[Fighter Kit] Duelist

I'm dumping the Gladiator kit, because it's just too narrow a title/name for some people.
DUELIST: Ever ready to engage in a battle for honor or supremacy, a duelist is deadly foe. As a trade, and as a living, the duelist seeks to dominate opponents in every manner of combat whether mentally by humiliation or physically by outright overpowering opponents. Duelists are both mental and physical masters of armed melee combat.
[-] Bonus +3 melee attack damage.
[-] Every 5th Level (1/5/10/15...), the Duelist gains an additional +1 AC.
[-] May cast ability "Boastful Challenge" at one cast per 4 levels (1/4/8/12...). Nearby opponents (30' radius) suffer -1 AC, -1 Attack Damage and -1 THAC0. At Level 9, opponents instead suffer -2 AC, -2 Attack Damage and -2 THAC0 and must save versus breath weapons at -2, or Panic for the duration of effects. At Level 18, opponents instead suffer -3 AC, -3 Attack Damage and -3 THAC0 and must save versus breath weapons at -4, or Panic for the duration of effects. Lasts 18 seconds (3 rounds).
[-] Cannot wear armor beyond Studded Leather.
[-] Cannot become proficient in ranged weapons.
[-] Cannot place points into SWORD AND SHIELD style.
[-] AC penalty versus Missiles, -4.
Post edited by Boaster on
Thematically speaking, when I read Duelist the first image that crops up in my mind is a guy fighting with a one-handed sword (like fencers). It doesn't make much sense for them to start with points in Two-handed weapon style. They should instead get two free points in single weapon style.
For disadvantages they should instead be like this:
- Cannot wear armor beyond Studded Leather.
- Cannot use Ranged Weapons
- Cannot use Shields
- May only use one-handed melee weapons.
- May only progress beyond "Proficient" in Bastard Sword, Long Sword, Short Sword, Scimitar and Katana.
Lol, you can't post an idea for a new kit and then expect people to not share their opinion about it.
And I actually did make suggestions to improve this kit and your previous Gladiator kit.
I'll let another moderator make a decision about my posts that were flagged. >_>
I'm not following you, I actually read most of the stuff that's posted on the boards. And I'm sorry, but I'm not making destructive criticism when I suggest changes to your kit. You can not like my suggestions, but that doesn't make them destructive.
Then I respectfully say, please do not share your constructive or destructive criticism
I post the kit to share ideas.
Lol sorry, but until told otherwise, I'm allowed to post my opinions as long as I do it in a civil and respectful manner.
However, what if someone wants to be a Fighter, just a fighter, but also have a little spice between plain vanilla?
There are finite limitations, so no matter what Kit Idea someone has, it's going to look or sound like something else. Reminds me of the South Park episode quote "Simpsons did it!" If you've seen that episode, you can follow the idea.
Between all the existing Fighter kits, they all have huge turn offs, so I end up having to stick with a plain Fighter. There's no kit available that's near the original class, without getting too wonky, in my opinion.
Now finally coming around to how this is relevant, i would love to see an ability, but maybe something more like 'Duelists Gambit'; auto crit when the only party member fighting the enemy which then leaves a AC penalty for a few seconds (negate dex bonus rather than an arbitrary constant?). Basically i am thinking of something where timing is important which lends itself to the flavor of the idea. Rather than a potentially overpowered ability which helps you get the situation you want. This taunt style idea i personally feel is out of character for what you suggest, if on the other hand you changed it from an AoE to a single target, so you are challenging a single foe to personal combat i wouldn't be able to agree more. A Duelist is someone who excels in single combat (duel). If this isn't actually the kind of character you are proposing, maybe a shift in the name of the kit would be more appropriate than a mechanic tweak, if only to simply avoid what is invariably a misinterpretation of the concept.
* Canny Defense: adds his intelligence bonus to his AC.
* Improved Reaction: a haste like special ability can use 5/day at level 10.
* Enhanced Mobility: +4 bonus to AC when not using a shield (I see this as an additional +3 bonus to AC when using single weapon proficiency equivalent).
* Precise Strike: At 5th Level gains 1d6 additional piercing damage per hit (and again at 10th).
* Flourish: At 6th level gains unlimited 2d6 flashy attack with 12 sec cooldown between uses
* Deflect Arrows: At 9th Level blocks first arrow of an attack sequence
I think there are possibly a lot of features of the class that could be converted to use in BG/ AD&D if one were so inclined. This could fit the classic limber Errol Flynn type guy who swings on a rope and sticks his sword in the pirate sail and rips it as he goes down.
If you want a two-hander specialist you would probably be better of with a different kit-name.
And to those who do not see any good kits for fighters, the berserker kit is crazy for any melee-fighter (immunities=win), and Kensai is amazing for some.
However, the names are apparently the hang up for some.
Haven't seen any suggestions for different names.
I just hope i don't get all my posts flaged like @Tanthalas just because i have a different view
This guy is tough as evidenced for the preference of powerfully holding two handed weapons and how his armor class improves as he levels up and gets better at avoiding punishment. He is light on his feet and prefers lighter armor. I can see how this guy is but can't think of any other names.
Sounds a little bit like a Lightning Bruiser
I have seen however that a similar word for Fighter, in the thesaurus is duelist and a gladiator. http://thesaurus.com/browse/fighter?s=t
Interesting, no?
Ideas, are in a sense, an art.
I believe it's ok to disagree, but to disagree and say "I'm right" (even without saying the words, but rather by insinuation), it grows annoying.
Fighter = Duelist = Gladiator
And he was giving me grief in the previous thread about "your idea is a Kensai-lite" or "lite-lite." Then when he makes an obvious "kensai-lite" suggestion with "May only progress beyond "Proficient" in Bastard Sword, Long Sword, Short Sword, Scimitar and Katana."
Additionally, I asked twice in the Gladiator thread what he suggested. He made no suggestion. So, he either makes no suggestion or suggests something that's in contradictory to his "kensai-lite" statement.
Kensai is the "Sword Saint" and I'm trying to suggest something of a two-handed wielding character. And he's suggesting a Sword Character. (Yes, I know the Kensai not technically limited to swords).
Wouldn't you be annoyed if someone called your idea a "Kensai-lite" and then later suggest a "Kensai-lite" suggestion?? It's like the pot calling the kettle black and making fun of it. It's like Kevin Costner making fun of Russell Crowe for playing the role of Robin Hood in a cinematic movie.
The only thing you can accuse my "Kensai-lite" of is that it had more disadvantages than yours.