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Roleplaying Challenge: Ravenloft



  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    If Mazzy has her lay on hands ability she will use it on whoever looks the most hurt looks like Aerie. She will also use her scrolls to help people regain levels.

    "Greetings, I am Mazzy Fentan of Trademeet." She bows to the group while helping tend to the wounded.
    "I was searching for my companions when I fell upon this castle. Have you by chance met a young Halfling who goes by the name of Patrick in your travels?"
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    edited April 2013
    TIAX steals the enchanted short sword (i believe man hands had one) to arm himself for the next coming battle.
    "It seems man hands will not longer be in need of this haha, Tiax shall not weep over her death"

    He then uses up any healing spells he may have and settles in for a nice rest. *Tiax prays to Cyric for aid and strength, planning on bringing the strength of cyric to cast restoration after much needed rest*

    "Wingless elf, you better start patching up folks as Tiax is in need of *pauses* rest.

    Valy, Paly (Valygar and Ajantis), stand watch. Follow the orders of your *yawn*... god... *yawn* and... *Tiax falls asleep and begins snoring loudly*
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    edited April 2013
    Skie walks up to Garrick and grabs him by the front of his tunic.

    "You idiot! Look at what your fireball did to my hair! My beautiful, beautiful hair! Do you know how much time and gold it cost to hire the best stylist in Baldur's Gate to make my hair that immaculate?!?!" Skie yells as she furiously shakes Garrick. She lets go of him and proceeds to go cry in the corner, "now it's all frizzy *sob*, and clumps of it are missing *sob*."
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    Mazzy gives Skie an odd look as she continues to dress the various wounds of the party.

    She whispers to Garrick.
    "Why have you chosen to travel with a street walker?"
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    edited April 2013
    After having been shaken by Skie, Garrick tries to regain some dignity. "Well...sorry Skie...everyone. For what it's worth I expected more gems." Garrick removes the ring of regeneration from Shar-Teel and gives it to Skie. "Maybe this will help your hair grow back, though I think we need to pass it around since half of our healers just fell."

    Next he spot Montaron. "Monty? How did you manage to follow me and Xzar? I'm very sorry, but I fear he didn't make it. You're not gonna stab someone (like me) over that, are you?" Next he address the other newcomers. "Welcome warriors. I am Garrick, the leader of this party, (or at least I was until I lead four people to their death and that fireball went off)." He looks at Sarevok and present him with the plate from his backpack.

    He then turn to Aerie. "We have a lot of scrolls now and it looks like only you and I can use them. I'll gather them, so let me know if you want any."

    Garrick also remove the chain mail from Shar-Teel (will the size work?) and as an afterthought he shove Kivan's toungue down her throat. He is in a somewhat dark frame of mind at the moment.

    He shake his head to answer Mazzy's question about Patrick. "We haven't seen any male halflings other than Montaron. As for Skie, she was here before me. You see, I just took command of the group because I got bored."
    Post edited by lockmund on
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Delvarian said:

    Mazzy gives Skie an odd look as she continues to dress the various wounds of the party.

    "Don't look at me! DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!"
    lockmund said:

    After having been shaken by Skie, Garrick tries to regain some dignity. "Well...sorry Skie...everyone. For what it's worth I expected more gems." Garrick removes the ring of regeneration from Shar-Teel and gives it to Skie. "Maybe this will help your hair grow back, though I think we need to pass it around since half of our healers just fell."

    Skie grabs eagerly at the ring and rubs it on the bald patches.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    You all quiet. We don't know if there are more of those undead monstrosities around.

    He them addresses the newcomers.

    "i'm Ajantis, knight of the Orderof the Valiant Heart and I'm afraid the Powers brought you all to a death trap. We're in the castle of a vampire lord surrounded by an unkown amount of life drinking undead, many companions died to bring us to this point and in their honor I fight."

    The absolute calm in Ajantis' voice is, in a way, more frightening than what he's saying.
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    Mazzy takes a knee before Ajantis.

    "My lord Ajantis, I am Mazzy Fentan knight of Arvoreen. I pledge myself to your assistance in dealing with this evil. I swear not to rest until your friends have been avenged."
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Garrick decides to try his leadership skills again.

    "Right then. Since our primary thief is buzy regenerating her hair and the gnome is asleep, could you please look around for traps, Montaron. You two stronglooking-and-new-fellows, please keep him safe whilst he work."

    "We also need to tend to the bodies of our fallen so we don't have to face new monsters. As soon as we are done with this room, lets return to the chapel to get some rest. I don't like this place, it's gloomy."
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    Aerie smiles as warmly as she can at the newcomers. "Hello, and thank you for your assistance, though this is a terrible place, indeed. I am Aerie, of, of, well, the circus, I guess. If you have any restoration magic, I'd greatly appreciate you using it on my behalf. That way I can help restore the others." She looks over at Garrick and shrugs. "Weren't we attacked in the chapel? I'm all for resting, but let's do it in the most defensible, non-infested chamber we can find. Please?"

