB Unpacked)

    To Install:

    - Make a backup of 'Android/obb/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/' to anywhere not in its folder (this is just a safety measure so that if it goes wrong, you don't need to redownload it). If you don't have the space then that is fine and this step can be skipped. It just means a download later of the file.

    - Install 'RAR for Android' if you don't have it (free in the Google Play store). I know this one works, not sure about other compression software.
    - Open RAR and navigate to 'Android/obb/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/'
    - Long press on '' and rename to '' (or open with RAR)
    - Short press on '' which should open the file allowing you to look at the contents. If it asks which program to use, then direct it to RAR.
    - navigate to '/lang/en_US/', long press on 'dialog.tlk' and rename to 'dialog.klt' (it can be anything as long as it follows the naming rule. I just reverse the extension so that I know what it was...)
    - let RAR save the renaming (it takes a little while but you can see when it is finished by looking at the bottom of the app window, it will revert back to the long file name). This method should not change the size of the .obb at all.
    - Back out of '' so that you again see the whole file.
    - Rename '' back to '' (this is often forgotten; if the game starts to try and redownload the .obb, this is the first place to look for a fix)
    - That ends the adjustment for the .obb

    - Navigate to 'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/', either by RAR or your normal File Manager. Install the modfile vide previous instructions.

    - Make sure that '' is in the root sitting beside 'Baldur.lua'

    You can now exit out of the File Manager / RAR and try and start the game. Hopefully all goes well this time.

    If it doesn't start, could you let me know whether it doesn't attempt to start (ie: a quick open, then close straight away without any error messages) or it comes with a message that it couldn't start. If the game tries to redownload the .obb, it means that something went wrong with renaming dialog.tlk in the .obb. If that is the case, restart the device (so that the download will cancel), delete '', replace it with the backup and repeat the steps above.

    If you can't direct RAR to the Obb folder due to A11 -> restrictions, then with X-plore (or which ever file manager is used), copy the file to a work area (like a folder in Documents or Downloads), modify it there and copy it back (I have A12 and need to copy to work area). You need to make sure that RAR resaves the file as an uncompressed container. This can be checked by comparing the file size in bytes.

    Let me know if you have any problems

    Happy Gaming
  • DreadPirateQueenDreadPirateQueen Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2022
    Thank you so much for all of this @Gusinda. I used RAR to rename the file with no problems and so far everything is working just fine. Thank you again so so much
    Post edited by DreadPirateQueen on
  • DreadPirateQueenDreadPirateQueen Member Posts: 8
    Hello @Gusinda, sorry to keep bugging you. How do I access the cluaconsole?
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @DreadPirateQueen, there are no problems so keep 'bugging' :smile:

    You should be able to long press on the Skull icon. If that doesn't work, let me know and I will find out why.

  • DreadPirateQueenDreadPirateQueen Member Posts: 8
    Oh cool, didn't realize that's what that button was for. It works just fine. Thank you @Gusinda
  • KomoracKomorac Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2022
    Hi @Gusinda , can I ask you to possibly make modfiles for for all 3 games(BGEE, BG2EE and SOD) like you did for darthnihilism(you did them for 2.5.xx) same mods and everything I won't complicate it too much. Or the alternative, can you teach me to mod it myself either from existing modfiles or from scratch?

    Br and merry Christmas
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Komorac, that should be no problems (except for today of course, family day for me :smile: ). I will hope to get them done tomorrow and will place them into another discussion.

    Merry Christmas
  • KomoracKomorac Member Posts: 13
    I found a way to install mods on Android 12/13, you can read about it here, this works on, Samsung device. Can't confirm for older versions.
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