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LOL this game...

ModernLifeModernLife Member Posts: 14
So might be old news to you all, but I have just started playing for first time and was doing the little quest for that paladin that wants you to fight off a wave of gibberlings (sry I am terrible remembering names). Had Xan cast Sleep in the middle of them all they all fell fast asleep and I had my fighters move down the row hacking each one to death. Thought this was pretty humorous... Anyone else got any interesting stories/experiences like this?


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    The name you are looking for (for the Paladin) is Laurel
  • ModernLifeModernLife Member Posts: 14
    Yes! That is it.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    charm person with xan also works extremely well, even on boss type humans, kicking lots of but by having enemies fight each other with charm person, very usefull for when you are doing chapter 4 with level 2/3 guys
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Um, sure, everybody has lots of wonderful moments and stories they could tell.

    I'm very, very, impressed that you got all the way to that encounter to the north of the gnoll fortress. However did you get past the bear-on-the-bridge, and even more awesomely, the ogres and orcs encounter on the north bridge?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2012

    Um, sure, everybody has lots of wonderful moments and stories they could tell.

    I'm very, very, impressed that you got all the way to that encounter to the north of the gnoll fortress. However did you get past the bear-on-the-bridge, and even more awesomely, the ogres and orcs encounter on the north bridge?

    Obviously modernlife has gone through Nashkel and its mine and picked up some goodies.
  • ZaorZaor Member Posts: 69
    Try that same encounter on the mods TuTu/SCS. It multiplies the number of gibberlings by 12 and makes them come from all angles. The very first time I saw that improvement, my jaw dropped and I couldn't stop laughing as I flung fireballs, glee in my eyes. That very same first time, one of the gibberlings dropped a WAND OF FIREBALLS. I haven't seen such a unique drop from gibberlings since.
  • ModernLifeModernLife Member Posts: 14
    elminster said:

    Obviously modernlife has gone through Nashkel and its mine and picked up some goodies.

    That is true, I got through Nashkel and decided my party would be best fit sight seeing the sword coast on their way up to beregost.

  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    elminster said:

    Obviously modernlife has gone through Nashkel and its mine and picked up some goodies.

    That is true, I got through Nashkel and decided my party would be best fit sight seeing the sword coast on their way up to beregost.

    Definitely the most awesome part about BG1. :)
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    @elminster I knew this would be a Jan Jansen reference just by eyeballing the size of the paragraphs and reading "aah the Sword Coast." - good one!
  • kiroskiros Member Posts: 119
    It's pretty typical, like when you are challenged to a fight by some bone head which leads to a quick response of "have you met my Disintegrate spell yet?" lulzz
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    disintegrate in bg1? most legit :)
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Elminster And then they tied him into a chair in the sitting position, and Uncle Graveltoes gave it up as a bad business indeed!
  • Lord_GayLord_Gay Member Posts: 94
    Zaor said:

    Try that same encounter on the mods TuTu/SCS. It multiplies the number of gibberlings by 12 and makes them come from all angles. The very first time I saw that improvement, my jaw dropped and I couldn't stop laughing as I flung fireballs, glee in my eyes. That very same first time, one of the gibberlings dropped a WAND OF FIREBALLS. I haven't seen such a unique drop from gibberlings since.

    I love that addition. I think it really makes her "horde" comment realistic. As for rare drops, one time I had just picked up Xzar + Monty in the beginning and while transitioning over to the second map we were waylaid by enemies. They dropped a wand of lightning, I couldn't believe it. It came in very useful against the vamp wolves, but unfortunately we died soon after. : (

  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    I'm playing BG2 right now, at the part in the Copper Coronet where I am to save Hendak the slave. In the fight where you fight the beastmaster for the key to Hendak's cell, he just stands there and lets out all his monsters out into a narrow corridor, so I shot two lightning bolts in there and ran out and waited until everything died. It was pretty funny, none of the enemies even touched me. The beastmaster just kind of stood there like an idiot taking damage, didn't come after me or anything.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    When I was in Ust Natha recently, Viconia and Korgan had some banter where Korgan referred to Viconia as a "blackskin" and said that "blackskins" were only good for "owning," "killing," and something else unpleasant, but I forget what. Anyway, I thought it was ironic because at the time Korgan looked like a drow himself because of the disguise. Since I didn't like him very much anyway, I kicked him out of my party and left him in the Underdark, so that he wouldn't change back into a dwarf and therefore he could always be the target of his own racist remarks.

    I did a similar thing with Anomen and the femininity girdle once, when Anomen was being particularly annoying and condescending towards my female PC.
  • mercyfulfate1988mercyfulfate1988 Member Posts: 43
    At one point I had played the game so much that I knew where most enemies were before I got into the room. I had a few mages and I would get close enough that I wouldn't see them yet and would fireball into the room and kill everyone. Good times...
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    You can Charm Gorion and make him attack Tethoril. Tethoril kills him instantly :)
  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    There was once this wolf who killed my first character I created. Paladin without helm hit for 11 damge.. died. This is when i realized things are going to get really tough in this game.
    Ain't easy being a beginner
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    edited November 2012

    Funny stories?

    I had forgotten I managed to switch on 'turn undead' for a ludicrously overpowered single class cleric in my party a few seconds after stepping into the final battle. A moment before her dialogue could fire properly and she could start helping her brother make terrible threats about how she will have her revenge, Bodhi exploded into a million chunky giblets. She warped in and died, less than a second.

    The game couldn't continue after this point. She was dead. She couldn't deliver the required dialogue. I liked to think, from a roleplaying perspective, that this represented a prolonged moment of awkwardness between Irenicus and the charname party.

    Poor Bodhi.

    This is a problem in numerous places with the undead - the lich in the drow city who "imprisons" you; the lich in TOB who steals the daughter's soul; etc. One of many places to break the game by killing the person delivering a key dialogue.

    I particularly like this part of your description:
    I liked to think, from a roleplaying perspective, that this represented a prolonged moment of awkwardness between Irenicus and the charname party.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    I remember on my first play through BG1 thinking I was doing quite well, then getting my entire party wiped out by the sirens on the Sword Coast and realising I had much to learn...
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Those still cause problems for me. Berzerk Minsc helps, but then he wanders off from the fight and gets overcome by carrion crawlers. :(

    I am not a good player. I just love the game.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    Those still cause problems for me. Berzerk Minsc helps, but then he wanders off from the fight and gets overcome by carrion crawlers. :(

    I still have problems with them too! Am wondering how the evil party I'm currently running through BGT will cope with them, haven't tried against them will a bunch of evil NPCs before (most of whom have quite good spell resistance), might be a little easier...

    I am not a good player. I just love the game.


    I'm still not very good using magic effectively, in particular, but I'd like to improve that
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    Those still cause problems for me. Berzerk Minsc helps, but then he wanders off from the fight and gets overcome by carrion crawlers. :(

    I am not a good player. I just love the game.

    I'm not a fan of playing BGT or Tutu, so I don't know if this will work and if they are still immune to charming, but can't you just throw a bunch of skeleton summons in front of your cleric and charge? (with the cleric under sanctuary).
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Don't know. Dire charm causes me no end of pain :(
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    Skeletons are immune to all charm spells so @elminster is giving good advise. Web + missile attacks also work well.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Someone said that Protection from Evil is supposed to keep you from being charmed. And you can pick up potions to guard against mind effects.
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