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Reconsidering Ano Love



  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Again, I throw out Cernd's name for concideration. Sure, hes not a cleric, and he isn't meant for the front lines like Anomen, unless you want to shapeshift him, but hes still a good healer, or at least in my mind he is.

    Sure, Cernd did some bad things in his past, but he does make up for it. Also, Cernd is also a wee bit more hotter than Anomen, at least to me anyway, and his romantic encounter that was written by Aeryn was awesome.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @SapphireIce101, that comes down to a matter of "your type". Cernd, while valued by me as a friend, and for his comedy relief of always having a nature analogy for every situation, to the point of ridiculousness, just does not have the sexual "oomf" I get from Ano. For me, that is.

    Also, doesn't he have issues with his wife? I've never played out his character quest.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited November 2012
    He kind of does have issues with his wife.

    His wife is dead, and when CHARNAME and Cernd go rescue his son. Cernd goes and takes his son to the druid grove to become a druid.

    But yeah, I remember my thief/Abjurer dual-class CHARNAME, Akail, she was going to make Ano go evil, but I just couldn't play that save anymore.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @SapphireIce101, oh, I think I remember Akail. Weren't you playing her two summers ago when we first met on the minimal reload thread you started over at the Bioware site?
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    edited November 2012
    Rest assured that I don't do animosity, it's bad for my Karma. I am however sarcastic, blunt, argumentative and have a wicked sense of humour. As I am not offended by the idea of someone having a different opinion (though I will happily challenge their arguments), nor much else you might conceivably do on a forum, I'd say you're pretty safe on that front, and so long as you don't post anything you're uncomfortable with being picked apart by critical examination hopefully nothing I post will cause any undue distress.

    If I do have any issue with you now or in the future, I shall do you the courtesy of telling you plainly that I have a problem with your behaviour and explain why I consider what you did unacceptable. Don't expect me to get much more than "mildly annoyed" though, I cannot (be bothered to?) stress enough how apathetic and mellow I am.

    Anyway, that said, Anomen's kitten punching aside (though I'm sure I could find a screenshot of him doing it in my game for some reason) I'm quite serious, for all her "I'm so evil" talk, Viconia never really does anything especially *wrong*, it's almost weird for an character that's supposed to be evil, and for all his talk of fighting the good fight, pre-redemption Anomen, as your screenshot shows, is threatening party members (he outright threatens to murder our favourite Gnome one conversation), belittling them, and generally insulting them (in some cases, like above, much more viciously and "seriously" than anything Vicci gets out).

    Yet Viconia's commentary will actively cause "good" characters to turn on her, whilst Anomen gets to be a grade A teabag with no consequences, ever. I'm sure I don't need to go into why this gets more than a little annoying. And V's a drow, she crawled from the underdark after being raised in a sexist Chaotic Evil matriarchy of doooooom. Anomen, on the other hand, is a squire where? The Radiant Heart? I know Paladins are jerks and all, but seriously.

    Thanks @Quartz, it's been awhile since I last ran BG2 or her rom-plot, so I do tend to forget the specifics.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Pantalion, well, I always rescue Viconia from the stake, if that reassures you. I'd probably take her into my party on a permanent basis, despite her constant chiding and questioning of my manhood, if it weren't for the game mechanic of "evil" characters vis a vis reputation. If they can't live with my 20 rep, then I can't live with them.

    I know I can use Tweaks and get rid of that mechanic, but that just feels like cheating to me. Viconia was written to leave the party at 19 rep. Or is it 18? Anyway, despite my appreciation of her exotic beauty and her innocence vis a vis being treated outrageously unfairly by the surface-dwellers, she and I are of different worlds, and, alas, cannot mix.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    edited November 2012
    As a drow, Viconia will actually permanently lower your reputation by 2. (If you kick her out though, you get the points back.)
    Post edited by Jalily on
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    That Drow has been staked more times than Bodhi has.

    19 reputation I believe. I'm not sure of the mechanics exactly, but if you were interested in a non-mod method, since every time you take Viccy your reputation drops by 2, and dumping her ups your reputation by 2, you could potentially do something like drop her whenever you were about to gain rep, then take her back in to revert to 18 reputation again (and drop her to get 20 for stores). Guarantees no romance and no redemption, but hey, she's a good, evil cleric.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Jalily, does that mean that there is no chance whatsoever for Viconia to ever leave a good party? (As long as you don't take Keldorn.)

