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The no reload challenge (spoiler warning)



  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Ignatius said:

    Is there a rescue xp for freeing Dynaheir? without Minsc, surely not. With him...? but if you let Dynaheir just sit in her pit, then Minsc's quest won't be deemed complete and there's a timer on it. Anyway, she and Xan indeed play different - she's more of a damager when is more of a buffer/AoE type of guy.

    I too will get no playtime this week-end. I intend to reach Baldur's gate tonight though. Brix is progressing through the mines, Hareishan and her group were swiflty dealt with. Am tip-toing on the 3rd level right now... ;-)

    Don't know if there is quest exp for rescuing Dyna at all but if there is - you can learn about her from a gnoll on a nearby map so Minsc might not be necessary to get it - but my thinking is to ignore them both for now (altho I will probably clear much of the gnoll fort map and grab tome of charisma in case I don't get back there) - then if I decide I need Minsc and/or Dyna later they will still be available. As for the Minsc timer that shouldn't start until I speak to him the first time.

    Great job getting through cloakwood with Brix - I don't think I have ever attempted Daveorn without a thief to remove those traps.

  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    bengoshi said:

    Yes, there is. You get 800 xp. I came without Minsk, hadn't taken his quest nor even talked with him, found Dynaheir, talked to her and said to join my party.

    Do you know if you still get 800xp if you rescue her without taking her in the party? I thought you did not.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    Wanderon said:

    Great job getting through cloakwood with Brix - I don't think I have ever attempted Daveorn without a thief to remove those traps.

    Being protected from electrical damage helps (although it turns out I would have survived without). There are lightning bolt traps + Hareishan, Natasha and Davaeorn are all scripted to fire-off a ligntning bolt fairly early on. Bolt bouncing in a dungeon = run-ending alarm firing off. As for the battle horros, you need one very solid tank and it sure helps to draw them away from their master.

    But once again (and putting aside the awesome skeleton warriors), what really made Brix's day was Silence. What an incredibly powerful spell this is in BG1, especially when preceeded by Doom.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Ignatius said:

    bengoshi said:

    Yes, there is. You get 800 xp. I came without Minsk, hadn't taken his quest nor even talked with him, found Dynaheir, talked to her and said to join my party.

    Do you know if you still get 800xp if you rescue her without taking her in the party? I thought you did not.
    I was thinking the same thing - seems like I did that once (refused to let her join while without Minsc in my party) and she was not a happy camper and went off in a huff - I'd guess whether you get the exp or not regardless might depend on whether it's awarded when you begin talking to her or after you finish LOL.

    I suppose you could take her in dropping Imoen or another NPC thats not going to run off and once you have the experience turn her loose and pick up your other NPC but I'm not much about manipulating the system like that myself.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I'm sure you get your experience any way - her joining to your party doesn't matter. You accomplish the quest that is saving her - and not taking her with you. The moment you get 800xp from the game perspective is before you have a chance to take her.
    By the way, it's unnecessary to learn about her from a gnoll if you haven't talked to Minsk - the quest is done by talking to Dynaheir.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    Brix Hadilsmok the lvl.7 Gnomish Cleric, finally reached the 'Gate. The gnomish contacts provided by the Mirrorshades from the FAI turned out to be solid.

    Brix first stepped into QUAYLE, lvl.6/5 Cleric/Illusionist. The old, feeble but bright gnomish kin was immediately recruited - Brix can certainly use his arcane knowledge. It took a little bit more time to locate the other gnome / towards whom Gellena in particular had expressed concerns. TIAX, lvl.5/6 Cleric/Thief, is mad - that's granted. But Brix was told he had thieving skills, while also being just like Quayle some sort of cleric. He joined the group as well.

    Brix is not alone anymore, and this is the first chapter of the incredible adventures of the Gnomish Clerical Trio on the Sword Coast. An improbable and heterogeneous trio, but hopefully one with potential.

    Excited by those encounters, Brix immediately took his new friends to a place he heard about by the coast but had never dared visit on his own. A treasure hunt. They encountered sirenes on the way, but the unbelievable undead summoning machine that the Trio fosters just bulldozed through the delicate beings. Tiax was sent in to explore the cave, making the best use of his multi-class: sanctuary + find traps spells, and disarming them with his thief skill. This paved the way for a buffed Brix who ripped apart all 3 flesh golems despite his sole 1APR, being just hit twice in the process and promptly healed by his support team.

    The treasure was worth it, and everyone got a share: a wand to Quayle, a cloak for Tiax and Brix read a book which raised his CON to 18. He then levelled-up for a further welcome improvement to his wand and spell saving throws (now all at resp. 6/5/9/12/6 - with ring of the princes equipped).

    Baldur's Gate, fear: here we come!
  • LMTR14LMTR14 Member Posts: 172
    edited January 2013
    I'm gonna try a Nuzlocke run like I suggested previously: picking up every joinable npc as soon as I encounter him or her; no raise dead for anybody, charname death is end of the game, hardest difficulty ^_^

    would anybody be willing to watch if I record it for youtube? it wouldn't be a long run, likely
  • DarDar Member Posts: 3
    I'd be willing to watch it, LMTR14.

