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Sharing my custom graphics (pointy hat/face bag/duck helm)

SmileySmiley Member Posts: 3
edited February 2013 in General Modding
Hello, fellow players.
My friend and I were and are playing BG (EE in this case) first time so after making proper custom portraits that would suit our characters I went further and made few custom items for own amusement.

Now I'm sharing it all with you but note that its helmet animations are not for all creature sizes, but issue there is only coordinates, so other modders could probably fix it easily. I was using a scripting tool I wrote to ease animation making but still I edited about 2000 frames and got fed up with it to make it for creature sizes we didn't use in our playthrough. Item descriptions and some messages they make have our character names instead of proper tokens, but again if somebody wishes its easily fixable.

Pointy hat is showing only for Large size races and duck for small ones.

File archive itself is too big to attach it through forums so here is a link
And here is promised hotfix for files only, if you are interested in BAMs only, just download upper one

Note thogh that portraits are not work of my own, but merely photoshop editing of existing arts found in google. Item description also has a quote from Terry Pratchett's books.


Added 1 additional item - sleeping bed roll for adventurer camps. It doesn't do anything other than makes your character lie on the ground (animation only+1 second feeblemindness to prevent canceling sleep animation with movement). Waking up is achieved by ordering sleeping char to move.

It still has specific party names in descriptions/lines and few party-only jokes, you could easily edit that. Additionally I removed most of OP effects from items, now its mostly for flavor and rp (for example if a person wears pointy hat with misspelled "WIZZARD" and comes close to any npc who is wizard/cleric there is a chance that npc will start giggling)

1.jpg 273.4K
2.jpg 319.1K
3.jpg 363.8K
Post edited by Smiley on


  • SanctiferSanctifer Member Posts: 111
    That's just awesome ! :o
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,900
    It's great! I love it!
  • SmileySmiley Member Posts: 3
    Im pleased you like it, just BE CAREFUL using it - due to clumsy novice item editing it may and does have different bugs. Latest I noticed is "disable permanent death" modification on duck - it keeps adding to a character abilities each time you load or visit different areas, my character had 46 of those before i noticed it :S. So if you plan using it, just remove disable perm death attribute from duck, also duck sight wasnt working.

    Well if someone really wants to use items created to my and friends characters specifically, instead of just using graphics for own items, you should wait a bit before I upload bugfixed one somewhere soon-ish
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    Odd looking duck... NOT IDENTIFIED.

    lol, Unidentified Flying Object. So there are aliens in BG after all :D
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Is the duck sitting on your head a reference to Munchkin?
  • LugeLuge Member Posts: 90
    It's a reference to Sir Terry Pratchett's work. Munchkin "borrowed" it, like it does everything :)

    Excellent work, @Smiley. Not many people do graphics! You've made a read contribution to the Baldur's Gate community.

  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    Nice work.
  • SmileySmiley Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2013
    I will just quote a pm I sent with some files to help anyone making custom items, especially with coloring in magenta/blue/red
    Smiley said:

    Here are some useful files

    If you are going to use scripts, you'll need this small free software

    Now in files there is a *.psd photoshop file, it is prepared for nice and easy convertion of any colorful image into magenta/blue/red 9 color scheme game will understand.
    Instructions are simple:

    1) you copy your picture in place of "place_your_colored_picture_here" layer an enable any of the above folders to get magenta/blue or red one, but it would still be not enough and game would mess those colors up, soo next...

    2) you "copy merged" whole picture, then open one of bmp from same folder depending on what color you want and paste merged picture from photoshop to that bmp. This will remove all the color gradations game doesn't understand leaving only 9 of them (in game color pattern has 12 gradations of magenta/blue/red but from what I tested last 3 darkest ones are treated buggy and only mess things up)

    3) you copy from bmp that back to psd (because bmp with custom palette doesnt support layers) and remove all unnecessary color ( easier if your initial picture didnt have background, then you would need just to make selection from initial picture and clean background)

    Riight, thats easy-to-do item coloring, now scripting.

    After installing Autohotkey you could run either 1button_cycle.ahk or button_defined.ahk.