    If that's true, I may reconsider bringing her along on my next run. She's certainly a deep, fascinating character, if I could trust her not to abandon my maxed-out reputation.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Pantalion, I don't care about store prices vis a vis rep. All I care about is the potential to be abandoned by characters with "evil" in their alignment description.

    My definitions of "good" and "evil" are much more relativistic than the game program's, and I determine my like or dislike of people by their actions and their personalities, not by some arbitrary label.

    If Viconia's built-in rep penalty guarantees that she will never abandon a "good" party with a high rep, then I will be thinking about bringing her next time around. I've always liked her, and admired her overcoming of her background. Plus, I've never gotten to play out her story, which I've heard is quite deep and fascinating.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Jalily said:

    As a drow, Viconia will actually permanently lower your reputation by 2. You can't go above 18 with her in your party. (If you kick her out though, you get the points back.)

    Wait, what? Is that a BG2 only thing?

    Booting her in BG1 doesn't restore the points.

  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681

    @Jalily, does that mean that there is no chance whatsoever for Viconia to ever leave a good party? (As long as you don't take Keldorn.)

    If that's true, I may reconsider bringing her along on my next run. She's certainly a deep, fascinating character, if I could trust her not to abandon my maxed-out reputation.

    Actually, I was wrong about the cap, but you can do what @Pantalion suggested to keep her.
    Brude said:

    Jalily said:

    As a drow, Viconia will actually permanently lower your reputation by 2. You can't go above 18 with her in your party. (If you kick her out though, you get the points back.)

    Wait, what? Is that a BG2 only thing?

    Booting her in BG1 doesn't restore the points.
    True, it's a BG2/BGEE feature.
  • shawnppickettshawnppickett Member Posts: 25
    Personally, of all of the clerics I prefer Viconia, even when I'm a good character, her attitude grates the least, and I look at her as a project (I can redeem her). Anomen, I understand his issues and all, but he just rubs me the wrong way. I reckon it's all of his boasting about his knightly virtues but when the chips are down, I always have to coerce him to act in accordance with those virtues. He just seems too quick to abandon them. Aerie gets a little to whiny for my taste, but at least she's generally a good person. Viconia is a bitch, but she is supposed to be, and will at least consider that maybe her instincts are wrong...
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @Belgarathmth - Actually, I think that was Ayaka. I have way too many characters with A starting in their name. Of course, Akiel is very close to Akail too.. Hmm, my favorite one out of the bunch though is Soren.

    Now, when it comes to Anomen for Soren, seeing that Soren is -very- bisexual mind you. However, Anomen kind of put Soren off. I mean, Soren is a goody goody, but when it comes to Anomen's sexist ways, Soren does not tolerate that kind of crap, especially around his girlfriends (Yvette, or Aerie), if hes dating a female, if he talks bad about Mama Jaheira. Soren respects women, because that is how Gorion raised him. There were times when Soren wanted to beat the crap out of Coran for his womanizing ways, as well.

    So, yeah, don't disrespect the women, or Soren will go all "Butt kicking for goodness!" on you.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    I'm going to defend Anomen here because good lord Jaheira is such a nag.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    @sandmanCCL Oh, nobody here's saying Jaheira isn't profoundly, supremely annoying, but there's "shut up Jaheira, for someone who's supposedly True Neutral you sure do have opinions on *absolutely freaking everything*. You're totally Neutral Good and should get thrown out of the Druid order and oh god if I hear you babble on about harper superiority one more time I will SLAP YOU SILLY." and Anomen's "shut up and get into either the kitchen or the bedroom Jaheira, you're only good in one or the other" attitude.

