curse you! no good dwarves in BG2!

yeah in my opinon a party is not complete without a badass dwarf in the party, in Bg there was yeslick who i liked, but the cloest you get to a dwarf in BG2 with a good alined party is Mazzy a halfling, wish you could have yeslick again or an even more awesome dwarf simlar to gimli or bureor
But you could cause some books to magically appear like book05 or book07 to "fix" it if you do not have ipad.
Just sayin.
And make up banters in your head.
I think that BG (1and 2) have too many elves and sadly too few dwarves...
That should do :P
In BG1:EE the NPCs are:
48% Humans
17% Elves
10% Half-Elves
7% Dwarves
7% Gnomes
7% Halflings
3% Half-Orcs
In BG2 the NPCs are:
58% Humans
12% Elves
6% Half-Elves
6% Dwarves
6% Gnomes
6% Halflings
6% Tieflings
I think for a long time people were beguiled into believing that elves are cool, when the truth is dwarves have always been the best! two of the games I'm currently playing are a dwarven fighter and cleric, to make up for the terrible lack of dwarven NPCs.