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The no reload challenge (spoiler warning)



  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    bengoshi said:

    And he remembers that wolf too, he does. A potion of speed helped a lot.

    I wanted to save that for later...
    bengoshi said:

    Fairy Dragon is very useful for a hardcore run.

    At level 4 I'd take Single Weapon Fighting Style, it's very useful when backstabbing.

    Also when casting would make me less likely to get hit and interrupted...

    At level 8 I'd take Quarter Staves if you only think about BG1, and Katanas if you think about BG2 already -in this case you can take Quarter Staves and Two-handed Weapon Style at levels 12 and 16 - the good staff for backstabbing is in ToB, in BG2 the best weapon for this purpose is a katana (CF). I prefer the second variant.

    Okay, will have a think. At least there is a +1 Katana in BGEE now, which might be useful vs. enemies immune to poison
    bengoshi said:

    Ryuu is a good name for your Fairy Dragon. It sounds cool and means Dragon in Japonese.

    I'd speak (if ever) to Dorn later.

    It would just be to get some of the loot from his encounter(s)
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    BTW I'll be playing on core all the way, including for level-ups and scroll writing...
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    Ouch! a potion of speed vs a wolf, that's a tough one. But hey, dying to a wolf or to a dragon, what's the difference in the end? your post-mortem reputation in bardic tales and that's about it.

    All the best to Nefti ! and guys, do bless us with screenshots if ya can.

    FYI-> I have another character in the making. He will be a bit like an NPC: personal item(s) and associated mini-quests (not via a mod, but via the tales I will report of them). Tip: he is a male, and not a gnomish one ;-)
  • ZuttiZutti Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2013
    I did something a little bit different for this playthrough. Using the die roller at I determined the character would be a male with the following stats:

    14 18 15 11 10 12

    I took the first roll with a total of 75 or more points. This roll totaled 80 points.

    Enter Zixar:
    Note that the rolled stats are before racial modifiers. As an elf, Zix loses 1 pt of STR and gains 1 DEX


    BG2 Tweaks - Most notably:
    -NWN-style HP gains(at least half of max HP per level)
    -Consistent stats: Jaheira(increases her dex to BG2 value of 17)
    -Change Jaheira's alignment to Neutral Good
    -Make Khalid a Fighter/Mage(as was originally intended)
    -Add bags of holding(potion case, scroll case, ammo belt, gem bag and bag of holding for sale at various shops)
    -Ammo, potion, gem stacking

    Rogue Rebalancing(not much relevant here)

    Zix specializes in picking locks and shooting things in the face with his longbow. In a pinch, he'll whip out his quarterstaff.

    Playing Core Rules all the way.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Ignatius said:

    Ouch! a potion of speed vs a wolf, that's a tough one. But hey, dying to a wolf or to a dragon, what's the difference in the end? your post-mortem reputation in bardic tales and that's about it.

    All the best to Nefti ! and guys, do bless us with screenshots if ya can.

    Will try! I'll do a character sheet shot soon for starters.
    Ignatius said:

    FYI-> I have another character in the making. He will be a bit like an NPC: personal item(s) and associated mini-quests (not via a mod, but via the tales I will report of them). Tip: he is a male, and not a gnomish one ;-)


    BTW am going to try to RP Nefti according to alignment, where possible, but will see how it goes...
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Zutti said:

    I did something a little bit different for this playthrough. Using the die roller at I determined the character would be a male with the following stats:

    14 18 15 11 10 12

    I took the first roll with a total of 75 or more points. This roll totaled 80 points.

    Enter Zixar:

    Note that the rolled stats are before racial modifiers. As an elf, Zix loses 1 pt of STR and gains 1 DEX


    BG2 Tweaks - Most notably:
    -NWN-style HP gains(at least half of max HP per level)
    -Consistent stats: Jaheira(increases her dex to BG2 value of 17)
    -Change Jaheira's alignment to Neutral Good
    -Make Khalid a Fighter/Mage(as was originally intended)
    -Add bags of holding(potion case, scroll case, ammo belt, gem bag and bag of holding for sale at various shops)
    -Ammo, potion, gem stacking

    Rogue Rebalancing(not much relevant here)

    Zix specializes in picking locks and shooting things in the face with his longbow. In a pinch, he'll whip out his quarterstaff.