    What those scripts do is putting special function to your numlock buttons (numlock prolly needs to be on) when pressing 1-9 directions script would paste a sprite from folders named (N-NW_W-SW-S-SE-NE) into whatever program you are using (test it in MS paint)

    Difference is "1button_cycle" does cycle through 1-9 frames (maximum frames are defined in the script, you can open it with notepad and see), while "button_defined" script needs a number button to be pressed to define frame (not numpad buttons obviously, but other number buttons)

    Idea was open a bam file with animations with BAM Workshop, then select a sequence, choose a frame and press 1 button to replace it, then press down and 1 of the numpad buttons again, very easy, instead of editing each by hand. But it only works with helmets as I explained before, plus you will need to prepare sprites for all directions yourself and place in those folders (I used original BG chicken sprite for my duck helm as a base)

    Reason I am using BAM Workshop is because if you paste anything there it doesn't go to 0,0 coordinates, but uses coordinates of an original ites, that way duck in my case always has coordinates of a player head because it uses helmet as a base (you would need to center files script uses so that they would fit the helmet)

    Good luck.

  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    Kirkor said:

    A pointy hat!!!
    Edwin will now kick Elminster's ass!

    I belive Edwin also mentioned something about 2000 years ;)
    Though he is one step closer for some ass kicking. ^^

  • SmileySmiley Member Posts: 3
    I've updated the post with new item and fixes.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    Amazing! If @SpaceInvader didn't refer this thread I wouldn't even find out about it. This deserves more attention. Moooooore! :-)
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    These look amazing!! Surely the duck is a homage to Baldrick's plan for getting Blackadder out of prison.

    On the camping roll description it says viola, rather than voilà.
  • enneractenneract Member Posts: 187
    WeiDU please?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    R....ind I've been playing PS:Tormant lately, and I can assure it means Reekwind, the one that tells storys for Jink.
  • TetraploidTetraploid Member Posts: 252
    I love the hat description...although, orang-utans are apes...!
  • fujisanfujisan Member Posts: 34
    Really amazing!
  • enneractenneract Member Posts: 187
    Just so people are aware, do not install this mod under any circumstance. It will completely break your game, as it includes an old version of dialog.tlk which is not compatible with current or future versions of the game.
  • minutusminutus Member Posts: 16
    It's a resource package (ripped from a modified game), not a mod meant to be installed. There is no installer. Also I wouldn't recommed using the item scripts as they went through many revisions during a playthrough and I believe the stuff in here is old, silly and unstable even if you do know how to add these to your game safely. The graphics should work fine though. We played through BG1 and SoA with them, and the only visual "glitches" are:
    - hat resist stoneskin color change (and probably custom color changes too)
    - as the hats have models only for said races/genders, they get replaced by generic helms on sex change wild surge and drowification (bg2)
    - hat doesn't cooperate well with the hood part of archmage robes (we had a separate set of hoodless archmage robes)
  • GoddardGoddard Member Posts: 134
    Thats cool what program did you use to create those things?
  • syllogsyllog Member Posts: 158
    edited December 2013
    CrevsDaak said:

    R....ind I've been playing PS:Tormant lately, and I can assure it means Reekwind, the one that tells storys for Jink.

    Pretty sure it's a reference to Rincewind, from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series.
    ...given both the terry pratchett theme, the nature of the hat, ...and the picture of Rincewind that the OP posted to go with the hat... ;)
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    Can someone extract just the wizard hat?
  • chimericchimeric Member Posts: 1,163
    I like the description drawings more than the avatar items, to be honest. By the way, you might want to add opcode 215 to the sleeping blankets so they show up in the game. If you play around with flags in the VVC, blend modes and what not, you may be able to get the BAMs drawn behind the characters, as if they are lying on them.
  • qwerty123456qwerty123456 Member Posts: 67
    CaloNord said:

    Can someone extract just the wizard hat?

    well... you?
  • snowcatsnowcat Member Posts: 14
    The link is 404 - can someone supply an alternative please?
  • BlackLinxBlackLinx Member Posts: 668
    snowcat said:

    The link is 404 - can someone supply an alternative please?

    I follow ...
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    The wizard hat component is now available as part of the More Style for Mages mod.
  • RincewinterRincewinter Member Posts: 1
    Does This mod work for BG2 ee too? i really want it in that game.
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