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Wings v1.08



  • OlorinielOloriniel Member Posts: 49
    I met Laravyl on Day 603, and was concerned that there hadn't been any follow-up yet. On Day 616 I checked Global("X3WingsQuest","GLOBAL"), and it was 5. I don't remember if I just spawned X3WTrent at that point, or if I changed the variable to 6 first, but in any event, he turned up and I was able to progress the quest.
    In the interim I had been to Imnesvale, met the avariel, picked up the egg and it just hatched.

    Now I've recovered the portal lens, arranged to meet the merchant, and been ambushed by the slums.

    1) I see up-thread that Trent is now supposed to be upstairs at the Crooked Crane, but he's not there.
    2) as soon as the ambush is over, with Arlen dead and Laravyl fled, Aerie's flirt menu keeps popping up every second or so. Telling her to stop flirting means the subsequent chat pop-ups include the option to invite her to begin flirting again.

    Hardly game-breaking, but quickly becoming thoroughly annoying!
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited September 2022
    Check this variable while clicking Aerie and hovering over her.

    If it equals one, set it to 2.
  • OlorinielOloriniel Member Posts: 49
    It was 1, so I set it to 2. That hasn't stopped the flirt menu from popping up every second or so, though. I've killed Praxis now, and also finished the Missing Troll quest from HTaM.

    I've completed Aerie's romance, killed Praxis, and found the troll in her HTaM quest, so I think that's just about a wrap for her content. The quest for her and Minsc hasn't popped, and I'm not sure where/how to trigger it. Maybe it's time to release her until ToB.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    If you want to show all of Aerie's Local and Global variables (EEKeeper can do this easily) I can probably figure out which one is making the dialogue pop up. Only interested in those starting with X3 or B2#.


    The Minsc/Aerie mini-quest starts from a banter between the two. No way of forcing it unless you want to spam ctrl+i and have a bit of patience.

  • PeterBazookaPeterBazooka Member Posts: 9
    This dialogue with Aerie that starts with her asking you about Imoen being your sister appears to be broken in 1.04. Afterwards she gets stuck on this dialogue and doesn't advance to her next one.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited October 2022
    What Chapter are you on? Nevermind, uploaded a v1.05 to fix this.
  • ithildurnewithildurnew Member Posts: 277
    McAfee thinks there's a virus with 1.05 - safe to assume it's a false positive?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Yes, could also try downloading the master, maybe it will like that link better.
  • SparrowJacekSparrowJacek Member Posts: 17
    This mod looks fantastic! I have a question, since it's called "Wings" are you planning to add a quest to recover Aerie's wings at some point? I have a small project, which will merge female elf mage animations with those of wings (BAM files WQMZWXX), when finished. So when it's done you won't need to use a helmet with "wings" animation to have a winged Aerie. Giving her the wings without any plot or dialogue changes however would be a terrible idea, but if there was a mod changing those things, then my winged animations would probably work fine with it.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited November 2022
    Despite the name, I don't believe the original author had any intention on giving them wings.

    I also don't have any intentions to adding a quest to give her wings. I think the only situation it makes since is when the PC becomes a god, as it's mention they could do that, and the flirtpack does have dialogue where it happens, but there's no accompanying giving of wings just the mention. It could make it more rewarding to have it modify that moment so she actually visually receives them then.

    I think Aerie's Winglessness and accepting it is core to her plot, and echos those who gain disabilities and learn to live life with them, in a way, and I'd hate to ever toy with it beyond the ascension to godhood example.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2022
    Just spotted the answer to my problem on this very page - How the hell did I miss it MEGABLUSH! I'm running 1.04 not 1.05, and I struck the dialogue bug. Just ignore this post ... I'm reinstalling with the latest version from the master, DLed off Skitia's Stories link.

  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    I will delete 1.04 at somepoint so people won't make that mistake! :smile:
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What about having your site's download link to GitHub's releases so people are clear?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited November 2022
    My site links to the Master currently, as I like the easy download style and the Master will always be the latest, thus a safe choice.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    I'm not sure if I have a problem or not. I am near the end of chapter 3 - still have the extended mage stronghold, and Firkrag's dungeon to do and possibly some of weasels Colours mods. It feels like ages since I met the wing taker, but I haven't seen Trent.
    I've checked the global X3WingsQuest which is 5.

    I honestly can't remember if I've spoken to the Merchant. Where should he be? I've also checked X3MerchantTalk on the CLUAconsole. All I get is a reply Global: X3MERCHANTTALK LOCALS but no value
    I've tried it all capitals, plus with and without the S on local - no joy.
    I looked for the Merchanttalk variable on EEKeeper, but it didn't appear in either Local or Global.

    I'm running 1.05 from the master.

  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited March 2023
    Trent appears and talks to the character immediately upon entering any Athkatla area with Aerie in the party once a timer has expired and X3WingsQuest is at 4 or 5. You'll know as X3WingsQuest will be set to 6. If you're still having trouble, you can always set X3WingsQuest to 6 *and* manually spawn Trent with X3WTrent as their creature code. That said, the timer is a game timer and not a real timer so it's easy to quickly expire it.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    Thanks so much for the information. What about the merchant - is it a problem if I haven't seen him?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    No, the merchant won't spawn until X3WingsQuest is at a much higher value.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    Once again thanks for the fast replies and help :)
    I'll let you know how it goes when I try it out layer in the week.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    no as this is a friendship track mod.
  • HahchinHahchin Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2023
    Hello! Replaying BG2 and I'm trying this mod out but I have a question:

    After recruiting Aerie and completing the circus quest, when does her friendship dialogue with Charname start? Doesn't seem to start immediately so I guess there's a timer? Does it work when I reload an old save.

    Nvm it does start after a while.
    Post edited by Hahchin on
  • chibisenseichibisensei Member Posts: 36

    Just a quick question -although it might not be from this mod (as I have installed other mods that add some NPC interjections in general but this is the only Aerie mod specific to her in my mod installation)
    Aerie was complaining about living on the ground and hating it - my reply was realistic 'saying she would not survive then' - probably then the harshest of the 4 options given - she ranted at me - saying she hated me and then left the party - is she gone forever? - as I could not find in at the Circus or at the Cooper C.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited June 2023
    That's a base game line that this mod doesn't touch. But yes, she is gone forever if you pick that line. It's a pretty cruel line to choose!
  • chibisenseichibisensei Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2023
    Thanks - you find something new each time you play - I've played the Aerie romance a few times and I don't think I have ever seen those lines before - and I didn't know if you were more realistic/harsh that she would leave like that.
  • ErykErykErykEryk Member Posts: 64
    This is my hundreth run with Wings and merchant never spawns and so is Trent. :( Always have to fix the issue with the varriables. Maybe some little update could be in need?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    ErykEryk wrote: »
    This is my hundreth run with Wings and merchant never spawns and so is Trent. :( Always have to fix the issue with the varriables. Maybe some little update could be in need?

    Which merchant, and is this EET?
  • ErykErykErykEryk Member Posts: 64
    Hello Skitia! no EET. The merchant which as i understand is pushing plot forward? Without changing variables I'm stuck at variable 5 forever and never meet Trent, merchant from Waukeen, Praxis etc. etc. Also always have only gem for scepter, never the second part
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    I'll look at this next week and see if something needs to be adjusted.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Updated Wings to 1.06

    I corrected a bug that was keeping Trent from spawning, and changed his departure behavior so he should more consistently actually be in the inn. Going to test the remainder of this mod, and if any other changes are needed I'll do a 1.07 which will hopefully have this mod be stable again.
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