What alignment do you pick when you play and why?

Inspired by this: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/17470/the-alignment-scale#latest
I put forth the question to the community. What alignment do you pick when you play Baldur's gate and why?
I put forth the question to the community. What alignment do you pick when you play Baldur's gate and why?
- What alignment do you pick when you play and why?111 votes
- Lawful Good. Yon maiden fair needs help!  2.70%
- Neutral Good. It's all balance, GOOD balance.16.22%
- Chaotic Good. I do what I want with a heart of gold.24.32%
- Lawful Neutral. Order is where it's at.  4.50%
- True Neutral. I could go either way honestly.  5.41%
- Chaotic Neutral. I do what I want, don't taze me bro.16.22%
- Lawful Evil. I didn't spend 5 years at evil law school to be plain evil.  7.21%
- Neutral Evil. It's all about me and my needs  9.91%
- Chaotic Evil. Burn it, burn it all!  2.70%
- None of the above10.81%
My current favorite roleplay concept is a Sith noble in the Star Wars: The Old Republic era, he is a foppish gentleman swordsman to a fault, and is borderline Lawful Good in D&D terms. I'm also fond of my Lawful Evil Blackguard CHARNAME in EE, who is similarly charismatic and has a sense of honor and fair play to his bastardly ways.
In P&P, Neutral alignments aren't licenses to just do whatever you feel like. Neutral characters still believe in things and have ideals, even if they are a bit less "predictable" than Good and Evil characters, Chaotic Neutral included.
Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal.
Chaotic neutral is the closest alignment you'll get to real life. Sure you'll help the lady over the road, but if you could get away with stealing 20 000£ you'll do it.
We're selfish, some are just more than others.
I'm not saying we're all chaotic neural, but out of all those options it's the one we're closest to. And no you don't have to be 100% unpredictable nor be a jack sparrow if you're chaotic neutral, just as you don't have to be a crazy jester.
It reminds me of how much I take for granted things like breaking into certain houses in the game. (My son does not mind entering houses that are open but does not want to enter any house that is locked.)
Neutral does NOT mean I could go either way. A little Good now and then a little evil later. It means NEUTRAL. It means that you don't support the goodies and you don't support the baddies. You remain Neutral in things. It isn't a catch all for people who don't want to play an alignment.
Duddly DoWright says "Save that damsel from that oncoming train" :::Good:::
Snydly Whiplash twists his mustash and says "Join me and watch em all burn" :::Evil:::
Ford Prefect says "Let's go find a good party and get sloshed while those two figure it out :::neutral:::
A neutral doesn't flip a coin to decide, they say "I am not getting involved" and go do something else. They remain NEUTRAL.
And really not getting sucked in to the 'Chaotic' thing again.
A perfect example of a Chaotic neutral would be a con artist. Bret Maverick (Movie Maverick 1994) played by Mel Gibson is chaotic neutral. You don't have to be a sociopath, insane or crazy to be chaotic neutral.
Also Sgt. Martin Riggs played by Mel Gibson yet again (Lethal weapon) would be classified as Chaotic Neutral. Two perfect scenes from the movie would be the suicide jumper in lethal weapon 1 and when he has his partner do the naked chicken in Lethal weapon 3.
[Edited 2] : Sherlock holmes is another example of chaotic neutral, he's on the more 'crazy' side though.
"...He considers himself above the law. Finds most people to be narrow-minded and inflexible. Believes those who seek to rule others are, by nature, corrupt. Seeks to undermine the authority figures of his community or nation. Finds the legal procedures of his nation corrupt. Blieves luck determines wealth. Will break any contract when he feels like it. Believes people deserve the treatment they are willing to endure..." Etc etc...
So in essence... A CN person is an anarchist who doesn't go out of his way to harm or help others.
Neither Riggs nor Sherlock Holmes qualify as Chaotic Neutral. The reason? Their ultimate goal, in their behavior, is towards adding to the common good.
If you try to save lives and help people, you are by definition, "good."