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Update for new iPad Pros (2018)

I tried to start both BG games on the new iPad Pro. It seems they are in dire need to be updated for the new screen resolution. I'm afraid to ask about this as I'm almost sure of the answer but I'll ask anyway - will the iOS versions of the games be updated for the new devices?


  • DanioDanio Member Posts: 4
    yes please, new iPad Pro 11 are awesome, but give us fullscreen, for better experience. I got all your games on PC and all on iOS and i prefere play them on iPad.
  • BersaelorBersaelor Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2019
    I actually held of on my recent playthrough of BG EE until they support the ipad Pro. Which is kinda sad because I don’t get to try Dragonspear until ikm done with the base game.
    Had to wait several month till civ 6 supported the ipads too but it was worth it.

    PS: get me access to the source code and I’ll even do it myself @Beamdog , iOS apps are my dayjob anyway.
  • DanioDanio Member Posts: 4
    nothing new about update for iPad Pro 11 screen?
    Im still hoping :)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Thanks for the feedback! When we do the next patch, the team will investigate compatibility with newer iOS devices.
  • JlexacJlexac Member Posts: 6
    The issue you probably have is related to the fact that in IOS you have Zoomed View enabled in Display Zoom settings (Settings/Display&Brightness). This was discussed here:
    Unfortunately Beamdog doesn't consider this a bug (they closed the Issue I created for this after they found out in can be fixed by swtiching to Standrad view) so you are forced to use Standard View on your IPad
  • BersaelorBersaelor Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2019
    @Jlexac what you reported is a different issue to this one here.

    The issue is that even completely regardless of display zoom the game is not using the full display space, as it's still running in the legacy modes that apps run in which haven't been updated since iPad Pros with 11 and 12.9" came out.
    The screen resolution and aspect ratio is different then the previous iPads and the game is not using the full screen size. It just runs as if it was still on an ipad 9.7".

    @JuliusBorisov : I bought all the Beamdog Infitity Engine games for iOS, none of them are updated to the latest iPad Screensizes. Given how expensive the games are compared to other apps it's really annoying that we are waiting for a maintenance update for over a year now.
    If you release Apps on iOS or Android you have to take into account that they have to be maintained to new OS and device versions, we're not living in 1999 anymore.

    Here's a screenshot:
  • DanioDanio Member Posts: 4
    Still no update for fullscreen?
    i want to start new fresh adveture through 1, SoD and 2, but im waiting for patch.

    Btw: im huge fan, got all EEs on iPad, Steam and now on Switch too (to show support), but iPad experience suit me best.
  • Xerxes1811Xerxes1811 Member Posts: 65
    Same problem with the 2020 iPad Air, the BG games aren’t full screen and have bars on the sides. Not game breaking, but still annoying it’s not using the full resolution and screen size of the iPad. Maybe this will be fixed with 2.6. Funny thing is Neverwinter Nights doesn’t have this problem and looks great on my new iPad. Hopefully this gets fixed as I still play the BG games regularly. Yes they work and look better on my laptop, but sometimes iPad is just easier to play on while on lunch breaks, etc.
  • BersaelorBersaelor Member Posts: 6
    It's been 2 years now.
    Maybe there are no more developers working at Beamdog and the software is sun-setted?

    (Honestly, let me sign an NDA and fix it for you, it shouldn't be a big deal)

    Sadly, I also worked for Viacom during the time that support for the Rockband Rhythm games on iOS was dropped, and it seemed that managers just decided it was easier to stop supporting it then letting their iOS devs update it.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Hi! The 2.6 patch is currently in open beta on PC.

    We'll get to testing on mobile in the future. We're aware of the issue discussed in this thread, thanks!
  • BersaelorBersaelor Member Posts: 6
    Yup, I was playing the 2.6 on Mac via Steam a little, didn't encounter any issues.

    Thanks for looking into it @JuliusBorisov
  • Xerxes1811Xerxes1811 Member Posts: 65
    Hi! The 2.6 patch is currently in open beta on PC.

    We'll get to testing on mobile in the future. We're aware of the issue discussed in this thread, thanks!

    That’s great news! Thanks for the update, hopefully not toooooo long haha.
  • vishy92vishy92 Member Posts: 1
    Hi! The 2.6 patch is currently in open beta on PC.

    We'll get to testing on mobile in the future. We're aware of the issue discussed in this thread, thanks!

    Just bought it for an 11 inch iPad too. Any eta when this update comes to ios? Its quite distracting

  • MelcosoftMelcosoft Member Posts: 3
    Any news here?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Now when 2.6 was released for PC, the next stage is mobile testing. We'll announce more info when we have it.
  • MaethorisMaethoris Member Posts: 2
    Are you guys still working on this and are there any news? :)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Still working on this yes. Sorry that there is no news. I hope we'll have an update once the acquisition is complete and plans are set with the new publisher.
  • MaethorisMaethoris Member Posts: 2
    Alright, I will be patient until then.
    Thank you very much for your fast reply. :)
  • DanioDanio Member Posts: 4
    Nearly 4 years and still nothing new for iOS? Cmon
  • BersaelorBersaelor Member Posts: 6
    Danio wrote: »
    Nearly 4 years and still nothing new for iOS? Cmon

    I think Beamdog has been aquired by Aspyr and corp leadership doesn't care about maintaining old products.
    The last iOS update is now 6 years ago, when they brought the iOS app to 2.5. Like @JuliusBorisov mentioned above, the Steam version received an update to 2.6 in 2022.
    I would not be surprised the next time Apple makes a major change in iOS this app will stop functioning entirely, as did so many others. Too much internal bureaucracy until a dev gets some time delegated to be allowed to fix issues like these and make an update.
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