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[mod] The Dreadful Tales: In Love, Undeath - a new quest and a companion for BG2EE

LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
edited July 2023 in BGII:EE Mods
A new mod is here - In Love, Undeath is now available!

The mod adds a new set of quests, all oriented around the Temple of Evening Glory, known also as the Deathless Beauty and the Eternal Lover. She is a goddess of love, beauty, and immortality through undeath. The temple itself welcomes the undead, especially those that feel beauty and passion do not have to end with death.

The mod also adds a new companion, Xzelë Melaenitt, the paladin of Evening Glory, a woman of power, who wants to protect her friends, who in her opinion - even though touched by undeath - carry much beauty that cannot be dimmed by the lack of a pulse. However, to make her join, she will first need to know her friends are safe and nothing bad is going to happen to them while she's helping you.

She has a series of talks, her own kit and abilities... and under the right circumstances, she may feel a connection to a male Child of Bhaal. The conditions, though, demand a certain change.


Special thanks to @Go_ForTheEyes, @Dalmir_The_Dark and @hook71 for their help with this release! You're all great! <3
Post edited by LavaDelVortel on


  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Oh wow! Thanks! :D

    One quick question: I assume that the new quests can be completed without Xzelë Melaenitt?
    (Not that I'm opposed to including her, I'm just curious.)

    Another quick question: given all the new companions you've released recently, are you planning on providing some crossmod banters for them?
    (I understand if that's not a priority.)

    Thanks again!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891

    Yes, she starts as a quest-giver, but she does not join the team. It's after the series of small quests and dialogues she may join - if you complete an additional quest for her. So those that do not want her to join, may still install the mod and use it as any other quest mod :)

    I have crossmod talks content in mind, yes, but as you said: they are not exactly the priority right now. There are other things I'd like to focus on for a while, but yep, thru will come eventually.

  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Thanks for the quick replies!
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Does the companion also have content for ToB too or its only for SoA right now?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    The companion has content for both SoA and ToB. I no longer release NPCs with SoA content only :)
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    The companion has content for both SoA and ToB. I no longer release NPCs with SoA content only :)

    Wow, amazing... :o

    How do you release so many quality mods so fast man? Is there some secret to it or are you just so awesome?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    I sold my soul.

    To be honest, it's mostly because I like telling stories and sometimes it's relaxing - working on stories after an annoying day at work.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Thanks Lava.

    Please keep the job - or get a more annoying one? And of course be well :)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Thanks :)
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 744
    Thank you, it will be on my next install.
    On the current one, I have SotSC, all the Athkatlan Grounds and the new Hill mod installed.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Thanks, remember, though, that this one wasn't exactly made EET compatible. And I don't think Whin Hill was adjusted for that platform, though. Those that got adjusted and made compatible always get the EET tag on my website.
  • roshanroshan Member Posts: 29
    Thanks, remember, though, that this one wasn't exactly made EET compatible. And I don't think Whin Hill was adjusted for that platform, though. Those that got adjusted and made compatible always get the EET tag on my website.

    Yikes, I installed it on my EET game - do you think this would break things? Should I redo the installation?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    I have no idea, to be honest. I tend to avoid chapter checks in general, to minimalize problems in such situations, but I can't promise there are none of them here, I simply do not remember. The issues you may have are the new area location on map (there is a chance it will appear in a weird spot on the world map, rather than just outside Athkatla), the Fate Spirit, and perhaps some other, yet minor issues.
  • PeterBazookaPeterBazooka Member Posts: 9
    Whereabouts is the start of this quest?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Temple district, south of the gathering of people that are listening to the cultists. A woman will start a dialogue once you are close to her.
  • megrimlockmegrimlock Member Posts: 63
    The issues you may have are the new area location on map (there is a chance it will appear in a weird spot on the world map, rather than just outside Athkatla)...

    Yes. I installed Whin Hill on EET and it ended up north of Icewind Dale on the map! Decided to leave playing it to a future install, though I could reach the area no problem.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Hmmm, where I can find the lost jewel? I checked on all the Ankhegs and inside the hole but I cannot find it anywhere.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    One of the zombie ankheg was a greater one: that creature drops the gem.

  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    edited May 2023
    Thanks, it worked!

    Three more questions if I may:

    1) Where I can find skulls for the Dire Wolf quest to improve Xzele's staff? I did found some skulls (around 2) by killing some quest enemies during the very first quests in the Temple of Evening Glory before I could recruit Xzele. But I'm not sure its those since the journal speaks of skulls of priests that were killed by said weapon...and I fought not priests nor found skulls of priests specifically.

