OOC: That protection from undead scroll would be helpful here. Shar-Teel was only level 6 this entire time? Le sigh.
Shar-Teel starts attacking with her axe---the thought of dying and returning as a shade to torment her fellow party members not exactly an unpleasant one.
Robe of Useful Items has tokens you can rip off and they can become things, like a fire, rope and so on.
Valygar has a +3 Spear, Sword +2, Crossbow of Speed, Plate +1, Ring of Swimming, Javelin of Lightning, Sword +1, +3 vs Lycanthropes and Shapechangers, P.Healing.
Sorry @bbear, Xzar has the robe of useful items and Valygar has the robe of blending. Speaking of Xzar, you better take over him @LadyRhian . As far as I can see @Communard hasn't been active at all this year. Lets hope nothing has happend to him. Further, the crossbow of speed and the plate +1 are currently in Garricks backpack. Also, Cernd is the one with the scroll of protection from undead.
Guess it's time to get back on the train... cause there is bound to be some vacancies soon. Can I get added to the end of the list LadyRhian, character to be determined later.
It's been almost a week since @LadyRhian posted about the wights and we still haven't received the actions of Cernd, Branwen or Xzar. I think it's high time that we move ahead without such.
The logical thing for Xzar to do is cast Hold Undead or Vampiric Touch. Cernd has more option, but Garrick asked him before to prepare healing spells, Defensive Harmony and Strength of One, so one of those would be proper. As for Branwen, I figure she'd either melee or cast Negative Plane Protection on herself. These are obviously just suggestions, Garrick is singing, so he can't tell anyone what to do.
Well, I've been sick. I think I caught something at work. You know how it is... work with the public, catch every little thing they decide to bring into public with them. I will update tomorrow. Feeling too dizzy right now.
Okay. Feeling a little better now. But the minute I lay down or turn my head too fast, I get dizzy spells. That sucketh donkey livers.
Okay, Skie summons Mr.Stampy. There is room for the Elephant, but the weight of it is making the entire floor shake. The feel of that turns your guts to water. Tiax summons a ghast, and Shar-Teel barely hits a Wraith for 5 (minimum). Ajantis misses, Valygar misses, Xzar casts "Hold Undead" and holds two of the wraiths, Branwen casts Negative Plane protection on herself (and plans to cast it on Aerie next round). Cernd, wary of taking on Wereform, Casts Bless instead. Aerie casts Holy Smite for 19. Half of the wraiths save. The Ghast doesn't, and is killed. Next round, wraiths win initiative. Four of them go after Mr. Stampy and hit for 14. Mr. Stampy vanishes with a loud cracking noise. Branwen gets hit for 3 (but no lost level this time!). Aerie is hit for 5 and a lost level. Branwen again for 4 (7 total). Then Tiax for 5 and a lost level, so 9 total. Xzar is hit for 1 and a lost level, so 3 total, Shar-Teel for 2 and a lost level, so 12 total, and Tiax gets zapped again hard for another 11 total.
Current party levels and total: Valygar Level 6, 68hp. Cernd Level 7, 52 hit points. Ajantis Level 8, 94 hit points. Branwen Level 9, 74 hp. Aerie Level 7/7 Cl/M, 26 hp. Skie Level 8, 45 hit points. Garrick Level 7, 42 hp. Xzar Level 4 11 hit points. Shar-Teel Level 4, 35 hp. Tiax Level 7/7, 52 hp.
OOC: No sense letting a potion go untasted. Shar-Teel grabs her potion of super restoration (potion of Diminution) and quaffs it. If she has any time she attacks.
OOC Well, that might be for the best, roleplaying is one thing, but Xzar hasn't had an active player for quite a while. I hate to have a spot blocked while people are waiting in the queue. Still, two held wraiths was a very good result. We should be able to mop them up in the end.
OOC Glad to hear you feel better @LadyRhian . It might have been karma striking back for all the level drains. (Right, that comment won't jinx me at all).
Garrick will keep on singing. By the way, can he cast from scrolls while in armor?
The sisters came over. "You gotta' be joking. This man could not tell a sword from a shield" "I can! I'm a ranger. I carry a dagger. and wait 'til you see the longbow I wield"
Gunilla, the red one, defended our young man. As she was the eldest, she did have some clout. "But know friend that we don't have that much to pay you." He smirked "I am sure we can work something out."
Shar-Teel starts attacking with her axe---the thought of dying and returning as a shade to torment her fellow party members not exactly an unpleasant one.
OOC: Is Tiax allowed to summon a Ghast? As he does in the game? if so, inbetween blessing and chanting a ghast shall come to meat shield me
Edit: What items do I have available? I faintly remember I have the robe of useful items. What can I do with it?
Valygar has a +3 Spear, Sword +2, Crossbow of Speed, Plate +1, Ring of Swimming, Javelin of Lightning, Sword +1, +3 vs Lycanthropes and Shapechangers, P.Healing.
The logical thing for Xzar to do is cast Hold Undead or Vampiric Touch. Cernd has more option, but Garrick asked him before to prepare healing spells, Defensive Harmony and Strength of One, so one of those would be proper. As for Branwen, I figure she'd either melee or cast Negative Plane Protection on herself. These are obviously just suggestions, Garrick is singing, so he can't tell anyone what to do.
Okay, Skie summons Mr.Stampy. There is room for the Elephant, but the weight of it is making the entire floor shake. The feel of that turns your guts to water. Tiax summons a ghast, and Shar-Teel barely hits a Wraith for 5 (minimum). Ajantis misses, Valygar misses, Xzar casts "Hold Undead" and holds two of the wraiths, Branwen casts Negative Plane protection on herself (and plans to cast it on Aerie next round). Cernd, wary of taking on Wereform, Casts Bless instead. Aerie casts Holy Smite for 19. Half of the wraiths save. The Ghast doesn't, and is killed. Next round, wraiths win initiative. Four of them go after Mr. Stampy and hit for 14. Mr. Stampy vanishes with a loud cracking noise. Branwen gets hit for 3 (but no lost level this time!). Aerie is hit for 5 and a lost level. Branwen again for 4 (7 total). Then Tiax for 5 and a lost level, so 9 total. Xzar is hit for 1 and a lost level, so 3 total, Shar-Teel for 2 and a lost level, so 12 total, and Tiax gets zapped again hard for another 11 total.
Current party levels and total: Valygar Level 6, 68hp. Cernd Level 7, 52 hit points. Ajantis Level 8, 94 hit points. Branwen Level 9, 74 hp. Aerie Level 7/7 Cl/M, 26 hp. Skie Level 8, 45 hit points. Garrick Level 7, 42 hp. Xzar Level 4 11 hit points. Shar-Teel Level 4, 35 hp. Tiax Level 7/7, 52 hp.
Shar-Teel grabs her potion of super restoration (potion of Diminution) and quaffs it. If she has any time she attacks.
OOC Glad to hear you feel better @LadyRhian . It might have been karma striking back for all the level drains.
Garrick will keep on singing. By the way, can he cast from scrolls while in armor?
The sisters came over. "You gotta' be joking.
This man could not tell a sword from a shield"
"I can! I'm a ranger. I carry a dagger.
and wait 'til you see the longbow I wield"
Gunilla, the red one, defended our young man.
As she was the eldest, she did have some clout.
"But know friend that we don't have that much to pay you."
He smirked "I am sure we can work something out."
OOC Sorry LadyRhain I haven't felt the need to post but i'm still actively reading this adventure. Am I up next in the que? I lost track...
and @Drugar
Pulling out @names just to see if everybody is still here and still interested....