Strength drop fighting Schlumpsha the Sewer King

A little into the fight Minsc is encumbered and can't move. His strength is down to 16. He drops some items and keeps going until the fight is over. His strength is down to 8. A Dispel Magic and it climbs back to normal.
My question is: what exactly is this effect? I didn't see any indicators or combat details that described it. Was it something specific to Schlumpsa? If I had let it run, would he have turned into a shambling mound or something? Would it have worn off? Any other cure/fix besides Dispel Magic?
My question is: what exactly is this effect? I didn't see any indicators or combat details that described it. Was it something specific to Schlumpsa? If I had let it run, would he have turned into a shambling mound or something? Would it have worn off? Any other cure/fix besides Dispel Magic?
Another BG1 enemy that deals Strength damage is the wraith spider, whose attacks deal 5 Strength damage for 5 turns when you fail a Save vs. Spell at -2.
I'm surprised about the Wraith Spider. That's a pretty big and long-lasting STR hit, and there are several Wraith Spiders to fight, so I'm pretty surprised that I've not noticed it. Although I do usually squash spiders pretty fast, so maybe they've never yet got me (or at least not since so long ago that I've forgotten about it).
@lunar, depending upon the dialogue options you choose with Schlumpsha, he sometimes implies that he's actually a permanently-polymorphed mage, not originally a slime at all.