Valygar pulls out a torch and starts to explore the dark hallway to the west.
I suspect there is little use in hiding in shadows against undead creatures. Since they have been inhabited in this dark place for years, they should be able to detect any signs of intrusion.
Shar-Teel eyes Tiax, briefly thinks of tossing the tiny fool through the doors but decides against it, all too aware he'd probably bounce right off them. Taking care to be overly aware of her surroundings she walks up to the double doors and flings them open, bringing axe and shield to bear.
@Lockmund I'd already cast Protection from Evil 10 ft. radius on everyone when we started marching, right before Garrick cast the 10ft radius invisibility spell.
Hectic couple days, but I'm back once again--I'm better able to check in in the latter half of the week. Aerie lingers near the back of the group to have more room to draw down appropriate magical support. She's glad the two superzombies went down easier this time. She also reluctantly nods in response to Garrick's proposal that she refrain from turning undead at the moment. She'll do it if things look desperate, though.
@LadyRhian Do the amulet and the statue improve my odds of a successful turn or do they increase the level at which I turn undead as well? Or does Aerie know either way?
@Lockmund I'd already cast Protection from Evil 10 ft. radius on everyone when we started marching, right before Garrick cast the 10ft radius invisibility spell.
Cool, but it didn't seem to work for tiax against Shar-Teel
OOC It also doesn't protect Tiax from himself. Nothing can do that.
Forward peons, your mighty commander demands progress. Apart from his mighty throne acquisition this adventure has been nothing but folley and... *Tiax scowls at Shar-teel* Gnome throwing. Man hands and Spearboy, take the lead. Trap finder(skie) can aid you in your push forward. Tiax shall stay back here with the rear guard *he whispers* to torment Mr Goody Two Shoes *looking slyly over at where he believes Ajantis should be*
Ooc Ajantis is still invisible. I think I'll refrain from using that spell again. It confuse things too much.
"Well, as Tiax points out, we should move forward, but perhaps some careful scouting would be wise. Skie, Valygar and Aerie, I think you are the ones best suited for the task."
OOC: I don't think I'm playing an evil character right...haha, I think Shar-Teel would have butchered Tiax by now, or at least attempted to do so.
Shar-Teel stomps off down the corridor, making sure to snatch a torch from whomever has one lit. More mutters of severed tongues and of tiax being tossed follow in her wake.
OOC: Ofcourse you are evil, it is the only thing that has kept you from killing me. I am evil, so ridding the world of me would be an act of kindness and good, thus not for you
OOC This sounds like my explanation in one of the Khalid threads that keeping him alive is an act of ultimate evil as you know he'll be tortured and murdered slowly in BG2
Shar-Teel throws open the door, revealing another set of double doors only 10' away. The corridor is 40' wide north-south, but the double doors are the only other doors ypu see.
"Hmm, a path for the highorne, easily defended. Skie, you know more about this than me, could this have been the antechamber of the throneroom? If so, we better expect resistance beyond this door."
Tiax needs no charname... *he realises he is talking to himself once again* so is the group moving forward, or are we leaving man hands to get herself killed.
@bbear Yes, Irina is still here. She's just trying not to get in anyone's way.
You open the door on a huge, dim hall, 70' by 40' at its widest points. Dim light falls in from the courtyard through large iron windows to the west, the glass broken and shattered on the floor nearest the window. Some spikes of dusty, dirty glass remain in the windows, and the breeze howls and moans through the openings. Hundreds of cobwebs drape the walls, hiding the ceiling from view. Directly across from the windows are the doors you have entered through, the side facing the room covered in elaborate carvings, covered and smutched with a thick layer of dust. Further south is a single, far less ornate door, also leading east. While to the northern end of the room is a Dais on which rests a single ornate throne-chair, its seat turned to face the room. Behind the dais on either side, east and west, stairs lead down.
The hair on the back of your neck stands on end as you realize the shadows are shifting and suddenly, twelve pairs of hot red eyes blink open around the room. You feel sick as you recognize the same undead creatures that Alora unwittingly summoned in the room of Lief Lipsiege are here- and now they know you are, as well.
(Wraiths sense life, so the Invisibility doesn't help you here...) And you lost initiative... and this room is one of the worst of the castle to fight in, giving you -1 to hit and +1 (worsening) your armor class while you are here. DM: Party goes "Fuuuuuuuuuuu...."
One wraith just misses Aerie, while two grab Cernd for 20 total and two drained levels. Another attacks Ajantis for 14 total and a drained level. The next goes after Shar-Teel for 13 total, and a drained level. Then Valygar gets hit for 16 total and a drained level. Aerie is hit for 9 and a drained level. Xzar gets hit for 10 and a drained level, and Skie gets hit for 11 and a drained level.
