You can pick pocket his scimitars only, I managed it with around 160 in pick pockets (Level 4 Blade + 3 potions of Master Thievery + Luck spell), as didn't want to fail as reloading foe failure is basically cheating, and failure means almost certain death at lower levels...
Am I mistaken?
You can pick a friend,
you can pick your nose,
but never, NEVER,
pick your friend's nose.
I've failed picking Drizzt's pockets with 125 in pick pockets in the past. I died.
Also you need more than 100 in Hide in Shadows / Move Silently to hide in daylight due to the large penalties applied
Even tho...I believe in this case it's called "looting"...
Also I miss the BG1 incantations.
I would only try to kill Drizzt if evil, however, though I see him as fair game for pickpocketing if neutral.