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Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition needs to be balanced, by...

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  1. Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition needs to be balanced, by...207 votes
    1. No it needs not to be balanced. It already is balanced!
    2. No it needs not to be balanced. It may be unbalanced, but overpowered abilities, spells, items (or any things that make it unbalanced) can just be ignored.
    3. No it needs not to be balanced. In fact it is meant to be unbalanced!
    4. ... mainly by nerfing down certain abilities, spells, items.
    5. ... mainly by changing the enemies instead: Make them more resitant against overpowered abilities, spells, items and more prone to weak ones!
    6. Balancing issues should be handled by modding. Let BG:EE be the way it is in this context. Any changes to items, abilities, spells, or enemies should be addressed by mods.
    7. I'd like BG:EE to be an one-to-one implemenation of the 2nd AD&D Rules. That would not only solve any issues concerning balance but enhance the game even further.
    8. I'd like BG:EE to be like a MMORPG. That would not only solve any issues concerning balance but enhance the game even further.
    9. I do not care.
    10. Other


  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    I'm all for bringing BG:EE, BG2:EE, and IWD:EE as close as possible to the AD&D rulesets. Especially if that means Overhaul will implement the complete divine sphere system as well as the official specialty priests into the games. That would be a win-win situation for all of us who love AD&D.
  • LifatLifat Member Posts: 353
    edited December 2012
    When I see polls like this I always go for the one that leaves the gamers with the most options. That is why I chose MOD balancing. If there had been an option where Overhaul added an option of rebalancing the game then I would be all for that as well.

    I hate it when people try to push rules down my throat in a singleplayer game. Leave me be and if it annoys you too much then I suggest you go play a pvp game. There are loads of those out there.

    Don't get me wrong... People should be allowed to have all the balancing they want from mods and what not because that leaves me with the option of ignoring it.
    Now you could say that we could reverse it and have the superbalanced game be the standard game and I could be the one to download mods... To that I say that the original games weren't that balanced so why change direction now? And why put all that work into it that could be spent on squashing real bugs and/or new content?

    Just my 2 cents.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    Yeah, being closer to PnP would fix a lot of stuff. It would probably be too much work at this point to include non-combat proficiencies due to engine limitations (though that is a optional component anyway), which limits how dialog/skill driven it would be (closer experience to Torment), but as far as the combat and the like, those could be implemented faithfully. They've already changed the system to a real-time setting, and it's merely a matter implementing the other mechanics. Some stuff like flight is out, but they've already handled that. The kits though are especially overpowered beyond their PnP incarnations, and would need a lot of work.

    They might be able to fix the R/C thing by adding the druid spells to the divine list as a ranger level perk (kind of like how the stalker's extra mage spells were handled), though separating the current spell progression might be a lot of work. That way Rangers lower then 8 wouldn't have any druid spells, and the at the highest levels, they'd only have spell casting up to lvl 3, as proper. If I knew more about modding I could possibly throw together a fix (only a novice at it though).

    And the GM thing was fixed back in BG1, so..just figure out what in BG:EE and 2 is allowing it, and fix that as well.

    And if you dig around in the files, some stuff like dex bonus to saves, wis bonus to saves, intelligence max castable spells are already in the game, they're simply not being used or enforced.
  • LifatLifat Member Posts: 353
    @Allen63 Amen!
  • electrobanelectroban Member Posts: 57
    There's two thoughts of reason in regards to the BG:EE balance. Perhaps maybe we thought it was harder back when it came out when we were all little kids. Maybe now after years and years of gaming experience we can see what needs to be done and can get it done at this point. Or the second point being, perhaps the use of BG2 kits inside of BG1 wasn't ideal because some of these kits as we know insta-destroy the game.

    The idea of balance is to make the game enjoyable, if it's too easy, it's not a challenge, if it's too hard then its too frustrating. I think the game as it is is pretty much the same as vanilla, except the new classes which may impact the game to the point of being really easy as these classes wern't designed for BG1 to begin with.

    As far as magics are concerned then yeah it's slightly OP, mainly because there's no real counter to magic in BG 1. No really big AOE spells to destroy your mages, just sit back and cast.

    Of course some say you shouldn't be resting after an encounter so you don't have to do this and this, or some others say "challenge yourself by enforcing your own rules". But at the same time a player should feel like he can use his abilities.

    In conclusion the game as is does seem a lot easier to vanilla. I'll write a review for BG:EE when i finish the playthrough
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    There's not a lot going on with the low character levels and experience cap of BG:EE tbh.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    edited December 2012
    Um, anyone who picks the option to make BG:EE into a MMORPG needs to understand that some people think that is a bad idea.

    Edited for content.
    Post edited by the_spyder on
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2012
    Post edited by Kerozevok on
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
    Thanks for this pool Shandyr. And for having it follow a prior discussion. Helps so much putting things into perspective, produce good valid options and reduce the amount of noise in this thread.

