Sorry if this gets messy, there will be a lot of copy and paste involved.
S-T took Keldorn's shield +3 and his axe +3 as well as his ring of regeneration and Kivan's periapt of proof against poison. Also she started with Potion of Diminution (drunk), a Potion of Sweet Water, A Cloak of Elvenkind, +1 Studded Leather (Tiax has it now) a +2 sword. She also managed to get a chain +2 (or maybe +3 from Branwen)
Xzar started with this: Cloak of Protection +1 (Valygar has it now) Scroll (Flesh to Stone, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Luck, Continual Light, Strength, Otto's Irresistable Dance), Ring of Water Walking, Mace +2, Staff +2, Ring of Spell Turning, Periapt of Proof Against Poison, Sword +1, Ring Mail +1, Scarab of Protection (+1 to all Saves).
He then got Edwin's cloak +2 and the useful items robe.
As for Cernd I'm more uncertain. I know he has a scimtar, the Onyx dog and the scroll of protection against undead. This is what he had before the bartering begun: P. Invisibility, Figurine of Wondrous Power (Onyx Dog). P. Cloud Giant Strength, Ring of Protection +3, Periapt of Health, Shield +3, Ring of Fire Resistance, Sword +1 Flame Tongue
Mazzy follows quietly after Patrick as the two diminutive halflings make their way through the thick forest brush. She cringes as another twig snaps underneath her boot, the way of stealth has never been her strongpoint, however thus far it seemed Arvoreens eye had been upon her for her shadowy foes had yet to detect the pursuit. Mazzy sighed deeply hoping their luck would hold. During the last few yards a mist had begun to form, and Mazzy could scarcely make out the gleam of Patricks armor only a few feet in front of her. Pausing to whipe the sweat from her eyes she soon realized that she had lost sight of her companion altogether. Her heart began to race, but she dared not call out to him in fear of alerting their foes. As quickly as she dare she headed of again through the bush, hoping the direction she chose was the right one. Patrick had been heading in a northerly direction, and unless he'd turned she felt confident she could catch up with him, and then they could rendezvous with the others. However the fog kept getting thicker, and despite Mazzy's best efforts she was becoming quit lost. The young Halfling stopped her search and getting down on her knees began to pray silently to Arvoreen to guide her. The fog began to lift.
Mazzy whispered a thank you to Arvoreen as she continued through the forest. As she moved along, hopefully in the direction Patrick had taken, something bothered at her mind. Something was wrong. She stopped forcing herself to look around, hoping to pick up on what had changed. Mazzy's eyes darted left and right, she could spot nothing, no difference. It was her mind playing tricks on her she decided, the fog had rattled her senses. Shrugging off her worries she continued on. After moving only a few yards however she stopped again, a sudden realization coming to her. These were not the same woods she had been in only moments ago. Had Arvoreen transported her somewhere? It seemed impossible, yet the proof was before her eyes. Why had her god chosen to do such a thing? And what's more, what manner of place had she been brought to? Mazzy was certain that Arvorren had had a reason, and it was not for her to question. The answer was certain to present itself soon enough. A snap of branches sounded behind her, and Mazzy drew her sword from its sheath while turning to face whatever threat presented itself. "Arvoreen guide me." She whispered softly.
Ooc: Lady Rhian will assign your weapons and equipment. Good to have you with us. In a side note, I'm certain after writing my huge paragraphs of text helping to introduce Mazzy to the game that she will no doubt be killed by the first wraith that shows up.
Occ: In all my metagaming, I dont think I ever had Mazzy and Jaheira in the same party. Usually Mazzy is w/ Korgan, Viconia and Edwin, or she is with Keldorn, Anomen, Valygar. I really enjoy the conversations btw Korgan and Mazzy.
The thick brush was pushed aside as a large wolf darted forward, it's mouth wide, intent on taking a bite of the Halfling knight. Mazzy jumped to the right at the last moment before the large beasts jaw clamped shut, spittle flying in all directions. The animal turned quickly, but not fast enough to avoid her blade. Mazzy's short sword sunk into the wolves flank, cutting through to the bone. Unfortunately for the Halfling the sword was wrenched from her hand as the beast continued to turn. For a moment the two combatants simply eyed one another, sizing each other up. The wolf moved first, again running straight at Mazzy. The Halfling feigned a dodge to the right, then ran full force to the left, the snarling beast close at her heals. Finding the closest tree Mazzy began to scurry up the side. For the first time she wished she weren't wearing full plait. Her mind changed shortly thereafter as the wolf launched itself at her, clamping its powerful jaw onto her leg. Mazzy screamed in pain, nearly losing her grip on the tree. With her free leg she kicked the beast in the head with all her strength, but it refused to let go. The wolf began to attempt pulling her back to the ground. Putting her free foot on the moves head for leverage she let go of the tree. Moving as quickly as she could Mazzy reached behind her for her bow, letting loose a single arrow at close range, right into the beast's head. The jaw on her leg released, and the beast went limp, falling to the ground dead. Mazzy slid down after it, her wound bleeding freely. Her head spinning from the loss of blood, she nearly passed out. Sometime later, after cleaning and dressing her wound and retrieving her sword the young Halfling sat before the fire, attempting to piece together where she was. Through the trees she noticed a light. Standing she made her way toward it to investigate. Towering over a crop of trees stood a large castle, the light was shining through one of its many windows, someone was obviously home. Tightening her sword belt, Mazzy made her way towards its entrance.