    My first few attempts at a no reload challenge didn't get very far. My fighter tried to kill Silke for some experience. He unfortunately died when she shot him in the face with a lightening bolt. Another playthrough ended when I forgot about the traps in the Nashkel mines. Being invisible didn't save me.

    Imoen died in both playthroughs when I got ambushed just moving from map to map. Both times we found ourselves surrounded by 10+ archers, who all hated Imoen for some reason. My sister was killed twice by the same bandits. I will have to think up a delightful way to torture them with my next character as retribution.

    I'm going to give it another go today, probably with a paladin. I love the rush and tension of doing a no reload challenge. All your actions have real consequences.
  • DarDar Member Posts: 3
    Played an Archer. I was doing pretty well. Imoen and me were shooting down anything that came close to us. I was in stealth when I found a lone Blacktalon Elite. I thought the two of us could take him. Never have I been so wrong. He shot Imoen in the face with a fire arrow. I escaped but ran across a disturbed individual who thought I had murdered his brothers. 10 Charisma didn't help in convincing him, and he started summoning bears to kill me. I was able to easily outrun them, and a random friend showed up to help me in the fight. Once again, I thought I had a chance. But then the crazy guy cast Hold Person. Unable to move, I had to watch the bears saunter up to me and then remove my stomach.

    And so Riia the Archer died. Now to make a new character. You can expect updates soon.
  • QidzQidz Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2013
    Hi everyone! Im going to my first no reload attempt with a Fade, a neutral evil half-orc bounty hunter.

    Few informations about my run:

    - I will drop my rep to the abyss, do lots of evil things, kill profitable npcs and generally do quest in evil ways with full consequences.

    - Fade isn't stupid character and i will try to kill my enemies in tricky ways and dodge massive butchering on early levels. I can rely on my traps and thieving skills (i hope so... )

    - Xp cap is removed because of my RP taste.

    - Core rules, but i will allow myself to drop it for few seconds for max hp.

    Excuse me my not so great english and wish me luck!
  • QidzQidz Member Posts: 8
    I have decided to skip these boring candlekeep quests and armored in throwing daggers i hit the road as soon as possible. After robbing imoen and 2 odd guys from they're goods i hit directly to the high hedge and move on to the beach on my left.

    I was unexpected attacked by a single ghast, beast was very slow and i won that fight easily (thanks to the throwing daggers!)

    From a distance i found my first target. Alone dryad or maybe sirine.. My traps luckily dealt to her excellent amount of damage and i needed only single throw of knife for taking a shiny pearl from her dead body and earn 5k of experience. Level 4 achieved. Time to visit any inn and take some rest.
  • citizenxocitizenxo Member Posts: 24
    I'm a complete noob to this game but started playing this way. Besides early attempts where I died to wolves and such, I had one guy wiped by circle of bandits and in the second play Khalim randomly exploded into a loup garou in the middle of town and wiped my party...

    I also was playing where I rolled 3d6 on an RNG and didn't redistribute, but I don't think I will do that anymore.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    I'd have reloaded on the Loup Garou explosion one, even in a no reload play I reload on a bug.

    And that should only have happened if you had returned from the Isle of Baldurian, which means you are infected and you and your party will become a werewolf if you don't complete the quest by killing Loup Garou.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    Starting an insane, solo, no reload with a Kensai that I plan to dual to Mage at level 8. I realize that means I have to go through the low levels twice but I'll be saving the most easy xp farming (Basilisks) for when I predict surviving will be the hardest.

  • DarDar Member Posts: 3
    Survived a lot longer than I thought I would with a Cleric of Talos. Everything was going great, until a random mage on the verge of death threw a fireball in my face.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    @Dar: Kamikaze mage at its finest.
  • emjayemjay Member Posts: 84
    Ok I've messed around with soloing a bit and I'm going to have a serious go at no-reload with CHARNAME (LE half orc fighter-cleric), xzar and montaron. Just for the RP fun
  • emjayemjay Member Posts: 84
    Ahhhh died to the vampiric wolves in beregost temple at level 4/4. Did not realise they could hold person >_< was going along fine otherwise.
  • emjayemjay Member Posts: 84
    edited January 2013
    I was enjoying that run through though, 3 characters with all bases more or less covered, and RP'd the evil side a bit (killed feldepost's 'thugs', looted some houses and killed the guards when they were called, refused some goody goody quests etc.) Might continue it as a normal game.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited January 2013
    I'm sure that to succeed in a no-reload playthrough, you should play the game till the end as a normal game first. Only this way you'll know, for example, what power the certain enemy has (for example, Silke with her lighting scroll or monsters with hold-person abilities), where there's a trap in the dungeon and what level of skill is required to disarm it.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    Go to Ulgoths Beard at the first. There is a guy near the first that you can pick pocket, or murder, to get a ring of free action. Put this on the bhaal spawn. Problem solved for future runs. Murdering the guy fits in great with your evil theme you got going there too.
  • LMTR14LMTR14 Member Posts: 172
    Dar said:

    I'd be willing to watch it, LMTR14.

    that'd be one more person watching than what I got on my Neverwinter nights 1 ironman on youtube. good enough for me :-)

    by the way, how do the players in this thread handle cheesing (esp. with ranged weapons)? is it unfair to use the game engine's flaws to your advantage, even in a hardcore run? I'm not sure it would make for good watching...
  • QidzQidz Member Posts: 8

    Its fair enough imho. You are fighting for your life in this kind of run :) When you create for example - barbarian with fast walking speed, it would be totally normal that you can get distance fighting advantage from this feat.