    OOC: Once I'm level-restored, I'll post an updated spell list. Oh, and yay Aerie making her saving throw! Well-done, extra crispy elf doesn't sound like any fun at all.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    There is a single sword hilt on the throne in the middle of the dais. Just a hilt... no blade.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    "You may be right, Aerie, but we went here to make sure that the chapel-base was somewhat secure."

    Garrick looks at the hilt. "How was that verse about a throne? I never got to hear it from the gypsy woman."
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    Reposting Madame Eva's tarot card reading for the group:

    "Madame Eva puffs on her pipe. "Everyone here knows how to kill vampires. Put a stake through their heart and cut off the head and stuff the mouth with garlic. The problem lies in actually doing the deed. Strahd is too powerful for us. My people have long been his slaves. Given just enough rope into letting us delude ourselves that we are free of him, but still bound nonetheless. Long has he used my people as fodder for his schemes, but we are tired of that role, nor are we proud of what we have been forced into doing. You would know his goals and aims? Allow me to consult the powers on your behalf..."

    She gestures to two of the men, who bring out a low table and lay it before her, covering it with a piece of silk. From her robes, she removes a deck of strangely shaped cards and shuffles them, her lips moving silently She lays the cards out on the table in a starburst pattern. You don't recognize any of the cards.

    She studies the cards, her face a mask. "Aid is available to you," she says. "Strahd has stolen a mighty and holy object, and keeps it close to him- in his castle. It lies in a place of supplication- and fortune shall aid you there, should you seek and find it. Fortune to your skill at arms, but not to your protection."

    She touches another card. "Knowledge is also available if you seek it. It lies in a dark, dark place, the place where the monster was originally laid to rest, in the shadow of weeping and grief. If you should find this place, fortune will come to your aid most strongly, to fight the evil inherent there."

    She peruses the cards again. "He is in the place of Kings. Should you seek him out there, your battle will be long and hard, as there, the fortunes run to his side. However, there is hope... a weapon of such shining goodness as can defeat even the monster with ease."

    She touches a card depicting an older woman. "It is in the Mother's place, and fortune is on your side there. The powers of good themselves will aid you in your quest there."

    "And as to what Strahd wants..." She looks over to Irina Kolyana, and her gaze becomes sympathetic. "He wants to corrupt innocence, to take it and twist it into darkness and hold it beside him forever, as a jealous man holds a possession. He wants a Queen to rule beside him in the darkness.""

    We found relics in the chapel. We're still looking for knowledge, the beacon-of-goodness weapon, and the daughter of the lady from town. Marya, Gertrude, one of the two?
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    Valygar thrust his spear toward the reckless Garrick, "I warn you, bard, hit me again with your foul magic and you'll regret the day that you're born."

    "I can't imagine why any good being chooses to practice magic. All it does is to corrupt and destroy. All my family members were practitioners of magic. My ancestor Lavok was one of the realm's most powerful wizards, but he succumbed to the curse power and wreaked havoc to his love ones. I witnessed first hand the malevolent taint that possessed his mind. During my encounter with Lavok, I put an end to his life and liberated his soul."

    Glaring at the newcomers, "If you are not a wizard, then I welcome you in the party. Otherwise, I will watch you closely and preempt you on the first sign of betrayal."
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    Mazzy glares back at Valygar.

    "With such infighting amongst you it is no wonder that your group has not fared well.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Garrick is surprised by Valygar's outburst. "Looks like someone has some serious issues. Surely we have more important issues to handle than an unfortunate accident. That is of course unless you want to stoop down to Shar-Teel's level and attack members of the party. I have no illusions of winning such an outcome, but you can bet that spear of yours that my ghost will make a mocking ballad about your fallen ass."

    He walks over to Skie. "Lets take a look." He grabs the oppertunity to run his hands through her hair. "Well, I think it seems to be growing a little, but not on the bald spots. Maybe it's the fire that prevents the regeneration like with trolls and cut-off hydra-necks. I think it will grow back, but if not then I guess you could try out the hairstyle of our two new warriors."
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    "Long hair is not proper for a warrior, it is too easily grabbed by an enemy."

    Mazzy draws a dagger from her backpack, then looks to Skie.

    "I can help to give you a more suitable hairstyle if you wish."

    Mazzy then looks to Garrick.

    "As leader of this group I advise you to lead in a more military manner. You must show strength to earn the respect of your men. If you do not improve I shall be forced to take command myself. I mean no disrespect, only to help."
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Skie narrows her eyes at Garrick and Mazzy, pulls her hood tightly over her head, then walks away grumbling to herself.
  • Darth_SkippyDarth_Skippy Member Posts: 37
    Montaron watches Garrick direct the group, than mutters to himself.."effective, I may not kill you after all." than he begins checking the area for traps.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Delvarian said:

    Mazzy then looks to Garrick.

    "As leader of this group I advise you to lead in a more military manner. You must show strength to earn the respect of your men. If you do not improve I shall be forced to take command myself. I mean no disrespect, only to help."