I've been sick, coughing, coughing, coughing... feeling like I am going to cough my lungs out. When I am not coughing, I feel tired. I've been living on soup, rice and rice soup. :P
Okay, Mazzy is level 7, Minsc is Level 5, Montaron is Level 6/6 and Sarevok Level 5. Magic Items follow.
Mazzy: Scroll (Lesser Restoration x5), Plate +2, Sword +1, +4 vs Reptiles, Mace +2, Rope of Climbing, P. Healing, Jewel of Flawlessness (makes jewels worth more, eventually).
Minsc: Plate +3, Philter of Persuasiveness, Scroll Protection from Possession, Ring of Invisibility, Wand of Illumination (99 ch), BattleAxe +1.
Montaron: P. Invisibility, Tome of Understanding, Sword +2, P. Extra Healing, Ring of Mammal Control, Ring Mail +1.
Sarevok: Philter of Persuasiveness, Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection (92ch), Shield +3, Morning Star +1, Scroll (Spellstrike), Scale Mail +1, Rope of Entanglement, Ring of Fire Resistance, Sword +2.
Welcome back @LadyRhian. To everyone, please notice that coughing or sneezing in the general direction of Xan IS considered attempted murder in all of the Realms...
OOC: well, are we going to be allowed to swap items later? because I don't think Monty is really going to need that tome...
OOC: You just hand it to the person you think needs it, or you use it in front of them while shouting "Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!" If I was Monty I'd know what I'd do.
Minsc wonders about the hallways of the castle peering into rooms as he wonders about. "Boo.... oh Boooooo... Are you in here my tiny friend?" He seems oblivious to the danger all around him as he continues his search for his space hamster.
Okay. Now Dad has what I had, so... ever so fun... :P
Okay, Tiax hides. Skie attacks, but misses. Aerie fires off a flame arrow and takes out one of the wraiths, Ajantis hits and takes down a second Wraith, Valygar thrusts his spear through another, dispelling its undead life-force and sending it back into death. Garrick points his Wand of Wonder at the last Wraith and shouts the command word, unleashing a Fireball in the midst of the room. Not only does it kill the wraith, it spreads out to engulf the party. Garrick and Aerie are the only ones that make their saves. The Fireball does 22 damage, 11 to those who save.
Current party levels and total: Valygar Level 6, 46hp. Ajantis Level 7, 58 hit points. Aerie Level 6/7 Cl/M, 8 hp. Skie Level 8, 23 hit points. Garrick Level 5, 12 hp. Tiax Level 6/7, 17 hp.
Okay, the Wraiths are dead. But you are kinda chewed up. Meanwhile, outside, Branwen's last prayer brings you help. Sarevok, Mazzy, Minsc and Montaron find themselves in a room marked by death, dead bodies and charred stone and wood. You see the other characters standing around, looked tired, hurt and burned.
S-T took Keldorn's shield +3 and his axe +3 as well as his ring of regeneration and Kivan's periapt of proof against poison. Also she started with Potion of Diminution (drunk), a Potion of Sweet Water, A Cloak of Elvenkind, +1 Studded Leather (Tiax has it now) a +2 sword. She also managed to get a chain +2 (or maybe +3 from Branwen)
Xzar started with this: Cloak of Protection +1 (Valygar has it now) Scroll (Flesh to Stone, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Luck, Continual Light, Strength, Otto's Irresistable Dance), Ring of Water Walking, Mace +2, Staff +2, Ring of Spell Turning, Periapt of Proof Against Poison, Sword +1, Ring Mail +1, Scarab of Protection (+1 to all Saves).
He then got Edwin's cloak +2 and the useful items robe.
As for Cernd I'm more uncertain. I know he has a scimtar, the Onyx dog and the scroll of protection against undead. This is what he had before the bartering begun: P. Invisibility, Figurine of Wondrous Power (Onyx Dog). P. Cloud Giant Strength, Ring of Protection +3, Periapt of Health, Shield +3, Ring of Fire Resistance, Sword +1 Flame Tongue
During the last few yards a mist had begun to form, and Mazzy could scarcely make out the gleam of Patricks armor only a few feet in front of her. Pausing to whipe the sweat from her eyes she soon realized that she had lost sight of her companion altogether. Her heart began to race, but she dared not call out to him in fear of alerting their foes.
