Expansion Packs or DLC

If bg:ee is going to get extra content after release, would you prefer it in expansion pack sized pieces, or smaller DLC sized pieces?
- Expansion Packs or DLC147 votes
- Expansion Packs71.43%
- DLC28.57%
I guess an upside with BG-type DLC is that we won't see a bunch of pointless item packs.
Soooo....to sum it all up, expansion packs yes, DLC, not so much.
Am I alone in how I feel about DLC?
DLC - individual small packages that introduce minor things, NPCs, graphics, an expanded range of items, kits, single quests et cetera. Expected addition size being small, optional, and generally things to tweak and customise your game.
Expansions - A largescale addition, a quest-line with supporting expansions, graphics, items and kits, presumably taking many of those things from the DLCs.
And DLC collections which are simply a bulk purchase of
In effect, I would see DLCs to be primarily cheap, small additions (adding some AD&D kits to the game for example), an Expansion would be a major addition, and potentially include many DLCs at a discounted price (with a discount of that discounted price if you already owned the DLC).
So looking at ToB, we see extra kits, UI overhaul, monsters, a new storyline, a bonus dungeon, and high level abilities (a now iconic addition to the game). This would be what I would expect from an expansion, whilst any of those (except potentially the new storyline, which tends to be more involved anyway) would be something I might expect as DLC.
When you say you don't like DLC, do you not like downloading content, or do you not like very small, nickle and dime add-ons? A 50 hour expansion pack, that cost $19.99 and is downloaded, qualifies as DLC.
I think this poll would be better worded as:
Do you like smaller DLC chunks more often, or larger DLC chunks less often?
What I'd love to see are expansions that let us visit regions of Forgotten Realms, which have yet to appear in an D&D computer game. For example the Hordelands would be really sweet to visit at some point in Baldur's Gate:EE. The Sea of Moving Ice is another superb expansion pack location, though I reckon it would be more fitting for Icewind Dale:EE I + II.
Now Overhaul does not seem like the kind of company that would try to charge its clients for colored versions of an armor, for instance.
So there's DLC coming, both big and small, let's try to break the concept that DLC=moneygrabbing useless stuff.
Let's wait and see what they'll bring us before judging.
PS. Serves me right posting from a phone. Humongous amount of typos to correct
Yes, I'd also prefer one big expansion. All the new the content in BGEE put together is probably the least amount of extras I would want grouped together for purchase. I definitely wouldn't be buying say just Neera and whatever quest comes with her, but all the new content together would be just enough for me to break out the credit card. But, if it were just the characters with no quests attached at all, then I wouldn't bother. The content has to add something to the game, not just be new and shiny.
I feel the same way about the game not feeling complete. Even if I chose not to buy the little DLCs it would bother me that I bought the game but I'm still missing things from it. Just knowing that there are little pieces of a game that I paid for, but don't get, makes me feel cheated.
A full expansion pack that adds say a quest, feature, and a couple new characters wouldn't bother me to buy. I don't want to be nickle and dimed though. Take The Sims 3 for example. I'll buy the expansion packs that add game content such as new careers or locations, but not the Stuff Packs that I assume just have new clothes/furniture, etc. in them, but it still bothers me that I don't have this stuff, but because its a different type of game altogether than BGEE I can handle not having everything.
@bigdogchris Just because you are downloading it doesn't mean it isn't an expansion pack. Its the size/content that matters, not how you obtain it.
@Mechalibur You are right about DLC leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I hope you are right about them not abusing this.