Current party levels and total: Valygar Level 6, 68hp. Cernd Level 7, 52 hit points. Ajantis Level 8, 94 hit points. Branwen Level 9, 81 hp. Aerie Level 7/8 Cl/M, 31 hp. Skie Level 8, 45 hit points. Garrick Level 7, 42 hp. Xzar Level 5 14 hit points. Shar-Teel Level 5, 47 hp. Tiax Level 8/8, 72 hp.
Time to start singing. Garrick picks up where he left from the vampire fight. Recap: Our hero had tried his luck with two ladies, but failed miserably.
So dark was his face as he stormed from the tavern He bumped with a redhead that entered the door. "Forgive me, dear woman". and offered the lady his hand and then helped her up from the floor.
She did look him over and asked "Can you fight? We're seeking revenge for a terrible sin, me and my sisters. They strung up our father. Look there are my siblings" and waved to her kin.
I suspect there is little use in hiding in shadows against undead creatures. Since they have been inhabited in this dark place for years, they should be able to detect any signs of intrusion.
Hectic couple days, but I'm back once again--I'm better able to check in in the latter half of the week. Aerie lingers near the back of the group to have more room to draw down appropriate magical support. She's glad the two superzombies went down easier this time. She also reluctantly nods in response to Garrick's proposal that she refrain from turning undead at the moment. She'll do it if things look desperate, though.
@LadyRhian Do the amulet and the statue improve my odds of a successful turn or do they increase the level at which I turn undead as well? Or does Aerie know either way?
The empty corridor looms before Shar-Teel. A breeze makes your torches flicker wildly. The corridor goes on beyond the reach of your lights.
Forward peons, your mighty commander demands progress. Apart from his mighty throne acquisition this adventure has been nothing but folley and... *Tiax scowls at Shar-teel* Gnome throwing. Man hands and Spearboy, take the lead. Trap finder(skie) can aid you in your push forward. Tiax shall stay back here with the rear guard *he whispers* to torment Mr Goody Two Shoes *looking slyly over at where he believes Ajantis should be*
*edited because Ajantis is still invisible hehe*
"Well, as Tiax points out, we should move forward, but perhaps some careful scouting would be wise. Skie, Valygar and Aerie, I think you are the ones best suited for the task."
Shar-Teel stomps off down the corridor, making sure to snatch a torch from whomever has one lit. More mutters of severed tongues and of tiax being tossed follow in her wake.
"I don't know. The Silvershield Estate was a mansion, not a fortress."
Valygar swings the doors open. He awaits anything that lurks behind those ominous doors.
You open the door on a huge, dim hall, 70' by 40' at its widest points. Dim light falls in from the courtyard through large iron windows to the west, the glass broken and shattered on the floor nearest the window. Some spikes of dusty, dirty glass remain in the windows, and the breeze howls and moans through the openings. Hundreds of cobwebs drape the walls, hiding the ceiling from view. Directly across from the windows are the doors you have entered through, the side facing the room covered in elaborate carvings, covered and smutched with a thick layer of dust. Further south is a single, far less ornate door, also leading east. While to the northern end of the room is a Dais on which rests a single ornate throne-chair, its seat turned to face the room. Behind the dais on either side, east and west, stairs lead down.
The hair on the back of your neck stands on end as you realize the shadows are shifting and suddenly, twelve pairs of hot red eyes blink open around the room. You feel sick as you recognize the same undead creatures that Alora unwittingly summoned in the room of Lief Lipsiege are here- and now they know you are, as well.
(Wraiths sense life, so the Invisibility doesn't help you here...) And you lost initiative... and this room is one of the worst of the castle to fight in, giving you -1 to hit and +1 (worsening) your armor class while you are here. DM: Party goes "Fuuuuuuuuuuu...."
One wraith just misses Aerie, while two grab Cernd for 20 total and two drained levels. Another attacks Ajantis for 14 total and a drained level. The next goes after Shar-Teel for 13 total, and a drained level. Then Valygar gets hit for 16 total and a drained level. Aerie is hit for 9 and a drained level. Xzar gets hit for 10 and a drained level, and Skie gets hit for 11 and a drained level.
Current party levels and total: Valygar Level 6, 68hp. Cernd Level 7, 52 hit points. Ajantis Level 8, 94 hit points. Branwen Level 9, 81 hp. Aerie Level 7/8 Cl/M, 31 hp. Skie Level 8, 45 hit points. Garrick Level 7, 42 hp. Xzar Level 5 14 hit points. Shar-Teel Level 5, 47 hp. Tiax Level 8/8, 72 hp.
I'll attack the wraith attacking me.
So dark was his face as he stormed from the tavern
He bumped with a redhead that entered the door.
"Forgive me, dear woman". and offered the lady
his hand and then helped her up from the floor.
She did look him over and asked "Can you fight?
We're seeking revenge for a terrible sin,
me and my sisters. They strung up our father.
Look there are my siblings" and waved to her kin.