Picking of Pockets...

I'm about to start up a thief who is going to love picking those pockets but its a skill I've rarely used. Besides a ring from Ribald I'm not sure I've ever really used it.
I'm not a big fan of reloads so what kind of score would I need to be relatively consistent with my thefts?
I know I can drink a potion but I don't know where they are or how many are in BG.
I'm going to have another thief for traps and mages for my stealth and locks so I'm fine with overloading on the pickpocket skill.
Also, is there any chance to check the percentage of success before hand?
I'm not a big fan of reloads so what kind of score would I need to be relatively consistent with my thefts?
I know I can drink a potion but I don't know where they are or how many are in BG.
I'm going to have another thief for traps and mages for my stealth and locks so I'm fine with overloading on the pickpocket skill.
Also, is there any chance to check the percentage of success before hand?
One of the worst examples for this is the deck of many things.
I almost suspect that Atari didn't want it to be accessible but needed to have the skill in to be 'Fair and balanced'. Therefore they kind of made it really deadly to do, but still just about possible.
http://playithardcore.com/pihwiki/index.php?title=Baldur's_Gate:_Classes_and_Kits#Rogue_Classes Lol, someone should make an NPC mod of a Halfling Bard. I mean come on, BioWare had Deekin for crying out loud (who was awesome), it wouldn't be that far-fetched.
Call it "cheese", I call it "free Branwen"!
My favourite is to initially buy the Shield Amulet (with 10 charges), then once down to one charge sell it to one of the Carnival Stores that "allows" stealing (they have low failure rates) and then steal it back fully charged (50 charges) - would normally cost around 5,000 gold. Of course you can only do this once, as most places won't buy stolen goods, but 60 charges can be enough to last the game, if not soley relying on this.
The +1 Large Shields in Nashkel Stores are another easy target.