Partially self-limiting thieving in stores?

When playing good parties, I rarely steal from stores, but in my current game with a chaotic neutral Blade CHARNAME it really seems a shame not to put his pickpockets skill to good use. To prepare for this I had been selling *all* my gems and jewelry and high-value magic items that I don't need (at least the ones that he will buy) to the armour merchant in the Carnival Area (apart from rings, which he won't buy, they've been going to the main store in Nashkel, which is also quite easy to steal from), as he offers good prices and the store is one of the easiest to steal from (see: ).
My Blade is now Level and has 42 points in pick pockets, so with two potions of Master Thievery (bought from the Wandering Merchant near Durlag's Tower, though you can also get on from Vitaire in the Carnival Area, if you're quick about killing him) I can get 122 points in pickpockets, which gives a net pickpocket score of 112% vs. the armour merchant.
This means I can easily steal *everything* back from the armour merchant (inlcude Prism's emeralds, which I can then give to Oublek for his quest). Whilst "under the influence" of the potions I also pickpocket everyone in the Nashkel area (Volo, Zeke, the Great Gazib).
I've done this for all the gems and jewelry I sold, though won't be able to sell these again until I get to:
Black Lilly's in Baldur's gate
I've also sold and stolen back (fully charged - 50 charges) my Shield Amulet and the +1 Protection Amulet I bougt from the store next door. I'm also considering doing the same for my other magic rings and amulets (and maybe belts and possibly my magic ammo).
BUT - I'm tempted to pretty much stop there, otherwise in theory I could sell every single magic item (and Dorn's Full Plate etc.) my party owns and then steal *all* of it back, which seems a little excessive.
Also, it seems a little *wrong* to be able to shop lift a Suit of Full Plate Armour a +1 Large Shield or large two-handed weapons, for example - these could hardly be grabbed and hidden under clothing. It also seems wrong to be able to steal all this stuff then to openly wander around with all these items equiped and on display.
So, I'm thinking of limiting myself to shoplifting items that could conceivably be concealed under clothing, both for stealing and when in use - rings, amulets, perhaps belts. Also wands, potions and scrolls ( (though you can't sell or steal them from the armour merchant anyway) - they can't be concealed when in use, but you need only get them out when needed.
Off-limits would be: Armour, Shields, Cloaks, Boots, Robes (easy to steal, but not to conceal when worn), Two-handed weapons - basically anything that you can't conceal when worn
Items I'm undecided about whether to allow stealing for: one-handed weapons and magic ammo (could be tricky to RP concealing these when stealing, and you would have to display them openly when equipped with them), gloves (could be concealed for stealing, but have to be worn openly to be used).
What do people think? Does this sound like a reasonable compromise? I don't want to ban stealing from stores entirely, as it's a fun addition to the game and is one of the benefits of being a Bard, but wan't to make it a little less OP.
My Blade is now Level and has 42 points in pick pockets, so with two potions of Master Thievery (bought from the Wandering Merchant near Durlag's Tower, though you can also get on from Vitaire in the Carnival Area, if you're quick about killing him) I can get 122 points in pickpockets, which gives a net pickpocket score of 112% vs. the armour merchant.
This means I can easily steal *everything* back from the armour merchant (inlcude Prism's emeralds, which I can then give to Oublek for his quest). Whilst "under the influence" of the potions I also pickpocket everyone in the Nashkel area (Volo, Zeke, the Great Gazib).
I've done this for all the gems and jewelry I sold, though won't be able to sell these again until I get to:
Black Lilly's in Baldur's gate
I've also sold and stolen back (fully charged - 50 charges) my Shield Amulet and the +1 Protection Amulet I bougt from the store next door. I'm also considering doing the same for my other magic rings and amulets (and maybe belts and possibly my magic ammo).
BUT - I'm tempted to pretty much stop there, otherwise in theory I could sell every single magic item (and Dorn's Full Plate etc.) my party owns and then steal *all* of it back, which seems a little excessive.
Also, it seems a little *wrong* to be able to shop lift a Suit of Full Plate Armour a +1 Large Shield or large two-handed weapons, for example - these could hardly be grabbed and hidden under clothing. It also seems wrong to be able to steal all this stuff then to openly wander around with all these items equiped and on display.
So, I'm thinking of limiting myself to shoplifting items that could conceivably be concealed under clothing, both for stealing and when in use - rings, amulets, perhaps belts. Also wands, potions and scrolls ( (though you can't sell or steal them from the armour merchant anyway) - they can't be concealed when in use, but you need only get them out when needed.
Off-limits would be: Armour, Shields, Cloaks, Boots, Robes (easy to steal, but not to conceal when worn), Two-handed weapons - basically anything that you can't conceal when worn
Items I'm undecided about whether to allow stealing for: one-handed weapons and magic ammo (could be tricky to RP concealing these when stealing, and you would have to display them openly when equipped with them), gloves (could be concealed for stealing, but have to be worn openly to be used).
What do people think? Does this sound like a reasonable compromise? I don't want to ban stealing from stores entirely, as it's a fun addition to the game and is one of the benefits of being a Bard, but wan't to make it a little less OP.
Perhaps the character's innate pickpocket skill (before magic enhancement) divided by 10?
I vaguely recall doing an all rogue class game many years ago now where they stole everything that wasn't nailed down. Burgling the Duchal palace was a highlight. Anyway, it was pretty fun. I can't recall how much gold I ended up with but it was a small mountain.
