[bug] Aldeth Sashenstar Doppelganger Quest

Cannot complete Aldeth's Merchant League Quest. Killing all doppelgangers in the house but the guard captain says, that there are still doppelgangers left. There also seems to be a loop in the dialogues between the party, Aldeth and the house guard captain in that Aldeth sends me to the captain, i cooperate with the captain, i present him the docs i found etc.
Post edited by Jalily on
When I killed the doppelgangers on the third floor first I couldn't complete the quest. When I replayed that section and waited until after finding the incriminating documents then killed them I was able to complete.
Recommendation: Should change the scripts to keep the doppelgangers on the third floor as merchants unless attacked directly or after the party finds the incriminating docs.
Found him. Outside and hiding. Sorry for the fuzz. Close thread. Thanks.
So, I just ended up doing a: CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("AldethDopple", "GLOBAL", 16) to finish the quest.
I think it's just the 1 guy on the first floor who is the issue. He keeps saying to go to the third floor and is obviously a doppelgänger but never changes. If I kill him he doesn't change but doesn't deduct rep. The other merchants give clues to help so don't seem to be doppelgängers. Maybe all that's needed is a way to make him turn if attacked and that will fill the counter up?
Quick and dirty-get the documents-talk to Bran- kill 2nd floor, then first, then 3rd-talk to bran again.
Working fine
Killed every doppleganger on all three floors and triple checked every corner to be sure, also certain none got to flee outside.
Necro I suppose, but feels warranted enough.
I think the problem comes if you speak to Brandilar and show him the incriminating documents without first having a conversation with Aldeth. I reloaded (which was annoying because this was mean to be a no reload run) and ran the encounter again, making sure to discuss with Aldeth all the suspicious goings on in the Merchant League before presenting the evidence of Zorl's guilt. This time it worked fine and I have got the sword I need to turn Karoug into kebabs.