    Playing Core Rules all the way.
    Don't enemies get +4 to hit in melee if you have a ranged weapon equipped?
  • ZuttiZutti Member Posts: 94

    Don't enemies get +4 to hit in melee if you have a ranged weapon equipped?

    Yes, hence the quarterstaff.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Zutti said:

    Yes, hence the quarterstaff.
    Oh I see, I thought you were implying you were going to use your bow in melee, my mistake
  • PalantPalant Member Posts: 4
    Just start new game.

    Human Fighter
    18/93 18 18 18 10 14 (rolled for 2 hours)
    Chaotic Good
    Long sword **
    Single weapon style **

    Planning to take:
    Viconia, Dorn, Neera, Coran, Imoen / Stuff / Faldorn
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    edited January 2013
    Zutti said:

    Yes, hence the quarterstaff.
    I thought it was the other way around that the archer takes a -4 to hit when using ranged weapons within melee range?

    Edit: according to another thread the to hit penalty is actually -8 which is indeed what I recall from BG1 (vanilla) - that thread also mentions the +4 to hit for the enemy which I was not aware of and apparently it's supposed to add an additional +4 to damage which is not implemented.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    edited January 2013
    bengoshi said:

    I've played the all saga through and through many times but have never solo-ed and have never played a no-reload.
    As BG:EE became available, the new char was created (an elven archer), and his party with Dorn, Neera, Jaheira, Tiax and Shar-teel made it to the city of BG and the dungeon under the Durlag’s tower. It was a rather smooth run, I’ve remembered many difficult enemies and traps.
    At that moment I realized I want to challenge myself. And I created a new char for a solo run. A gnome, an illusionist/thief. ORI is his name. 18 – 18 – 17 (with the Tome it will be 18 for the max saving-throws) – 19 - 2 – 18. * in shortbows and * in one-handed style. 60 in lockpicting and 35 in hide-in-shadows. CG.
    I identified the main things for ORI:
    1. First think than act.
    2. No fighting with strong melee fighters and creatures till the latter stages.
    3. Going to the dungeons (chapter 3) with a high score in find traps and lockpickting.
    4. * in daggers at the 4th thief level.
    5. All money must be saved for the Dagger of Venom.
    ORI bought a katana with the money made from selling the shiny stone.
    A bear and wolves at the first area after Candlekeep were killed with the bow and an essential help of a potion of speed.
    Didn’t fight anyone at the next location – no potion of speed left so to fight the wolves was a suicide.
    The first killer at the FAI was stabbed from the shadows.
    Then it was an epic battle with hobgoblins who had stolen a ring.
    After that ORI came to Beregost and took everything from all the chests (except one) and wardrobes in this town.
    With the wand of lighting Silke and Carlat have been destroyed, one by one.
    Exploring the two locations to the south of Beregost, a High Hedge (except killing a spider – he’s too strong), a temple (except a group of wolves in the east) and a location with a cow being attacked by xwarts, selling all the items found have brought a so desired 12 700 coins.
    ORI has reached the 4th thief level and has bought the Dagger of Venom.
    He has 40 in hide-in-shadows (45 with the Zurlong boots), 85 in lockpickting, 40 in find traps.
    Now it’s time to go to Nashkel.

    @bengoshi - BTW where did you find the Wand of Lightning early on in order to kill Silke and Carlat?

  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    edited January 2013

    Wand of Lightning on the top floor of the big manor house on the north east side of Beregost.

    You can get it before you kill a single thing.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    moopy said:


    Wand of Lightning on the top floor of the big manor house on the north east side of Beregost.

    You can get it before you kill a single thing.