I'm actually thinking combining:
a) Limiting what you can conceivable shop-lift and walk out the store with concealed (i.e. no suits of armour and two handed weapons etc.)
b) Setting a max. number of items (with each gem, counting as one, though maybe 5 arrows/bolts/bullets counting as one) per day that you can steal from an individual store (it doesn't seem realistic that you can clean out their entire stock in one swoop, and makes using potions of Master Thievery less OP). I'm thinking of setting this limit at the character's innate pickpocket skill (before magic enhancement), to make putting points in this skill still relevant, then dividing by 10, or even 15 or 20 (rounded down). 15 Maybe be a good compromise. My Blade could then still steal 3 items per shop per day at level 6 (42 pickpockets), 4 at level 7 (45 pickpockets) etc. It also makes non-kitted Bards and Jesters more relevant, as they have higher innate pick-pockets that Blades and Skalds.
This is partly for "realism", but also to avoid shop-lifting being too cheesy and OP - I don't want to ban myself entirely from this, since it's a fun thing for Bards and the like to do, but don't want to make it a game-breaker.
What do other's think?
If so perhaps just forcing yourself to accept the consequences would be enough of a deterent or if thats too drastic then reload but take that store of your thief list for the rest of the game or at least a minimum of game days before you could return?
Unless of course what you seek is to have your cake and eat it too LOL...
Note that the earliest instance of "Have your cake and eat it too" may have been the ancient greeks who believed amethyst would protect one from the harmful effects of alcohol...
So they made drinking vessels with it... ;-)
I still want to steal from stores, as it's part of what being a Bard is about IMHO, but want it to be less cheesy, hence my proposals for self-limiting how much I can steal...
You're allowed to steal back anything and everything, including multiple sets of full plate armor, as long as you play the Benny Hill song while you do so.
But the point is you only really need two to clear our the whole of Nashkel town and carnival and to sell and steal back *all* your gear, if you don't self-limit how much you can steal!
I usually limit my jester to stealing things he needs, and there is only so much of that available in the stores where you can steal. Nashkel doesn't have anything of interest, i.e. no magical ammo, which only leaves the option to sell loot, steal it back and wait to sell it again to Black Lily. By the time I get there, I swim in gold anyway.
I'm not sure how much self-restraint I have unless I impose some easy to interpret house rules, such as limiting the number of items I can steal from each store each day... This would focus stealing on small high-value items like rings , amulets, diamonds, sapphires etc. There's also the RP factor - could I really walk out of the store carrying two sets of full plate, and lots of other armour?
Then again I tend to keep potion use to healing potions and antidotes for the most part - I always "save" the magic blocking and all the other handy dandy potions until I "really need them" which of course turns out to always be the "next" big battle so by end game I have a barrel full of them (and wands) outside the Elfsong - LOL
Thus if it were me making the choices I'd probably limit myself to a single item at a time per day - that seems much more likely to always succeed which is what you have determined the potions allow you to do (always succeed).
I've never played PnP but for those who do I'm guessing a DM would be unlikely to allow much more than that or even allow an option at all that would give 100% success rate.
RP: Yes, you could get away stealing full plate. The stores have so little shelves, they can only have display items and the real stock is in a basement or warehouse. You can get away if you ask to see a full plate - shopkeep will go get you one (and there is one for display already in the store). Now you wear the full plate and say "oh, yes, I think I'll buy it... that large shield there, you have a similar one in green? I'd take that, too". The shopkeep goes to get a green shield from the basement - while you and a party member who grabbed the other full plate and "wrong color" large shield leave the store.
You'd need to park the rest of your party outside, and only have NPCs the shopkeep has not seen with you shop there later.
Maybe make a house rule that you can only steal as much as your weakest NPC can carry (or charname, if it's reasonably low - if you have 19 str, it's kinda pointless to use that as a limit, you can easily carry plate armor, 4 anhkeg shells and a few more things, and likely more than you can steal).
I'm still thinking of allowing perhaps allowing 1 large item, or 2 small (daggers, gloves, jewellery etc.) size items (maybe 5 for arrows/bullets/bolts etc.) per store per day to be stolen. Maybe also linking how much you can steal to innate pick-pocketing still, as discussed above.
Would this meet your cleptomanic needs @oxford_guy ?
tl;dr: Do you really want/need a way to get more gold or is this a thought experiment a la "I do it because I can"?
Bottom line, the rewards aren't THAT great, and you face diminishing returns anyway.
Am I the only one who takes into consideration that one has a bag of holding? Heck, stuff that big stuff in there! In fact, you do not have to "stuff your stuff" into the bag, you can pull the bag over it instead!
Easy way to get that armor, shield, and whatever else you want into it. Just get the shopkeeper distracted :
"Hello there, my good fellow, do you happen to have this sword with, say, a green hilt? Oh, yes, there is one behind you, hanging there, just practically shouting out to me! I must have it! Could you perhaps sell it to me?"
*shopkeeper turns to fetch said sword, and in a quick succession of movements, several sets of full plate, a large shield, several greatswords, etc disappear into the black maw of a bag*
"What was that noise?", inquires the shopkeeper as he turns back about, with the green-hilted sword in hand, eyebrows raised.
"Oh that! Just our Half-Orc, trying to scratch..." *leans in nearer, conspiratorially, whispers* "well, it is best not to mention this out loud" *glances respectfully towards the Half-Orc, who glares fiercely back*, but I believe he contracted...something, if you know what I mean, at the last house of pleasure that he visited. He has been, umm..scratching since then incessantly, ermmm...down there. Makes a most horrible racket it does, yes. Really a pain when fighting monsters, it is. Totally destroys the moment of surprise." *sad look*
So steal away!