No Bhaalspawn can't be resurrected. The fact that Imoen can be resurrected is a flaw in the storyline that emerged because they wrote her into being a Bhaalspawn in a later stage.
Dying means they lose their Bhaal essence and therefore their potential for divinity. In your case, that means the plot won't work anymore, so it makes sense for the game to end there.
No Bhaalspawn can't be resurrected. The fact that Imoen can be resurrected is a flaw in the storyline that emerged because they wrote her into being a Bhaalspawn in a later stage.
No Bhaalspawn can't be resurrected. The fact that Imoen can be resurrected is a flaw in the storyline that emerged because they wrote her into being a Bhaalspawn in a later stage.
And Sarevok's resurrection in ToB...?
His resurrection came in a different way from the afterlife, not the standard riddle by a priest. I will restrict my post to this explanation due to spoilers.
No Bhaalspawn can't be resurrected. The fact that Imoen can be resurrected is a flaw in the storyline that emerged because they wrote her into being a Bhaalspawn in a later stage.
Oh wow I never thought about that...plot hole much Bioware?
kidnapped and has bhaalessence drained in Spellhold
What am I missing? I can't recall her dying after that and returning
They're referring to if she dies in combat, end is then resurrected by some priest or party cleric. Not a plot event.
@IkMarc - I always felt the death movie was symbolic. Regardless, the final movie isn't about Sarevok's body disintegrating, it's just a statue of him.
I am convinced that the only party member that ever dies in Baldur's Gate II is Yoshimo (not counting Dyneheir, Khalid, Xzar, etc. who are not joinable NPCs in that game). Deaths and resurrections of your companions are merely game mechanics. Imagine BG II was a book or movie - would the plot be interrupted all the time because someone got killed in some unimportant way? No. Only meaningful deaths are important (and enforced by the game).
My recollection is that Imoen cannot be resurrected in BG2 for this reason and that she can in the original release of BG1 because that part of the story had not been written yet.
It's kind of the whole flippin' point of the plot, yo. Kill all the bhaalspawn.
@IkMarc - I always felt the death movie was symbolic. Regardless, the final movie isn't about Sarevok's body disintegrating, it's just a statue of him.
The death movie isn't symbolic and Sarevok's body does disintegrate in the end movie.
No Bhaalspawn can't be resurrected. The fact that Imoen can be resurrected is a flaw in the storyline that emerged because they wrote her into being a Bhaalspawn in a later stage.
Really? Did she have a different name early on then? I thought her name made it pretty obvious from the first time you meet her. Imoen => Imone => I'm one
@IkMarc - I always felt the death movie was symbolic. Regardless, the final movie isn't about Sarevok's body disintegrating, it's just a statue of him.
The death movie isn't symbolic and Sarevok's body does disintegrate in the end movie.
Huh, I had completely forgotten about that first part.
I am convinced that the only party member that ever dies in Baldur's Gate II is Yoshimo (not counting Dyneheir, Khalid, Xzar, etc. who are not joinable NPCs in that game). Deaths and resurrections of your companions are merely game mechanics. Imagine BG II was a book or movie - would the plot be interrupted all the time because someone got killed in some unimportant way? No. Only meaningful deaths are important (and enforced by the game).
Well duh. Problem is that game mechanics are supposed to support the story. Hence Imoen dying and ressurecting are weak points in the narrative.
No Bhaalspawn can't be resurrected. The fact that Imoen can be resurrected is a flaw in the storyline that emerged because they wrote her into being a Bhaalspawn in a later stage.
Really? Did she have a different name early on then? I thought her name made it pretty obvious from the first time you meet her. Imoen => Imone => I'm one
Imoen was, I have heard, actually added to BG1 at the last minute so that you could have a Thief early on. This is why she has no banter with any other character and her stats are brokenly out-of-line with the other characters (for example, she is essentially the best thief in the game, thus rendering the others more-or-less pointless).
