White Leather Armor?

So I was playing Dragon Age II today, and was admiring Sebastian's white, gold-chased leather armor, and couldn't help thinking that this would be an awesome color scheme for a suit of leather or studded leather in BGEE or BG2EE. What do you guys think? Could be a fun idea for a modder to try.
That looks really awesome! Pretty much exactly what I was imagining. I've never had much luck with NI, though. Tried to edit the pink axe that slays undead in BG2, but couldn't quite figure it out.
You don't think it'd look cool on a Ranger or Barbarian?
Clothing Minor
Clothing Major
Armor (!)
Leather (!)
Metal (!)
[Edited] : You can change certain armors more than others, i just tried with a chain mail and it didn't do much, though when i did the same with a leather armor it pretty much got the colour i wanted.
Looks like there are only certain armors its possible with, as otherwise those functions only change your basic clothing.
Baldur's gate really doesn't favor pink, god you can turn out ugly :P
[Edited 2] : Make that very few, only been able to change my bard armor from Song and Silence and a normal leather armor. The Studdel is still it's original brown.
[Edited 3] : You can change minor details (Like removing the shiny parts from the shadow armor) but you can't change the original colour of the leather it seems. I'm quite sure the bard one from the mod is a special case, and i don't know why my leather armor changes colour aswell but the rest doesn't. Might have another mod that affect the normal leather armor. But as i'm not a modder, i really can't answer why or how.
Also tried the SK trick, it only affect a few select modded armors colors. I see no option other than using Near Infinity or waiting for a talented modder to share his work.
Check it out!
Not EE compatible as for now AFAIK
Thanks for letting me know about this mod.
I'm currently playing also a fully modded BG1Tutu game alongside the BGEE playthrough.
I'm definitely going to add this to the long list of mods that already are in my BG1Tutu install.