    It will be just like not using paladin's true sight bcs its too strong ;)
  • QidzQidz Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2013
    From Fade progress journal:

    I have tracked down an ogre nearby road to the friends arm inn. Lured him into the traps - easy prey.

    Nearby inn i found a magical ring in the grass. From what i know i will be rich soon.

    Some woman tried to convince me that i can bring her ring from hobgoblins corpses without payment. Stupid or what? I killed them and this shiny ring is only mine.

    On the stairs ive met a mage who tried to assassinate me. Its what people said about it, because i slit his throat from behind before he talked to me. Why the hell i do that?! Maybe that was some kind of insight ;)

    Little women from inn can offer me a bounty for killing some spiders in her house in beregost. I will do that.

    I have given back a belt which one i found on ogre corpse to the halfing or gnomish women (whatever). But on second thought... this belt is surely magical! I killed her fast and this belt is mine again.

    At least im in beregost! In the feldepost inn i have to kill Marl, dumbass fell to the ground after four stabs in his chest. He was tough as a rock and unfortunately for him - smart as a rock.

    On second floor I have robbed fat man from his cape. It was his most lucky day, that he did not realized that. I could kill him for that.

    In house next door to the inn i've murdered alone mage. He was looking rich - thats not my fault.. Something tell me, that i met this poor guy before.

    Few steps around this place, young man named Garrick told me that following him to his mistress will be profitable. Ambrosia for my ears! I had to murder three unarmored guys. Easy as a pie. After this unfair butchery I have betrayed her. She ended her life in pool of her blood on the ground.

    Im now despised in this small town. The game has BEGIN.
    Post edited by Qidz on
  • emjayemjay Member Posts: 84
    moopy said:


    Go to Ulgoths Beard at the first. There is a guy near the first that you can pick pocket, or murder, to get a ring of free action. Put this on the bhaal spawn. Problem solved for future runs. Murdering the guy fits in great with your evil theme you got going there too.

    Will have to look into that, I think every run i've had so far has come to an end via being held. Continued on as a regular game and haven't had to load yet, grabbed Shar-teel at level 4 as well since so many people on here are talking about her dualed to thief. Just beat Davaeorn and its on to BG for us!
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    I've had more no reloads ended by hold than probably anything else. (Other than getting a group of bandits in an ambush at level 1)

    My Kensai I posted above got held by Daveron in the Cloakwood Mines and that is how her game ended. I now make it a point to pick up the ring of free action as early as possible, it can be tricky to get by the Ankhegs but you can use potions of invisibility if you have to.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    @moopy: yep, Hold Person is deadly for no-reloads. I also recommend using the Greenstone Amulet to be protected (against that, and a lot of other game-ending spell/effects) although this will NOT work against the innate hold person ability of some creatures (ghasts, vampiric wolves...).
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    edited January 2013
    Brilini & Company cleared most of the southwest coast maps leaving just a couple spots for later - we took out some sirines but left the Pirate cave and we skipped the archeological dig for now. Wasn't paying attention and stumbled on the first group of sirines at the beach by the lighthouse unprepared as we were engaging the hobgoblins nearby and had Khalid and Branwen dire charmed - Fortunately neither was weilding a ranged weapon and the party took off running to the east through territory we had already cleared with them and a sirine following until the charm wore off and we ganged up on the sirine.

    Branwen had leveled just prior to this and now she summoned a skeleton warrior to assist in their efforts - this is the first time I've used the spell in BG:EE and I'd have to say the change over to a single skeletal warrior or the chance of two vs the hordes of plain skellies you used to get seems kind of overpowered at first glance especially since the description states you should not get them until level 15!

    We left both Dyna and Safana untouched so they should continue to level on the off chance we need them later. Everyone but Jahs and Xan are level 5 now - we gathered a barrel full of throwing knives from the skellies around high hedge for Xan to use and he sometimes even hits something with them - the hassle is they weigh a ton so Brilini carrys his spares - we let him weild his moonblade on occasion as well.

    We are at 20 rep now and it seems they adjusted the banters so Jahiera no longer whines at high rep and Xan actually makes a relatively positive statement now and again - not sure I prefer the change myself but I can live with it.

    Updated to the latest patch last night so now I'm torn between moving Brilini on or starting a new campaign to take advantage of the new features LOL!

    Edit: Just checked in game and some of the new features are already working in my current game - Brilini can now wear ankeg plate and the UI changes to larger item count numbers are also working but the increased capacity of the scroll case is not.
    Post edited by Wanderon on
  • lDanielHolmlDanielHolm Member Posts: 225
    I believe NPCs spawn depending on what level you are when you first enter an area, not when you first talk to them.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    arent there potions of freedom available (for those who get killed by hold)
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