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Roleplaying Challenge: Ravenloft



  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    "Mister magic-hater has a useful robe for it." (Garrick decide not to mention the firestarting abilities of his wand).
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @lockmund Yeah, your wand is baller. ;)
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    "Very well let us make a few torches and be on our way then."
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Okay, you break up a chair (and make an explosion of dust that leaves all of you coughing for far too long), and make 4 torches. You see single doors leading east, west and north. Which door or doors would you like to try?
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    Mazzy heads toward the north door.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Okay. You see red and golden light from under the door, and well as some heat.
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    "It looks like a fire on the other side of this door. Do we have a way to stop it?"

    Mazzy looks to her companions.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    OOC: Sorry I hasnt been able to keep up with posting in this thread. However, I dont think I can write multiple postings daily anymore...I dont think it's fair that I am hoarding a roleplaying spot in this adventure while other people are patiently waiting in the queue. If possible, I like someone to responsibly take over Valygar permanently OR just have him died in a gloried way.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @bbear Really, I understand. I call on @Drugar, if he's interested.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Delvarian said:

    "It looks like a fire on the other side of this door. Do we have a way to stop it?"

    Mazzy looks to her companions.

    "Sarevok and Skie both have a ring of fire protection. I don't think anyone of us spellcasters have prepared similar abjurations."

    ooc Sorry to hear you're leaving @bbear .
  • Fenris308Fenris308 Member Posts: 118
    "What's that Boo? Vampires!? Well why didn't you say so? If there is evil about then it shall feel my boot in it's face!"
    Minsc seems pleased to have found his best friend. A smile marks his face as he walks along the dark halls of the castle with his companions. Minsc decides not to eat the cake and helps with the dismantling of the table. Minsc checks the door to see if he can feel heat from behind it.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    LadyRhian said:

    @bbear Really, I understand. I call on @Drugar, if he's interested.

    I'm in, allow me to read up on a bajillion posts.
    Will you write up the character or will I?
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    Aerie thinks this room is creepy but intriguing. She asks to examine the wedding cake figurines in the light of the torch. Does the male figure look like it might have been Strahd? She keeps an eye on Irina, concerned that she might be weirded out upon seeing a wedding frozen in time. Also, Aerie will look around for invitations, murals, scrolls, banners, anything that might tell us more about the circumstances behind this Dickensian scene. (Yes, I know technically Aerie wouldn't know who Dickens was, but I do, and I suffered through Great Expectations in high school, so I'll make the reference, dammit.) :)
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Well. the figure is close, but it's hard to tell from something that small.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Drugar Which Baldur's Gate or BG2 NPC would you like to play?
  • Fenris308Fenris308 Member Posts: 118
    If I don't hear anything behind the door ill take a peak inside.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    I'll take Edwin, he fit me well last time.
  • Fenris308Fenris308 Member Posts: 118
    By Edwin do you mean his ghost?
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    OOC: people have returned from the dead in previous games.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Okay. This room has a 20' wide, 10' deep hearth on the East wall fills the room with heat and red and amber light. The walls are lined with ancient books and tomes, their leather covers well-oiled and preserved through careful use. All is in order here. The stone floor is hidden beneath a luxurious rug of a deep patterned weave. A large, low table sits in the center of the room, waxed and polished to a mirrored finish. Even the poker nexr to the fireplace is polished. Large, overstuffed divans and couches stand in order around the room. Two luxurious chairs face the hearth. A huge painting hangs over the mantlepiece in a heavy, gilded frame. The roiling light of the fire illuminates the carefully rendered painting. It is an exact likeness of the Burgomaster's daughter, Irina Kolyana. Though the painting is obviously centuries old, the likeness is remarkable.

    Irina glances at the painting and freezes. She appears to be struck dumb by the sight of the painting. Her mouth opens and closes, but nothing comes out. The rest of you barely notice the sight of Edwin sitting in one of the chairs facing the fire.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Edwin comes back at Level 5, with 30 hit points.
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    OOC: nice entrance
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    "Oooh... Look Irina, that painting looks just like you. It's pretty good. I think you should take it with you as a souvenir, would save you the trouble and gold of having one commissioned in the future. Picture it hanging in your entrance hall, pretty snazzy!"
  • Fenris308Fenris308 Member Posts: 118
    Minsc mistakes Edwin for the lord of this castle. "Hoo there villian! You will not suck the blood from my neck. Prepare to meet my axe!"
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Drugar Your attention is needed here.
  • Darth_SkippyDarth_Skippy Member Posts: 37
    Montaron grumbles at Minsc, "are ye daft? yer Rashemi, and ye cannae tell a Red Wizard when you see one?" Montaron than turns towards Edwin "As fer ye, what are ye doing sitting next to the fire all cozy?"
  • KnolandKnoland Member Posts: 206
    Sarevok walks over to the fireplace and grabs the poker. He crouches down and places the end of the poker in the hot coals of the fire. Once red hot Sarevok stands and holds the sizzling hot poker near his face the heat does not seam to affect him any. With a cold emotionless look he slowly stands and stares at the painting above the mantle. The female figure seems to taunt him although no one seems to understand why? Sarevok pokes the painting with the red hot poker... He aims for the eyes.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Garrick says a silent prayer of thanks to Oghma over the fact that he isn't in charge anymore. He doubts that this Sarevok would settle with a toungeslap. As for Edwin, he never met him, but he saw what Keldorn did to the corpse. He hasn't decided on if they are dealing with the same man, an undead or a twin.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    The red wizard gets up from the chair and dusts himself off before adressing the group.

    "Ah, the group has managed to stumble their way into the deeper recesses of this castle. It is a good thing you are here, I could do with your assistance once again."

    He walks around the armchair (conviniently placing it between him and Minsc).

    "Calm yourself, barbarian. I know getting away from your leashholding witch made you regress your your more primitive state but that is no reason to attack everything in sight (or at least you should start with the others, yes)."

    He adresses Montaron.

    "After my previous unfortunate demise I found myself drawn to this place where I managed to reform. Ask me not how, a wizard's secrets are his own (especially this one, it appears. Unfortunate). For all of those whom I have not seen so far, my name is Edwin Odesseiron though you simians may refer to me simply as 'sir' if you prefer a less syllable intensive workout. Now, who has current command of your group, that he may tell me what you have accomplished in my absence."

    OOC: Spells he has memorised;
    1st level: Armor, Burning Hands, Charm Person, Grease, Magic Missle, Reflected Image
    2nd level: Aganazzar's Scorcher, Invisibility, Melf's Acid Arrow, Mirror Image
    3rd level: Fireball, Hold Undead, Monster Summoning I

    Do I have any magical items?
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    Mazzy steps forward from the group to face Edwin. She has a stern look on her face as she looks the mage over.

    "I am currently in charge of this company wizard. We search out Strahd and the girl he hold captive, that we may destroy him and free her."

    Mazzy pauses a moment before looking Edwin directly in the eye.

    "I would know how you managed to return from the dead? That is a truly impressive feat even for a red wizard, if you truly are who you claim to be."
This discussion has been closed.