The Harrower +1 and skeletons (spoilers)

I have my assassin weilding the Harrower +1 whenever we meet up with undead creatures but we just had a battle with some skeletons and it appears the damage he does with it is getting reduced by half?
P-attack roll 11+5 = 16: hit
P did 3 damage to skeleton (6-3)
P- attack roll 12+5=17:hit
P did 7 damage (13-6)
P-attack roll 6=9=15:hit
p did 4 damage to skeleton (8-4)
Is this an issue with the sword or is this just the skeletons resistance to slashing weapons coming into play?
P-attack roll 11+5 = 16: hit
P did 3 damage to skeleton (6-3)
P- attack roll 12+5=17:hit
P did 7 damage (13-6)
P-attack roll 6=9=15:hit
p did 4 damage to skeleton (8-4)
Is this an issue with the sword or is this just the skeletons resistance to slashing weapons coming into play?
Hang on...
Do skeletons have eyes?
So it looks like with the Harrower +1 you sort of break even with skellys - gaining back most of what you would have lost to their resistance - for instance the first one posted in the OP that did 3 damage would not have done any without the +3 damage from Harrower.
Also, the extra damage damage from the Harrower doesn't really do much to compensate for damage resistance unless your pre-resistance damage is small, and overall the weapon isn't terribly effective against skeletal undead. With the Harrower, you'd be doing an average of (4.5+1+3)/2=4.25 damage. Even a mundane mace or flail will do 4.5 damage on average. So blunt weapons are still your best bet.
I think it may trump the sling as well becuase the damage is missle and not blunt IIRC.
(just ran into some skellies and had him keep sling equipped:
P- attack roll 19 +8 = 27:hit
P did 1 damage to sleleton (5-4) LOL
So big sword, throwing knives and a shield.
If I was brought back, I would be hitting adventurers with a cheese and onion baguette, an inflatable dinghy and a bucket and spade...