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Roleplaying Challenge: Ravenloft



  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Yes madam.
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    edited February 2013
    I'm still here, and up next it seems! Huzzah

    Derp, someone is before me, but two deaths shouldn't take long. I'd like to play Mazzy if no one objects.
  • Fighting_FerretFighting_Ferret Member Posts: 229
    Can I get added to the end of the queue?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    edited February 2013
    "Mr. Stampy! No!!!!! You were too beautiful for this world!"

    Well, good thing Skie wasn't already riding Mr. Stampy when he disappeared. Skie will use her flametongue short sword, since the wraiths are pretty close range.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Just found this, but I know you guys will appreciate it, from the famous last words website: "I see HOW MANY Wights?" (in the Ravenloft Dungeons)
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    *Tiax begins to chant, mainly about how great Tiax is and how everyone must fall to their knees and kiss his feet, now and then you make out a prayer to Cyric, but mainly it is about Tiax*
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    edited February 2013
    OOC: I hope Shar-Teel has time enough left to her to shrink Tiax's stature. She'll be picking a fight with someone yourgnome size? No? ahhhhhhhhh.
  • KnolandKnoland Member Posts: 206
    edited February 2013
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Just to let you know... there are two wraith random encounters. One is for 2-12 wraiths. The second is for 2-16. And that's just in the castle. 10-100 vampire bats. Wolves, worgs, Giant Spiders... vampires, spectres, groaning spirits. And then those lovely new creations... Strahd zombies.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    1st thought: Yes! That's enough for me to level.

    2nd thought: No! That's enough to get me killed.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    lockmund said:

    1st thought: Yes! That's enough for me to level.

    2nd thought: No! That's enough to get me killed.

  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    Aerie feels bad (slightly) about turning Tiax's ghast to dust, but not really because they're icky things to begin with. She will cast Holy Smite again and hope fewer wraiths make their saving throws. She also fervently hopes Branwen's negative plane protection will last a nice long time--on her, of course, and if she manages to cast it on Aerie as well, well, she thinks that'd be fantastic too. If things still look grim after this round, and she's still alive, Aerie may very well use the various holy items she's carrying and attempt to turn the wraiths, regardless of Garrick's advice.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    jhart1018 said:

    She also fervently hopes Branwen's negative plane protection will last a nice long time--on her, of course

    If Kivan was still alive, he would be compelled to mention that he would also last a nice long time--on Aerie, of course.
  • Fighting_FerretFighting_Ferret Member Posts: 229
    edited February 2013

    That's when you played as Kivan, I thought it hillarious, but it didn't fit trying to emulate your style as Kivan.
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    @Awong124 I tried taking Kivan with me for a while in BG:EE, and he's so much more fun in your head. I like horny, sassy Kivan so much more than game canon Kivan. :)
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    occ The strong, silent type doesn't translate well in BG. Valygar suffers the same fate.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I tried Kivan as well. He spent most of his time getting dead. After he died for the fifth time in as many fights, I replaced him with Coran, who had a better habit of not dying. Then, when I tired of Coran, I replaced him with Rasaad.
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    The adventure isn't allowed to end without Shar-Teel devouring several party members, damn it!
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    I hate to be the one who rush people, but one week+ per round will take us forever. Now we've waited 8 more days counting from when Awong124 posted Skie's orders and it was for the same three that were absent last round. I hope they return, but assume that they will not. Can the people in the queue sub for our absent friends? Without losing their spot ofc.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Aerie casts Holy Smite. This time, most of the Wraiths make their save. and only 3 die. Ajantis misses. Valygar kills a fourth. Shar-Teel drinks a potion and becomes a mere six inches tall. Garrick continues to sing. Skie pulls out her flaming blade and misses. Tiax casts Chant. Branwen strikes out with her Warhammer and hits a wraith for 4, killing another one. Xzar cries out for his mommy and casts Hold Undead on the nearest Wraith, but it saves. Cernd attacks wildly and misses badly.

    Next round the Wraiths once again win initiative. Cernd is hit for 12 total and a level. Aerie is hit for 7. Shar-Teel finds her smaller size makes it harder for her to evade the wraiths and takes 26 total from two hits. Garrick's voice rasps as a wraith targets him for 9, and Tiax's chant stops when he is goosed by a Wraith for 13.

    Current party levels and total: Valygar Level 6, 68hp. Cernd Level 6, 40 hit points. Ajantis Level 8, 94 hit points. Branwen Level 9, 74 hp. Aerie Level 6/7 Cl/M, 19 hp. Skie Level 8, 45 hit points. Garrick Level 6, 33 hp. Xzar Level 4 11 hit points. Shar-Teel Level 3, 21 hp. Tiax Level 6/7, 39 hp.

  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Garrick is glad that he can't see the blood that must be gushing from his side. Surely he is the worst wounded in the party. even so, he wills himself to continue singing, the others would surely perish without his efforts.

    Elenora, the youngest, was pretty and clever.
    Her appleshaped butt was a thing to behold
    Grimelda was gorgeous and could be quite pleasant,
    but after some drinks she grew bitter and cold.

    For ninetynine kisses he promised his help them
    and early next morning they rode from the place
    to seek out the bandits that murdered the father,
    five sinister bastards of undisclosed race.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Keep on attacking these undead monstrosities!
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Skie will continue to attack.
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    Shar-Teel will launch a flying attack at Tiax's right nostril.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    How many wraiths left? Valygar attacks the nearest wraith with the spear.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    There are seven Wraiths left.
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    edited March 2013
    Spearman, Tiax is in need of your aid. Protect your god and he shall grant you mighty boons!

    Action: If Valygar comes to my rescue I will cast Negative plane protection on him, if not, I will on myself haha.

    OOC: Also, why is Shar-teel attacking my nostril?
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    OOC: @IchigoRXC Because after working 5 16 hour shifts in a row, Tiax's nostril seems the greater threat.
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    If I've still got it, Aerie will cast stoneskin. After that, I'll spam cast flame arrow, melf's acid arrow, and magic missile until they die or I do.
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