    ... Huh. Maybe there's a reason I've played every combination of characters? Eventually I just gotta take a break from these people...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2012
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  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I dunno. Bending him over and beating him like a rented mule *does* have its appeal. I never tried that one. If I take him along in the future (still holding out for a romanceable Minsc or Solaufein), I'll have to try that. It sounds wonderfully... cathartic.
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    edited November 2012
    @Shandyr I enjoyed reading your character analysis but the structure you followed with your arguments hints that Anomen can be seen as a tormented-hero sort of figure complete with TragicPast, DestroyedChildhood and eventually MurderedSiblings. And as I've seen from this thread people are able to roleplay a real redemtion, 180 personality turn-about.
    I can't do that. If I had to roleplay a good or neutral character his personality would be abhorrent. If I was evil I couldn't stand his sanctimonious attitude.
    If I wasn't roleplaying then his offensive language and arrogance would quickly grow tiresome. If I wanted to redeem anyone it would be Xzar or Edwin. It's a sad day when a neutral character's behavior is more disgusting than an evil character's.
    For example, during the thieves questline where Anomen yet again proves how much of a heartless d-ck he is, we get to interact with Edwin. He initially tries to get you to murder and perhaps torture the Cowled Wizard. If you refuse, he adjusts his demands and tries to reason with you, eventually allowing you to deal with the issue whatever way you see fit.
    [Now this is an evil person higher in the hierarchy than you who also knows or guesses that you aren't loyal to Mae'var and could blackmail you with the information.]
    The fact that the developers themselves didn't implement a method of bribing the Cowled Wizard to turn a blind eye to Edwin's use of magic, or paying the damned 5k gold doesn't minimize the fact that an evil character avoids blackmail and allows you to take care of business without resorting to murder while a neutral or good character suggests murder. :|
    @belgarathmth You should try the Haer'Dalis romance while playing a Fighter/Cleric if you want both a bard and a cleric and an enjoyable romance. The Tiefling will surprise you. I think he has what it takes to cure you of a pretty unhealthy addiction with a man who gives you nothing but grief and spreads his twisted life views to those around him like a disease.
    You don't have to agree with Haer'Dalis. He actually enjoys a bit of conflict and will still like you (and chase you ;) ) after voicing your disagreement. He's also supportive without being domineering and his 'isues' don't take precedence to yours which is very refreshing in a game where almost every love interest has a DarkandTragicPast and they are endlesly tormented by it and spare little thought to the loss of your soul!

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2012
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  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Hey got the call just now :)! The fucking forum system is broken yet, so no forum calls are pointed when i enter my profile, by luck i was onlyne when @Shandyr made the reference.

    1° of all: Don't feel bad for hate Anomen, he's a Bastard, but that's exactly the flavor of this character, people ARE that way normally. Tell me any solid relation that you know where the couple never shout or use bad language with the other and i will call you a bluff :)!

    2° - Anomen at the begin is arrogant, intolerant, egocentric, reckless and to resume, he's a fucking prejudicer (not in gay stuff, but he's a bit sexist and as you can clearly see the class prejudice of Faerûn society runs deeply in his veins, but that's not so unlikely for someone from the Radiant Heart, no?).
    But now i ask: What's the problem with that? The only problem is the lack of an option to corrupt him to evil alignment, that's the greatest failure of the original content on him.

    3° - He will change with time, specially in ToB, even the Chaotic Neutral Anomen will become more mature in ToB (in a chaotic fashion), but i prefer to carry him on than carry Viconia, i have no patience to teenagers romances and Viconia is a walking clichê of a teenager girl that lie and play silly games for lack of confidence, i normally stuck with Jaheira, i have a taste for strong minded womans (and i like to provoke her in discussions also).

    4° - There's a feature called IgnoreAnomen, is a internal script of the game. Every time a romance banter start you can just say "not now Anomen", "i don't have time for this now Anomen" or something like that. If he's speaking bullshit and you don't want to hear it just tell him to shut up, this WILL NOT BREAK THE ROMANCE unlike the other official romances, you have a certain limits of IgnoreAnomen to use before it comes to break the romance.

    Another interesting fact, is that even when you bad manner, flame or troll anomen, only in few ocasions he will break the romance (most of them happens if you joke or go insensive on him when his sister is the subject or after his sister death).

    So to end, to play Anomen romance, discharge the namby-pamby romance style used on the other romances, feel free to bad manner him, ignore him, argue with him. When he call's you of whench, reply that he's a dick, a moron, an imbecile (just avoid deep emotional hurts like his syster, his father relation with him or mock the order too much before he pass/fail the exame).
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    Interesting thread. I might consider trying to play BG2 with a female character in order to test Anomen's romance.

    Since I mostly play with male characters, I was never aware of this part of his personality.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    LadyRhian said:

    Had I been my female character in an actual game of BG2, Anomen would have had two small softish rounded objects projecting permanently through the top of his head and talked in a voice that sounded like a Chipmunk breathing helium. I despise his attitude towards women and his overweening arrogance.

    [sarcasm] Yeah! He should'a called her a bitch instead of a dog! What a creep! [/sarcasm]

    Wow. I didn't know anything about Anomen (I didn't want him in my party over some of my other characters during my one and only BG2 playthrough), so I didn't realize this stuff was in there. I guess they're testing the theory that very appealing women link up with some pretty horrible men, much to the chagrin of the nicer ones. I think the nicer ones win out over time, but have no evidence of this to corroborate the theory.

