Casting spells for free doesn't make sense so making them cost gold does....logic fail. Why would a spell cost gold and who gets paid. I don't like this idea.
Here's an idea for those who feel over-powered/bored playing a mage: Play a Transmuter and no backup mages. In the low level game, it won't make much of a difference. Almost all the useful level 1-4 spells are available to Transmuters. But in the mid-end game, you will have to use all the scrolls, potions, and wands you can get your hands on. You won't have access to: Globe of Invincibility, Dispel Magic, Protection from XYZ, Mantle, Spell Shield/Deflection/Immunity/Turning/Trap, Spell Strike, Breach, Pierce Shield, Lower Resistance, Khelben's Warding Whip, etc... Pretty much all anti-caster and protection spells will be un-available to you. Well, you do get Ruby Ray of Reversal and Stoneskin. But that's about it. You're a glass-cannon and your only advantage is being smarter than the AI.
Well. First off, chain contigency doesn't stack, that is a bug in BG...50th level?what? are probably right that certain high level spells should be costly, though not so much that the campaign breaks. Lower level spells I say leave free. There is a cost to the power, though - a d4 hitpoints, and etc. It's not a mistake, or an imbalance, that a 20th level fighter is probably doomed against an Archmage. But the Archmage still needs a group to survive. The fighter has to be there to fight off the horde of demons while the wizard casts, and protect him when he rests, which is more than 8 hours, I think by 1st edition anyway...
How does HP matter when you are virtually immune to all damages with protection spells? Even if you don't pre-buff, stoneskin and contingencies can buy you time to cast a timestop. once timestop is fired, the battle is over. a fully effective level 50th fighter(with exp remover and unnerfed thac0, saving throw table) will be slaughtered by a level 20 sorc, no matter the circumstances. Give me a sorc who can cast 9th level and I can kill as many fighters, regardless of their level, as the number of timestop available. (a little exaggeration. but no doubt they are immensely powerful in high levels )
Ok. But once we start down this path, who is to say the uber level fighter doesn't have a magic sword that dispells protections? Or ignores stoneskin? Or boots that negate timestop? We are talking God level PCs, so yeah, they will have magic items in every slot. At that level, even artifacts won't be uncommon.
Casting spells for free doesn't make sense so making them cost gold does....logic fail. Why would a spell cost gold and who gets paid. I don't like this idea.
In the low level game, it won't make much of a difference. Almost all the useful level 1-4 spells are available to Transmuters. But in the mid-end game, you will have to use all the scrolls, potions, and wands you can get your hands on. You won't have access to: Globe of Invincibility, Dispel Magic, Protection from XYZ, Mantle, Spell Shield/Deflection/Immunity/Turning/Trap, Spell Strike, Breach, Pierce Shield, Lower Resistance, Khelben's Warding Whip, etc...
Pretty much all anti-caster and protection spells will be un-available to you. Well, you do get Ruby Ray of Reversal and Stoneskin. But that's about it. You're a glass-cannon and your only advantage is being smarter than the AI.
Just a suggestion.
How does HP matter when you are virtually immune to all damages with protection spells? Even if you don't pre-buff, stoneskin and contingencies can buy you time to cast a timestop. once timestop is fired, the battle is over. a fully effective level 50th fighter(with exp remover and unnerfed thac0, saving throw table) will be slaughtered by a level 20 sorc, no matter the circumstances. Give me a sorc who can cast 9th level and I can kill as many fighters, regardless of their level, as the number of timestop available. (a little exaggeration. but no doubt they are immensely powerful in high levels
Ok. But once we start down this path, who is to say the uber level fighter doesn't have a magic sword that dispells protections? Or ignores stoneskin? Or boots that negate timestop? We are talking God level PCs, so yeah, they will have magic items in every slot. At that level, even artifacts won't be uncommon.