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Roleplaying Challenge: Ravenloft



  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Up the stairs another 60 feet, the stairs end in a five foot wide hallway that encircles the shaft of the stairwell. The roof here is broken, and the stone covering the shaft of the stair is gone, leaving a deep, deep hole that goes straight down into the bowels of the Castle. Considering how far you climbed to reach here, a 300' plus plunge straight down makes your knees go a little weak, not to mention the cold breeze that issues from the shaft. Archer's slits give a 360 degree view of the area surrounding the castle and the land beyond. The roof above is steep and aged-looking, the wooden support beams old and cracked. There is a 12' wide opening in the roof, and a 15' hole in the floor leading to the shaft. Cold air swirls around you, heavy with chill moisture that seems to suck the very warmth from your bones.

    DM sez: Oh, look! An invitation to "bump off" unwanted party members... and I only mean that literally!
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Tiax has decided to guard his newly claimed bed. He also is weary of such heights, He knows a man of his mighty stature should not be scared of such a trivial matter but still... Tiax does not trust the shifty bard an a rather large drop.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    It's not the fall that kills you... it's the abrupt stop at the end of the ride...
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    ...Or the knife Tiax has hidden in your back before the fall... tee hee hee. *Tiax quickly hushes himself, realising he is talking to "himself" again.
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    "Anyone think to keep Kivan's rope of climbing? I was busy at the time"
    Shar-Teel pats the pouch at her side meaningfully.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    I distributed it to Skie. Garrick returns to the chapel, trying to gather everyone in the invisible group.

    "So, where do we go and who will lead us there? Garrick hope that someone is around to hear him.
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    Aerie listens quietly to Garrick's report. "Away from here would be my first choice, but I think we have to go forward before we can go back home." She ponders for a second, glad that Garrick can't see her "I'm thinking" face what with being invisible and all... "The bridge might be our best route. Even if we could get back down this tower, our way is blocked in at least one direction, and we already know that nothing we seek is in here. If we have enough rope and can work together long enough to get everyone across safely, I think that might be all right."
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    "Thank you Aerie. My vote is that we try to find Gertrude before we attempt the bridge."
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @lockmund Since no one has disagreed, in which direction would you like to head?
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Garrick gather the group in the chapel and then hand out some orders hoping people will follow them. "Valygar and Ajantis, please take the front and rear positions and pick something up so that we can see it and stay together. Skie, if you rigged a trap in the corridor, please remove it, we will be going that way next. Xzar, cast your ghost armor spell now, so that you don't have to spend time with it in battle. Tiax, please shut up for once. When we are ready, let's return to Lief's room and take it from there."
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Tiax wants to know, who the hell is Gertrude and why does this person have such a ridiculous name. Also, why is he/she/it important? Tiax demands to know this, also he wants to know where everyone is... anyone... Has he been left behind *swallows loudly*
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    "Well, Keldorn thought her important. I don't know exactly know why, but I'm sure he had his reasons."
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    "This Gertrude is long dead if you want my opinion. Searching for her is a waste of time. We're better off looking for some items of power that might better fend off the dead."
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Fend off the dead, it seems to me Tiax is in the company of a Paladin and 2 righteous clerics... well maybe just one. Are you saying that they are useless against these undead?

    Surely you... big hands, have no fear of the dead?
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    "I did not realize Cyric held domain over necrophillic gnomes as well as craven fools and liars. My apologies if I don't immediately welcome the undead into my bed as readily as you, Tiny."
    Shar-Teel resists the urge to dangle Tiax over the drop with her 'big hands'...barely.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    edited February 2013
    "I did not set any traps. I'm bad at that."
    IchigoRXC said:

    Tiax wants to know, who the hell is Gertrude and why does this person have such a ridiculous name. Also, why is he/she/it important? Tiax demands to know this, also he wants to know where everyone is... anyone... Has he been left behind *swallows loudly*

    "Yeah, Gertrude sounds like someone old and frumpy. She doesn't sound like she'd be any fun."

    Skie imagines her looking something like this:

  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Tiax finds it amusing that the first thing big hands thinks of when it comes to undead is a bed rather than her sword. Perhaps her years of man hatred have left her unable to love the living.

    *Tiax scoffs loudly, then silences himself as to not give away his position to what he is sure would be a reddened face warrior lady with a penchant for slaying male gnomes*
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    "Gertrude is a young woman from the town; her mother asked us to check on her daughter's welfare and bring her home if possible." Aerie sighs inwardly, doubting such a thing will rank high on Tiax, Xzar, or Shar-Teel's list of priorities, but maybe there'll be something shiny they can squabble over later. She turns in the direction of Garrick's voice. "Very well, if there is more to this area that hasn't been explored, let us finish it."
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Yes, let us follow the invisible Bard, that sounds like a fantastic idea... *Tiax facepalms and then realises no one can see it* Tiax just facepalmed, just so you know
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Okay, since no one has expressed a desire to head in any one direction, the GM will choose.... (Be afraid, be VERY afraid!)

    The second staircase is made of old wood and creaks alarmingly, shaking a little as you climb the stairs. It leads to a landing about 20' up, and then to a long balcony overlooking the chapel. Two throne-like chairs sit on a dais in the middle of the balcony, and two dimly- lit figures sit in the chairs. They remain unmoving at your entrance.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    edited February 2013
    Hmm, I thought we agreed (grudgingly) to return to Lief's room. I also must have misunderstood you since I thought I had been up that stair and back and that it just lead to a huge hole into the center of the castle. Very well, Garrick wanted to secure the chapel, so this is fine.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Different set of stairs. But we can return to Lief's area as well. Sorry, Just ran into something irritating. :P
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    edited February 2013
    "Tiax, I don't trust the wooden floor and you weigh the least of us. Could you please take a closer look."
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Tiax leads, and by leads he means he tells people what to do. He doesn't actually go in front of people... that would be crazy.
    However, Tiax does like the idea of a throne... *Tiax takes a deep breath, stopping halfway through realising he is trying to be stealthy, coughs and splutters a little and regains composure*
    Time to watch an Invisible, no armour, super stealth gnome in action. Or that is what he would say could you see him, but you can't, you know... invisible.

    OOC: I think we are passed the wooden creaky bit as we are in the landing with the long balcony.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Tiax sees two of the same kind of zombies that attacked everyone earlier- the ones with the body parts that kept moving even after being severed from the body. There are a pair of double doors leading west 20' behind the chairs as well.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Skie thinks it wise to just sneak past the zombies.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    I'm in the back, nothing I can do.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    "Well done Tiax. I doubt we'll be able to sneak much further, they'll notice us as we open the door if not before. Ajantis, protect yourself from evil and please hold that door behind them. The rest of us will try to down the superzombies as quickly as possible. Be careful with your weapons so we don't hit one another".
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    Shar-Teel attacks whichever is closest, attempting not to dismember one of them but rather land a hit on its body.
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    edited February 2013
    OOC: When did Garrick the spoony bard become such a fearless tactician. ;)

    Tiax removes himself from the presence of the zombies, ready to help from afar. Lacking in armour n all... oh and "he let his lessers deal with issues unworthy of his attention. Such as the killer zombies from hell... ;)"

    *Edited for clarity*
    Post edited by IchigoRXC on
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