    Ah yes, I forgot, thanks. That and the Wand of Frost you can get on the Nashkel Mines map are a great help for soloing, though the latter is best not to use on enemies who drop loot you want, as there's a risk of petrifying them (or freezing them, anyway)
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    And the Wand of Fire in the Ankheg Cave... in a solo no reload I used the wand of frost to kill the guy with boots of speed... :( What was I thinking.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    Good luck to both new entrants: Zixar and Palant's Fighter !
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    edited January 2013
    1- ORIGINS

    Everyone in the village of Gullykin remembers Jelae Humbledow. The Humbledows are an old and respected hobbit family line represented in many a village throughout the Realms. Their members are reknowned for their cheerful personality and their agility; several Humbledows have become accomplished fighter-slingers and their heroic deeds during the great battles of the North are often being taught to halfling children as they grow up. Therefore none in Gullykin was surprised that Jelae, a young teenager of barely 25 years of age, would spend the best of her days alone in the surrounding woods testing out her slinging abilities and eager to explore the world. But they all got worried when that evening she did not make it back home. For weeks the local halfling folks bravely searched the wilderness; one of them lost an arm to a pack of hungry wolves but when the old Barp Tenderbew died under the vicious arrows of goblin marauders, it was decided that she was lost forever.

    When she reappeared one morning 3 months later, Gullykin was stunned. Happy at first, the villagers got weary when it became clear that the Jelae Humbledow they once knew was, in a way, indeed lost forever. She now always looked sad and would barely leave the confines of her house. Never the usual joke anymore, she spoke little and always refused to tell what had happened during her absence. Things got even worse when she could not hide her pregnancy anymore. The hobbits of Gullykin are tolerant and easy-going, but a pregnant halfling without a husband was unheard of; some spoke of a curse, some evilness at work and refused to approach the mother-to-be. To make things worse, Jelae started being sick; within a few weeks she could barely walk and ate little. Gorion the mage, an old friend of her late father, was called in. He was the only one near her when she agonized as she gave birth. She did not live long enough to even see her son, but as she was stuttering a last prayer to Lathander begging him to take care of this young and fragile life, her very last word was "Amin". When Gorion proposed to take the newborn to Candlekeep and raise him, no one in Gullykin had anything to say against this.

    Such are the tragic origins of Amin Humbledow.
    Post edited by Ignatius on
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Darn, @Ignatius, your novelizations are pure awesomeness. I've never seen anyone put so much detail into their character background, before even starting the game.
  • LMTR14LMTR14 Member Posts: 172
    some parts of my hardcore ironman run attempt on youtube now.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    ^Sounds interesting. Are you German or Scandinavian by chance lol
  • LMTR14LMTR14 Member Posts: 172

    ^Sounds interesting. Are you German or Scandinavian by chance lol

  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624

    Darn, @Ignatius, your novelizations are pure awesomeness. I've never seen anyone put so much detail into their character background, before even starting the game.

    Well, thank you. I think it is more of an NPC that I have created here. Oh and Amin has already left Candlekeep ;-)
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    LMTR14 said:

    Ah, yes, of course. If it isn't against the rules I'll watch your next video if you keep posting links in this thread.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    edited January 2013

    One thing is to assume that a prayer is being heard, another is to find out whether it has been answered and how. In the case of Amin Humbledow, one could wonder. All in Candlekeep liked the young halfling child; always helpful, never complained. But it was difficult to get a smile out of him; he would seldom play and much preferred reading by himself. As he grew up it was clear that, while having a solid health, he could barely wield a weapon or wear an armor. He was an obedient student, but neither particularly smart nor curious. He had obviously inherited the incredible agility of the Humbledows but had no interest in making use of such talent - winning a slinging contest in Beregost to which Gorion had registered him, did not change his mind. He would spend a lot of time in contemplation and seemed to know how to keep himself out of trouble.

    One day Gorion took Amin along as he was meeting with Keldath Ormlyr at the Temple of the Morning Lord. When they finished talking after 2 hours and went back in the main hall, Amin had not moved an inch. He was kneeled in front of a statue of Lathander, eyes shut: he was obviously praying. Keldath asked where he had been initiated to the practice of the cult and when Gorion explained he had not, the High Priest knew Amin's faith and connection to the divinity were extraordinary. And Gorion knew the prayer of Jelae had been answered, only it took a long time to find out.