    Voted for exclusive mod intervention. It's the only way I can see this being handled correctly. The modding community has a much more "close-to-the-metal" knowledge of the playerbase and their instincts are better tuned to handle (or ignore for that matter) any balancing issues that can be agreed upon by the community at large.
  • RhymeRhyme Member Posts: 190
    Shandyr, I think you broke your own rules for polls! These options aren't mutually exclusive!

    I voted for modders to handle perceived balance issues. But honestly, the opinion I will espouse most often is the second option, "If you don't like it, but you have the power to make it work the way you want through simple self-restraint (that qualifier is important), then shut up and just ignore it."

    ...But after you've shut up and ignored it, feel free to find or make a mod that "fixes" it. Have a field day. Making those sorts of changes is one of the biggest reasons we want the game to be so mod-friendly. So that one gets my vote.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    edited December 2012
    for what it is worth, I apologize to anyone I offended. My intent was not to make a serious insulting or threatening statement. But to express my own opinion that I think that turning BG into an MMO is a terrible idea as it is my firm opinion that MMOs are terrible excuses for RPGs. I admit that I could have been more tactful about my choice of words.

    I do feel that anyone taking my statement in any other vein then it was intended is being a bit pedantic, but I acknowledge that some people may be like that. So again, I apologize.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    OOF! You sure know how to ask the hard questions Shandyr. There are several good options up there that I am torn between. Mainly 1, 2, and 6. Whether or not the game has "balance" is a difficult (and possibly different) question to answer. Balance means different things to different people (quite obviously). Now realizing this, and wanting to make just about everyone happy, that narrows it down to 2 and 6; which are both, I think, viable options for balance based upon one's personal opinion about balance issues. Based solely on the fact that 6 has more umph to it I may vote for that. As to my personal opinions: The only major change to the game that was needed was greater compatibility and meshing with BG2. Remember how I said "just about everyone"? I said that with a particular group in mind. MMO's are not my cup of tea (to say the very least) and if BG were to become one I would probably curse Overhaul daily for obliterating my all time favorite game series. I will spare you my MMO rant and close by saying that I think Overhaul and specifically the developers of the BG:EE project deserve only the greatest of praise for their hard work and effort and I am honored to be a part of this (as tiny a part as I am).
  • The_CheesemanThe_Cheeseman Member Posts: 175
    Baldur's Gate is a great game, I see no reason to mess with it.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    I'm not sure I can vote for any of these things...but I will say that I wish Wizard Slayer, Beast Master and the various Cleric sub categories had more going for them. Also Invoker seriously sucks, and Skald and most of the druid kits are fairly mediocre..(Though I am partial to Totemic Druid and Avenger they're nothing to write home about)

    I wish the spells for Cleric / Ranger were more correct, yet it's still one of my favorite classes.

    I think a few classes are just...kind of dumb / not really well thought out. And a few more need some better abilities to differentiate them from the pack. The rest are a variety but really unique and even if some are overpowered at lower levels the game kind of scales into BG2...

    I will also admit that straight thieves kind of get the shaft the most throughout the game. There's not as much for them to do with their abilities other than recover treasure or back stab. If there were more illusions to dispel that'd be pretty wicked.

    But these flaws have been in every version.

    I also wish the AI for enemies was a bit better. And that some kind of taunting ability for aggro with a fighter would be great. But that kind of playing concept came in later RPG's.
  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
    edited December 2012
    Some classes need to be fixed/rebalanced. Shapeshifter is probably the best example.
    A couple of challenges could be made harder for some particular kits/classes, just because some of them are really strong in BG.
    A couple of extra items for extremely gimped classes, like the Monk, might be useful, though nothing utterly imbalanced.

    Otherwise, things seem mostly sound.
  • GloktaGlokta Member Posts: 97
    While i think some kit/classes could need some rebalancing, i find it totally fine that there are some spells etc that are "overpowered".

    I've always been of the mind that "if i find X, Z and Y to be to powerful" (be it, skills, spells, weapons or something else) i simply dont use them, or i abuse the crap out of them depending on my mood, i dont see the issue in a singel player where you have so much room to defeat your enemies.

    And im pretty sure most of us have felt the need to feel overly powerful from time to time and demolish evrything ;-)
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560
    It seems odd there is no option for buffing some things but nerfing others. What you might call a balanced approach to balancing.

    I'm more concerned with some classes/kits being underpowered than anything else.
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560
    edited December 2012
    Shandyr said:


    Um, anyone who picks the option to make BG:EE into a MMORPG needs to be caught and shot now.

    Please consider the Forum Rules

    Expressing one's opinion on this thread is allowed as long as it's based on respect of each other.

    I do not tolerate people expressing their opinion if this disregards the concept of respect as mentioned in the Rules. Consider this a warning.
    Um yeah, generally on discussion boards, a threat of violence even in jest is an insta-suspension with a permaban shortly thereafter for repeat offenses. I once even got a warning somewhere for likening someone's attitude to that of a domestic abuse victim. You can't even mention real-world violence.