    "None taken" He looks at the halfling to figure out if she was jesting, but it is easy to see that she is a no-nonsense kind of woman. "In fact, it might be a good idea. I'm not very popular at the moment and that's never a good sign for a bard. Just promise me that we don't go back to as it was. Before I took charge we spent several days in the chapel without even exploring it enough to find the stairs"

    "If you don't mind, I'll keep distributing the loot and speaking of that, would you mind carrying these gems for me, preferably very near to that jewel you have there." Garrick hands over a small pouch containg the glitter his wand has created. Be careful to keep the wrapping on that zircon, they are easily notched."
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    edited April 2013
    Mazzy nods at Garrick. She scratches her chin deep in thought.

    "Very well." She pauses.
    "How well do we know the layout of this building? Are we aware of the forces which we are likely to face? I would have us prepare as best we can."

    She calls Montaron.

    "We believe the chapel to be safe, so it will act as our base. Take the Paladine and ranger, secure a perimeter and set traps to warn us of an enemies approach."

    She returns her gaze to Garrick.

    "When they are completed we shall formulate a plan of attack. I would take the battle straight to this Straud you mentioned. If he is destroyed his forces will most likely scatter."
    Post edited by Delvarian on
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    edited April 2013
    Garrick tries to clarify as much as he can for Mazzy. "We found a path over to the next complex, but it will be risky to cross that chasm. Once we do cross, I doubt we will want to return every time we need to rest. There was also a young woman named Gudrun that we should try to find. Ajantis' mentor sir Keldorn thought she was close by and Aerie has her doll."

    "Speaking of Aerie, we need to keep her safe. The group is somewhat unbalanced now. I'm a better singer than spellcaster and I think most here prefer her clerical spells over those that Cyric grants Tiax. Maybe we should assign a bodyguard."

    "Oh, and you should try to keep after Irina. Last fight she just stood there even though I have provided her with a magical scimitar."
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    "I am not used to fighting the Undead," Irina said evenly (and the GM missed that you gave her a magical scimitar- oopsy!). "But none of the creatures in this castle have attacked me. Could it be that Strahd is solicitous of my safety because he wishes to make me his queen?" She looks more than somewhat disturbed by this thought...
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    edited April 2013
    Mazzy nods at Garrick's words, and smiles slightly.

    "I thank you for clarifying sir Garrick."

    She looks to Aerie and Tiax.

    "I must agree that we keep the clerics safe at all cost, no doubt their spells will be imperitive to the impending battles. Sir Ajantis, I ask that you act as bodyguard to them both. You may assign another to help if you see fit."

    Mazzy looks back to Garrick.

    "Our first order of business is to find this girl, and hope that this fiend Straud has done nothing impure to her. Do we have any clue where he may be holding her?"

    She takes in the sight of the ragged crew of adventures.

    "The clerics and wizards should cast any protection spells at their disposal as soon as all are rested enough to continue. This girls life is in the balance and Arvoreen would not see us tally to long."
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    DM sez: There are two sets of doors in this room, both leading east. One, with double doors, leads back the way you came (to the chapel overlook and chapel) the other (a single door) you have not yet looked through. Montaron finds a secret door leading south. Grime fills in the cracks around the door- grime and cobwebs. It's obvious that no one has used this door in a very, very long time.
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    Aerie shoots Valgyar a look of total exasperation. "Yes, condemn arcane magic, please, while you carry enchanted weapons, armor, and items. Threatening harm to your companions while we're stuck in a terrible place with undead everywhere seems excessive. Wands of Wonder are unpredictable; that is their nature. Garrick was doing nothing but trying to help. As I have tried to help. As all of us have in our own way. The only way we will survive this place is by working together."

    She regards Mazzy and Garrick calmly as they talk of strategy and Strahd. "Strahd claimed the girl was a willing guest, but clearly, he is not to be trusted. I believe he said she had her own chamber upstairs from the great hall where we had our first meeting, but I'm not certain. Since my skill at arms is minimal, I prefer to go into battle as well prepared and well informed as possible."

    She squeezes Irina's hand gently. "Your observations about Strahd's creatures are astute. He may be solicitous or unwilling to damage that which he wants for himself. Either way, you've rejected him, and no means no, even when you're dealing with a vampire. I won't let him get you."

    We need to rest, heal, and regain our lost levels. Those of us who are casters need to re-memorize and pray for spells before we continue. We've explored only a tiny fragment of Strahd's stronghold. There's a lot left to do in here.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    "If Strahd doesn't get Irina, he might start playing with his organ..."
  • Darth_SkippyDarth_Skippy Member Posts: 37
    Montaron glares at Mazzy, "you'll live longer if ye don't annoy me, perhaps a week, or more!" straightening his sword belt, the gruff halfling than turns to Ajantis and says "ye stay here, ye big clunking mammoth." gesturing quietly at the stealthy ranger he than starts securing the hallways leading into the room.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Darth_Skippy Securing how, exactly?
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    Ooc @ladyrhian I believe he means he's setting warning traps.

    IC: "I believe we should also check the door that your group has yet to enter. If we can we should make our way to the upper floors, as Strahd no doubt has the girl hidden away up there somewhere."
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