    For the next years and always with Gorion's permission, Amin Humbledow spent as much time as he could at the temple. Under the direct patronage of Keldath himself, who had never seen before such intensity in anyone's faith. He even informed his superiors in Athkatla of this prodigy.

    When he reached 20 years old, the young hobbit was consecrated a Priest of Lathander. It was the happiest day in his entire life.


    He was now ready to face his destiny.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    Keldath Ormlyr had for long taken the habbit of rewarding the most deserving and veteran members of his local church with a personal magical item. He would pay smithy Taerom Fuiruim and then embedd the raw equipment with Lathander's divine magic so as to fit the unique personality of whomever it was being crafted for.

    In the case of Amin Humbledow, Keldath made an exception. The halfling was hardly a veteran priest, having just been ordinated. But he knew that a special destiny awaited Amin, who was simultaneously both the most faitful and the weakest of his local clergy members.

    He thought of a magical armor that could be equipped based not on the wearer's strength, but wisdom. An armor that would be light enough for the hobbit, and at the same time fortify him. An armor that would grant additional resistances which intensity would depend on Amin's faith. The Armor of the Morning Praise.



    "Young child" said Keldath Ormlyr when he solemnly handed over the Armor to Amin Humbledow, "praise the Morning Lord every morning with all your heart, and this Armor shall fortify you in your journeys. Fear not.".

    And so Amin did.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    edited January 2013
    The Armor of the Morning Praise is a very light splint mail (10 lbs), granting +2 max HP and with a permanent Armor of Faith while equipped - as the lvl.1 cleric spell of the same name but cast as if the caster was lvl.6, i.e. granting 10% resistances to basically all damage. See below.


    It is obviously a powerful item, especially for someone with STR 10 like Amin Humbledow. If anyone believes it to be OP for a BG1 run, please let me know.

    Edit: oh and I modded it with Near Infinity so as to make it impossible to cast the actual spell Armor of Faith while the Armor of the Morning Praise is equipped. And I obviously won't abuse un-equip/cast AoF/equip.
    Post edited by Ignatius on
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    I think it's a bit OP, but it's your game so it doesn't matter what I think.

    Perhaps make it cast AoF X times per day?
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    @ Ignatius - I think it's fine - I've never thought of armor of faith as being powerful enough to bother spending a spell slot on it myself and assuming he will use it throughout the game since it's special to him it means giving up considerably more protection from better armors that more than offsets it's resistance bonuses.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    edited January 2013

    Perhaps make it cast AoF X times per day?

    Thanks for the feedback. That's actually more or less what I originally wanted the armor to do, but being a novice at using NI, I did not manage to mod it in a proper way.

    @Wanderon: yep, those were also my thoughts. And yes he will be wearing it throughout the game: it fits the character perfecty well.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    edited January 2013
    As Gorion was gathering equipment for the journey he and Amin were about to embark on, he stumbled in his large coffer upon a strange looking stone. An Ioun Stone, which he had found on the body of Amin's mother Jelae after her death, and had since completely forgotten about. He called in Amin and handed-over the stone to him.

    "I am not sure of its purpose, but it belongs with a Humbledow. It is yours now".


    Amin looked at it and felt something special. Like an aura. He started thinking about his mother, and Gullykin. His origins. He would have to investigate there one day. He placed the Ioun Stone at the base of his neck underneath his armor.

    Soon they were on the road, and hours later after a night of thunder, blood and spellcasting, while Amin had run for cover as Gorion had asked him to...


    ... it was the young priest who was now mourning, and praying, and burrying what was left of his foster father. There was only one place to go: the temple at Beregost.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    When THAT wolf attacked, Amin neither drew blood nor ran away in panic, but casually carried on his countryside walk...


    ... and managed, @Oxford_Guy, to save his oil of speed for some other time ;-)
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