    I think it's cool that things are pretty lax here about profanity and whatever, and it seems to work in a community of this size. This is just a word of advice for anyone taking part in online discussions in general.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    Implementing everything via PnP, would take care of basically all the kit problems.

    The berserker especially is OP....basically no penalty and a ridiculously powerful buff, when in PnP they're supposed to be restricted to leather armors, disdain ranged weapons entirely, their enrage only blocks fear, charm/dom, confusion, morale failure, and they have a 30% chance of going truly berserk when in enraged, attacking friends and enemies alike.

    The swashbuckler current doesn't resemble the PnP incarnation at all.

    Mage specialists don't have their proper benefits and penalties applied. Including barred schools (Most have 2, except divination which has 1, and Illusion which has 3).

    Several other discrepancies.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    What this forum has tought me is that "hard" is a subjective term.
    As for ME, I'd choose this:

    ... mainly by changing the enemies instead: Make them more resitant against overpowered abilities, spells, items and more prone to weak ones!

    But I guess I can use mods for it.
    The main problem is that this would create a mess in multyplayer.
    I would REALLY like to see a BG version that can satisfy all kind of players.
    In other words: a utopia.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    PugPug said:

    It seems odd there is no option for buffing some things but nerfing others. What you might call a balanced approach to balancing.

    I'm more concerned with some classes/kits being underpowered than anything else.

    @PugPug Aye. Good point there! Sadly, though, the vast majority of people involved in this discussion are not on the same page as us. That sounds like a different matter entirely and one I would be quite interested in. For now many people are complaining about/advocating nerfing due to a certain cloak that started this conversation. But as to boosting underpowered things; perhaps one of these days @Shandyr will turn his curious eye on to that subject.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    edited December 2012
    PugPug said:

    Um yeah, generally on discussion boards, a threat of violence even in jest is an insta-suspension with a permaban shortly thereafter for repeat offenses. I once even got a warning somewhere for likening someone's attitude to that of a domestic abuse victim. You can't even mention real-world violence.

    I think it's cool that things are pretty lax here about profanity and whatever, and it seems to work in a community of this size. This is just a word of advice for anyone taking part in online discussions in general.

    Yeah, um. I guess we visit different types of boards. Most places I have posted would have thought nothing at all about my comment, taking it in the light it was intended. And since it wasn't meant as anything actually insulting, harmful or antagonistic, It wasn't repeated and it wasn't directed at a specific person or persons, and it has since been modified/retracted, most posters on boards like the Bioware forum would have laughed at the other guy complaining.

    But I take it that this is a different type of board and am working on modifying my behavior accordingly. I certainly have no intent to offend anyone and, so long as someone isn't telling me that my opinion isn't welcome here, I intend to take any feedback as constructive and simply learn from it.

    I would personally think that continued lobbying for someone to be banned even after a public apology would equally be a violation of terms as it is tantamount to Flaming. At minimum it is not respecting that poster and telling them that their opinion is not welcome. And it definitely boarders on Trolling. Just a thought.
    Post edited by the_spyder on
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    I think the kits need a bit of reworking for the low levels and maybe a little push to make some of them more distinct from each other and their base classes.
  • claudiusclaudius Member Posts: 82
    edited December 2012
    Allen63 said:

    I don't know if BGEE is (or is not) "balanced".

    However, I don't like "balanced" games. I'll try to state why in a couple ways:

    Because genuine, perfect "balance" implies my choices mean nothing. My choices mean nothing because any number of choices would be "equally effective" (i.e. the choices are "balanced" in their effects).

    A game without meaningful choice, is not fun for me. "Meaningful choice" means I could make a horribly "wrong choice" -- and, ideally, have to "start over". True "balance" decreases the "wrong choices" available.

    That inevitably happens but I don't mind if spells like goodberries get a little boost in games. I like it if there is a less popular spell/skill, but you can make a funky playstyle run and just have fun trying out different things.

    At the same time I want my cake and eat it too in making meaningful choices. But I want it to be like water colors or oil paint where I can make two paths work, but I gotta have skill either way. I think to varying degrees this inevitably happens, but there are dissatisfying patches such as goodberries. I guess I am more a fan of making everything useful in some situation. On normal difficulty as opposed to insane there should be a rational reason to use goodberries. (just my example I don't really care about goodberries)

    In some instances I laugh at the illusion of choices. Like titan quest where a buzzillion cracked, white, and yellow items drop and my character only ever picks up even greens or purples. This problem is avoided of course in BG1 by placed loot, but I am just commenting on illusions of choices. Like having a spell that makes a flash of light and does nothing at all just to have 'choices'.
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    I voted that the game is meant to be like this. I love finding awesome magical items, and I love the huge diversity of classes and kits. I am afraid that making the game a lot more balanced would make items and classes more generic as well. However, a little tweaking of kits would be appropriate in a BG1 world.

    This is, thankfully, mainly a singleplayer game =)
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