    2) I stopped receiving more dialogue from Xzele after a time. Her last dialogue was after she described how beautiful her companions by becoming immortalized in undeath. Despite how much time passed and how I rested both in Inns and different environments (city and wildlands) I get no more conversations.

    Could it be related to plot advancement? I'm still in act 2 before leaving for Brynlaw.

    Or do I have to go to some specific place or do some specific quest before more conversations open?

    3) In the mod's description there is implied a chance of romance of Xzele that requires a change (I assume a change in her status as undead?) does it require some specific quest, decisions during conversations (I was nice and supportive towards her in our conversations and she speks of our current status in a PID as "companions") or the possibility opens when the story had advanced enough?

    Thanks in advance!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891

    1) Where I can find skulls for the Dire Wolf quest to improve Xzele's staff? I did found some skulls (around 2) by killing some quest enemies during the very first quests in the Temple of Evening Glory before I could recruit Xzele. But I'm not sure its those since the journal speaks of skulls of priests that were killed by said weapon...and I fought not priests nor found skulls of priests specifically.
    Nope, those are other skulls and they are special items, you will probably recognize them. IIRC they may be found during the Temple Ruins quest, and... The Unseeing Eye? I don't remember the details :)

    2) I stopped receiving more dialogue from Xzele after a time. Her last dialogue was after she described how beautiful her companions by becoming immortalized in undeath. Despite how much time passed and how I rested both in Inns and different environments (city and wildlands) I get no more conversations.
    I can't check it right now, perhaps you reached the end of timered friendship talks -- there are nine of those -- however, there is a chance for some scenery talks and a romance.

    3) In the mod's description there is implied a chance of romance of Xzele that requires a change (I assume a change in her status as undead?) does it require some specific quest, decisions during conversations (I was nice and supportive towards her in our conversations and she speks of our current status in a PID as "companions") or the possibility opens when the story had advanced enough?
    It requires *a* change :) I wouldn't say exactly hers... anyway, visit Temple of Evening Glory every now and then: there are 2 encounters that may happen, one regarding a petrified creature you may bring back (the scroll's in there too, so it's just a matter of using it) and one regarding one of Xzelë's friends. The first of these encoutners will let you find a special set of items you should take to the skeletal cleric from the Evening Glory's Temple.

  • InKalInKal Member Posts: 196
    Great mod, Ser Lava!! My favorite after Deep Gardens and White Queen. Love her (love at first sight), portrait is PERFECT, unique kit amazing but please forgive me my rude humor (I am polish after all!haha) because I hope that she is not entirely cold (if you know what I mean) ;ppppp that monster has very original unique model but please can ypu make him at least a little bit more challenging? 8 lvl Grey can solo him. ;pp
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Oh, I am sure even if Grey was suffering from a broken tooth he wouldn't have any problem defeating an enemy with 180 HP, 2.5 attacks per round, and AC -4. He's always been a good boy. But I'm also pretty sure that's a fine fight for a quest that can be picked right after you leave Irenicus' dungeon.
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    Hello, playing the mod and enjoying it. I've got an issue.
    I came back from
    the underdark, killed Bodhi and visited the temple as Xzelë asked me. Now when I travel, I get the dialogue where she asks me to set a camp together, and she declares me my love and if I love her too. The issue is that the dialogue loops non-stop. I can exhaust all options, but it will start again and again.

    Not only that, but after you exhaust the dialogues a couple of times, you are moved to a new landscape, but there is always the same dialogue looping.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    @Ulkesh - Strange, as it was tested, not just by me. Could you send me the savegame just before you are to leave the temple and the encounter is just about to happen? If you don't want to attach it here, could you send it in a PM?

    Also, let me know what is the last line of the dialogue when it starts to loop.
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    @LavaDelVortel Here it is:

    Hopefully, it will happen in your game too.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Strange as it may seem, take off the "God Bow" from her and PC, and turn off the story mode for that encounter and check if it's going to help. I think that they move so fast that the loop starts to happen. I will try to prevent that from happening in a new version, but let's fix the problem for you locally so you could continue the game.
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    That's really interesting. I've never had it happen before that these two would "mess" with a mod. Thanks for your help and for the really fast assistance.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    @Ulkesh - So it solved the issue for you, yes?

    I never saw it happen before, I will try to prevent it from happening even if the bow is equipped and the mode is on :)
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    Yes, it did solve the issue, @LavaDelVortel
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Great! I uploaded 1.1 which should also prevent the problem from happening again even with those the story mode on and the bow equipped :)
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