    I'm surprised Jaheira didn't, well... I don't know. Goodberry him to death? I suppose the stinging swarm might be justified - something. What a blowhard.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    @Reedmilfam, yeah, the "fixer upper" romance dove-tailed into the "knight in shining armour" schtick is apparently the only one Bioware thought would appear to the fairer sex. Given the depth of the other three vanilla romances I'm not sure this is overly surprising however.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    @Pantalion - Then, to be fair, they need the male rescues the prostitute, who's truly virtuous despite it all, which is the general equivalent.

    Maybe my memory is awful, but I liked the Jaheira-CHARNAME one. Aerie sounded like a desperate, low self-esteem whiny, and I haven't played with Viconia yet. However, I'd think they could do better than having a misogynist.

    I mean, Knight in Shining Armor isn't necessarily damning. But I'd prefer a chivalrous knight, who buys into the ideal of that lady that inspires him, and learns that CHARNAME can be all that without being an abstraction.

    Anyway, making a huge stretch to assume this is possible, I thought it would be rather interesting for Shar-Teel to be able to learn that there's at least one man (probably ONLY one man, specifically CHARNAME lol) that is above her contempt - enough to form a respectful friendship (not a romance - why do all BG relationships fall into binary Romance = 0 or Romance = 1?)...
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Just a hint people, if you want to romance Anomen in the right way (giving back to him any bullshit he throws on you), just remember to activate the game console.

    To do that in the old game (i don't know how this gonna work in the EE version) go to the game directory, where you installed the game, open the file "baldurs.ini" and under program options write exactly this way:

    Debug Mode=1

    Save and close (obs: in Windows 7 sometimes the console only work if you execute the game as administrator).

    Inside the game, press ctrl+space and this will bring up the console.

    To check Anomen's romance status use the following command:


    If the value is 1, the romance started and it's on the initial stage.
    If the value is 2, the romance passed a point where the NPC has now a deep bound with you, this can bring some special effects (Viconia will not leave 19 or 20 rep parties anymore in this stage of the romance).
    If the value is 3 yoi screw the romance, reload or live with it (or use
    CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("AnomenRomance","GLOBAL",x) where x is 1 or 2 (based on the stage of the romance), 3 can also means impossible romances, Aerie, Viconia and Jaheira will always have value 3 when the main char is a woman, Anomen will always have a 3 when the main char is a man. Viconia will always have a 3 value when the male main char is a elf for example also.

    Ps: This issue can make possible homossexual romances also, if you have a male character and use the command

    CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("XRomance","GLOBAL",1) (where X can be Anomen, Jaheira, Aerie or Viconia)

    You force the start of a romance between the main char (no matter the restrictions) and the romance will happen, just have in mind that BG2 original game romances are meant to be straight, so you can get some incoherences on the banters.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    @kamuizin Why would somebody do this, though? Let's force a relationship with an unloveable rat-bastard... Seems... Odd. Easier to put a girdle to swap gender on one of the other romanceables and then force it on somebody worth the time and effort...
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @neleothesze, (gracious, your name is hard to spell; I wound up doing a copy-paste), I would in fact be interested in trying a Haer Dalis romance, but I didn't realize that mod had gotten finished. I've checked up on it from time to time over the years, and the project always seemed to be in limbo.

    @Shandyr, thanks for a very insightful character analysis of Ano. I pretty much think the same thing. I've always enjoyed trying to bring out the good in him, as either a male or a female Charname. This run, I am a male working on a "romance" (really just a close, intimate, but no-sex relationship as far as I'm concerned)with Jaheira, but I am also trying to help Ano get his knighthood.

    However, I had forgotten that little dialog snippet that I started this post with, or maybe it had just been a long time since I had Ano and Jaheira in the same party and did the MaeVar quest. That was way over the line, even for Ano, and it taxed my patience and understanding of him. But after reading your analysis and being reminded that he's an abused abuser, and can change if the right person shows him some love, I guess I'm ready to accept him again.

    Jaheira didn't react to the insult. You've got to admire the woman's maturity and restraint, especially since she's not one to hesitate to call people out on their bullcrap. Her comment to him, before he totally goes off the rails with her, indicates that she actually understands him, too, or at least, she has decided to try to teach him a better, more balanced path to follow. More points for Jaheira, in my eyes.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @reedmilfam, it's an option only, nothing more.
  • swnmcmlxiswnmcmlxi Member Posts: 297
    You can also check and change the global variables in ShadowKeeper (won't work with EE unless SK is adapted), NearInfinity or DLTCEP, but @Kaimuizin's method may be easier than using the latter two.
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