As quickly as she dare she headed of again through the bush, hoping the direction she chose was the right one. Patrick had been heading in a northerly direction, and unless he'd turned she felt confident she could catch up with him, and then they could rendezvous with the others.
However the fog kept getting thicker, and despite Mazzy's best efforts she was becoming quit lost.
The young Halfling stopped her search and getting down on her knees began to pray silently to Arvoreen to guide her.
The fog began to lift.
She stopped forcing herself to look around, hoping to pick up on what had changed. Mazzy's eyes darted left and right, she could spot nothing, no difference. It was her mind playing tricks on her she decided, the fog had rattled her senses. Shrugging off her worries she continued on.
After moving only a few yards however she stopped again, a sudden realization coming to her. These were not the same woods she had been in only moments ago.
Had Arvoreen transported her somewhere? It seemed impossible, yet the proof was before her eyes. Why had her god chosen to do such a thing? And what's more, what manner of place had she been brought to?
Mazzy was certain that Arvorren had had a reason, and it was not for her to question. The answer was certain to present itself soon enough.
A snap of branches sounded behind her, and Mazzy drew her sword from its sheath while turning to face whatever threat presented itself.
"Arvoreen guide me." She whispered softly.
OOC- does someone roll for my weapons? Also greetings.
In a side note, I'm certain after writing my huge paragraphs of text helping to introduce Mazzy to the game that she will no doubt be killed by the first wraith that shows up.
Mazzy jumped to the right at the last moment before the large beasts jaw clamped shut, spittle flying in all directions. The animal turned quickly, but not fast enough to avoid her blade. Mazzy's short sword sunk into the wolves flank, cutting through to the bone. Unfortunately for the Halfling the sword was wrenched from her hand as the beast continued to turn.
For a moment the two combatants simply eyed one another, sizing each other up. The wolf moved first, again running straight at Mazzy. The Halfling feigned a dodge to the right, then ran full force to the left, the snarling beast close at her heals.
Finding the closest tree Mazzy began to scurry up the side. For the first time she wished she weren't wearing full plait. Her mind changed shortly thereafter as the wolf launched itself at her, clamping its powerful jaw onto her leg. Mazzy screamed in pain, nearly losing her grip on the tree. With her free leg she kicked the beast in the head with all her strength, but it refused to let go. The wolf began to attempt pulling her back to the ground.
Putting her free foot on the moves head for leverage she let go of the tree. Moving as quickly as she could Mazzy reached behind her for her bow, letting loose a single arrow at close range, right into the beast's head.
The jaw on her leg released, and the beast went limp, falling to the ground dead. Mazzy slid down after it, her wound bleeding freely. Her head spinning from the loss of blood, she nearly passed out.
Sometime later, after cleaning and dressing her wound and retrieving her sword the young Halfling sat before the fire, attempting to piece together where she was.
Through the trees she noticed a light. Standing she made her way toward it to investigate. Towering over a crop of trees stood a large castle, the light was shining through one of its many windows, someone was obviously home. Tightening her sword belt, Mazzy made her way towards its entrance.
I hope everything is ok with Lady Rhian, and her father, haven't heard from her in a bit.
Not sure how I feel about that link Lockmund. I kept feeling like it was going to turn all Shades of Grey.
Mazzy: Scroll (Lesser Restoration x5), Plate +2, Sword +1, +4 vs Reptiles, Mace +2, Rope of Climbing, P. Healing, Jewel of Flawlessness (makes jewels worth more, eventually).
Minsc: Plate +3, Philter of Persuasiveness, Scroll Protection from Possession, Ring of Invisibility, Wand of Illumination (99 ch), BattleAxe +1.
Montaron: P. Invisibility, Tome of Understanding, Sword +2, P. Extra Healing, Ring of Mammal Control, Ring Mail +1.
Sarevok: Philter of Persuasiveness, Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection (92ch), Shield +3, Morning Star +1, Scroll (Spellstrike), Scale Mail +1, Rope of Entanglement, Ring of Fire Resistance, Sword +2.
I think the scrolls are going to come in very handy.
Spellstrike scroll...but that's a level 9 archmage spell. @Sarevork, who did you plunder to get that treasure?
OOC unless I am in limbo
Okay, Tiax hides. Skie attacks, but misses. Aerie fires off a flame arrow and takes out one of the wraiths, Ajantis hits and takes down a second Wraith, Valygar thrusts his spear through another, dispelling its undead life-force and sending it back into death. Garrick points his Wand of Wonder at the last Wraith and shouts the command word, unleashing a Fireball in the midst of the room. Not only does it kill the wraith, it spreads out to engulf the party. Garrick and Aerie are the only ones that make their saves. The Fireball does 22 damage, 11 to those who save.
Current party levels and total: Valygar Level 6, 46hp. Ajantis Level 7, 58 hit points. Aerie Level 6/7 Cl/M, 8 hp. Skie Level 8, 23 hit points. Garrick Level 5, 12 hp. Tiax Level 6/7, 17 hp.