In BG2, I believe the original plan was to have her die in Spellhold. This was changed due to fan outcry, which leads to a significant number of either minor or major plot holes (depending on your perspective). This still doesn't get around the fact that she can be rezzed in BG1.
You see, Imoen is a special Bhaalspawn. She has what is called a Divinistic Immortalaristic Implotdevistic Complex, which makes her immune to all this losing essence stuff and disintegration, allowing her to be resurrected.
BAM! Problem solved. Now we can all sleep soundly...
I'm inclined to believe that the disintegration cutscenes are artistic licence. The Bhaalspawn you kill in BG2 don't disintegrate when they die.
I always assumed that when you die your Bhaalspawn goes back to the pool. So even if you could get resurrected, so the story of the Bhaalspawn (and hence the game) is over.
@IkMarc - I always felt the death movie was symbolic. Regardless, the final movie isn't about Sarevok's body disintegrating, it's just a statue of him.
The death movie isn't symbolic and Sarevok's body does disintegrate in the end movie.
That video that shows Sarevok disintegrating when he dies shows his helmet and stuff falling apart. This is clearly one of those time lapse photos thingy effects. CHARNAME kills Sarevok then just leaves his corpse there in the Bhaal symbol and boom jump forward 2 years, his body has disintegrated and helmet has fell apart and his essence has twinkle dusted back to Bhaal.
IMO the disintegration is symbolic of the bhaal essence leaving the body, not the body actually disintegrating. Sarevok's armour was tuned to his essence, which is why it breaks apart in the end scene
as for Imoen: because the body doesn't actually disintegrate she can be raised, but without her bhaal essence. the game can't calculate how many times (or at all) a character has been killed/raised and so simply assumes that they've never been killed
this is why imoen wears her belt of no death in the opening dungeon. the game assumes that imoen wasn't killed in BG, then she's taken to Spellhold and has her soul and essence stolen
then when she gets her soul back she can die as much as she likes and still be raised, because by the end of ToB it doesn't matter where her essence, because Charname claims it all in the end anyway
Imoen dies?
IIRC she is
@IkMarc -
I always felt the death movie was symbolic. Regardless, the final movie isn't about Sarevok's body disintegrating, it's just a statue of him.
It's kind of the whole flippin' point of the plot, yo. Kill all the bhaalspawn.
The death movie isn't symbolic and Sarevok's body does disintegrate in the end movie.
Imoen => Imone => I'm one
Feign Death. She isn't really dead, she just looks it and only a priest can wake her up.
Plot hole plugged.
Huh, I had completely forgotten about that first part.
Well duh. Problem is that game mechanics are supposed to support the story. Hence Imoen dying and ressurecting are weak points in the narrative.
In BG2, I believe the original plan was to have her die in Spellhold. This was changed due to fan outcry, which leads to a significant number of either minor or major plot holes (depending on your perspective). This still doesn't get around the fact that she can be rezzed in BG1.
This calls for some HAND-WAVING!1!!1!!1!one!
You see, Imoen is a special Bhaalspawn. She has what is called a Divinistic Immortalaristic Implotdevistic Complex, which makes her immune to all this losing essence stuff and disintegration, allowing her to be resurrected.
BAM! Problem solved. Now we can all sleep soundly...
I believe that she may have been the daughter of a Bhaalspawn and maybe the last one that was born
I always assumed that when you die your Bhaalspawn goes back to the pool. So even if you could get resurrected, so the story of the Bhaalspawn (and hence the game) is over.
as for Imoen: because the body doesn't actually disintegrate she can be raised, but without her bhaal essence. the game can't calculate how many times (or at all) a character has been killed/raised and so simply assumes that they've never been killed
this is why imoen wears her belt of no death in the opening dungeon. the game assumes that imoen wasn't killed in BG, then she's taken to Spellhold and has her soul and essence stolen
then when she gets her soul back she can die as much as she likes and still be raised, because by the end of ToB it doesn't matter where her essence, because Charname claims it all in the end anyway
Have you looked at Sarevok's stats?